After evacuating all the sea monsters, Zhong Zhuan told Hao Ren and others a good news: a small crack had been opened in the portal, and they could release some drones to explore the way in the opposite space.

After the drone found out the specific situation of the space, Zhong Zhuan and Nolan calculated the most reasonable firing position and the best power of the artillery.

"Sister, we won't participate this time. After all, we can't find out what unexpected changes will happen to the Buddha's wrathful lotus after it passes through the surface world!" Kaiyu found that her insight eyes could not see through the real situation in the space.

"I understand, sister!" Betha accepted Kaiyu's proposal.

As the saying goes, plans can't keep up with changes. The giant vortex seems to be a "natural" phenomenon with life. When it knew that it was about to be destroyed, it actually accelerated the opening of the portal in secret, and then it accidentally connected to the dream plane.

Just when Nolan was about to give the order to bombard the vortex, the drone sent back the latest image of the other end of the rift, and then Hao Ren urgently stopped the ship girl from firing.

"Oh my god! How did it suddenly connect to the dream plane?" Zhong Zhuan was so anxious that he turned around in the air.

"Here...isn't this our hometown?" The Siren Queen looked at the picture sent back by the drone and said so with shock and excitement.

Yes, in the picture sent back by the drone, there appeared a strange planet that seemed to be all sea water and almost no land.

"Your Majesty, have you recovered your memory?" Hao Ren looked at the Siren Queen with curiosity.

"You are the savior of the Siren City. Please don't call me that anymore. Call me Katrina from now on! Thanks to that brain monster, I just vaguely remembered some of the memories I had lost!"

"That planet is the hometown of the Siren Clan. Its name is Io Star, and I also remember a little bit about the dream plane!" The Siren Queen-Katrina sighed softly.

"Katrina, you remember Io Star, so you have lived from 10,000 years ago to now, just like Vivian. Do you still remember how to operate this spaceship?" Hao Ren asked.

"The cyclical rebirth of the Siren can be regarded as a rebirth. Do you know how many times I have cycled? Forget it, these are not important. Although I remember the name of my hometown, I still know nothing about how to fly this spaceship!" Katrina responded with her hands spread out.

That's right, Katrina is the captain of the Nasaton. If she can remember how to operate the spacecraft, she can use the navigation system of the spacecraft to accurately lock the coordinates of the Io Star in the dream plane, and then through an explosion at both ends, the giant vortex can be completely annihilated.

Next, through the star map continuously transmitted by the drone, the location of the Io Star in the dream plane is completely an area that Hao Ren and others have never explored.

Seeing this, Hao Ren had to let the drone continue to explore the surroundings of the Io Star to see if the starry sky closest to the planet is an area they have contacted before.

"Okay! Anyway, there is still a month left, you can slowly explore our hometown!" Katrina patted Hao Ren on the shoulder.

"I know, I will hurry up to solve your crisis!" Hao Ren made a promise to Katrina.

The sirens are really open-minded creatures. When they heard that Nasaton would be sucked into the vortex in a month, they returned to the Siren City as if nothing had happened, and then they began to busy themselves with the reconstruction of the city.

You may ask, since the vortex now opens the passage to the dream plane, why not let it send Nasaton back to the dream plane directly?

Please listen carefully, the vortex is not sending the Siren City back to the dream plane, but through the huge suction force, it will suck it into the vortex. At that time, there will be unexpected dangerous situations. This is a situation that no one can predict. Therefore, the best solution is to blow it up!

When the sirens were cleaning up the ruins, the aliens actually took the initiative to help. Some single aliens even wanted to take the opportunity to hook up with a seaFairy girl.

Yes, there is no ugly type among the sirens. No matter how many years they live and how many times they are reborn, they are all young and beautiful, and their looks are also in the aesthetic point of each species.

Therefore, now there is such a great opportunity to get close to the siren girls, how can these young and infatuated people miss it easily!

After finding the central control room of the Nasaton, it can only read that the siren's hometown is the star Io, and it can't do anything else, let alone let the spacecraft set sail.

From this, it can be seen how brilliant and glorious the magic technology of the siren was!

But unfortunately, the Sirens, including Queen Katrina, have forgotten their past technology. The technology and knowledge they have now cannot even start their own spaceships. Even in the past 10,000 years, they have never realized that the Sirens City is a spaceship.

"Are you leaving?" When Hao Ren walked out of the central control room of the Nasaton with the final brick, Katrina appeared in front of them.

"Time is running out. The sooner you find the star Io, the sooner you will be out of danger. However, before leaving, we have to do one more thing. We have to set up some bombs at this end first!" Hao Ren said with a serious expression.

"I understand. I will gather some elite warriors and technicians and let them obey your orders!" As soon as the voice fell, Katrina turned and swam away.

"My Lady Countess, I heard that you are going to set up bombs. Can we watch?" Hasu brought four demon hunters to Vivian's side.

"Hasu boy, if you are willing to come, then come with me! If your worldview is still sufficient!" Vivian first gave Hasu and others a dose of vaccination in advance.

Under the call of Katrina, hundreds of elite warriors and technicians came to Hao Ren in unison. They were all elite sirens who had escaped the control of the brain monster. They now urgently needed to do something else to dilute the sequelae of the adverse effects in their minds.

In order to arrange the explosion point near the vortex, Hao Ren directly asked Nolan to fly from the Coibo Universe Transfer Station to the sky above the Siren City. Next, he showed everyone the mobile arsenal on the Giant Turtle Rock Platform.

"Are you sure these things are weapons that humans or aliens can make?" Hasu was shocked by the dazzling array of weapons. On the contrary, the other four demon hunters were relatively calm.

"Hasu boy, there is an interstellar spaceship lying under your feet that is at least 10,000 years old. What does it matter if we use some alien weapons? Don't you demon hunters also pay attention to keeping up with the times? Why are you so shocked now?" Vivian asked with her arms folded.

Next, while Hasu and others were still shocked, Hao Ren asked the elite of the sirens to arrange the explosion points according to his instructions. In addition, before the sirens received the blasting devices, in order to be able to be on the safe side, Hao Ren also asked Zhongzhuan to contact the goddess Shunzi again and let Raven 12345 give all these blasting devices a layer of "God's Blessing"!

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