Compared with the harmonious coexistence between Katrina, Elsa and Nangong Wuyue, the scene between Hasu, Nangong Wudi and Nangong Sanba was simply a "chicken flying and dog jumping" situation.

"Nangong Wudi, is it? You are so capable! You even kidnapped a sea monster. We, the demon hunters, will be very proud because of you!" Hasu scolded Nangong Wudi in a sarcastic way.

"Elder Hasu, everything is my fault. Please don't vent your anger on my family!" Nangong Wudi performed a demon hunter's exclusive etiquette to Hasu, and protected Nangong Sanba behind him.

"Don't worry! I have always been very generous. I don't even look down on your son!" Hasu sensed Nangong Sanba's weak demon hunter bloodline.

In fact, Nangong Wudi is not a pure-blooded demon hunter. His grandmother is a pure-blooded demon hunter. Then his grandmother fell in love with a human and gave birth to his father. After his father married into the Nangong family, which had a small fortune, he gave birth to Nangong Wudi.

Oh, by the way, Nangong Wudi was not originally called this name. The Nangong family, which belongs to a scholarly family, would never give their descendants such a second-year name. His original name was Nangong Linyuan, and his grandfather hoped that he could be selected into the Linyuan Pavilion of the current dynasty.

Unfortunately, until the court fell and the Linyuan Pavilion was disbanded, Nangong Linyuan did not fulfill the family's hopes. Also, because he was a long-lived family, he was still alone until he sent away all his relatives except his father.

When his father died in the battle with the aliens, Nangong Linyuan, who felt powerless to save his father, changed his name to Nangong Wudi, but he was still a half-baked demon hunter.

Nangong Wudi's own demon hunter bloodline was only a very meager quarter, so theoretically, as his son, he should only have one eighth of the demon hunter bloodline, but under the intervention of the siren gene, Nangong Sanba's demon hunter bloodline may be less than one tenth.

It's unfair! This is simply a blatant black box operation. Nangong Wuyue, the sister who mixed in the demon hunter gene, got the buff bonus of bloodline return, but why did the brother Nangong Sanba, who mixed in the siren gene, not only not get any bloodline bonus, but also fall further?

Not only that, in the following chat, some of Nangong Sanba's theories on treating aliens made Hasu want to get rid of him immediately.

"Nangong Sanba, from now on, you are no longer a demon hunter. In the name of the elders of the organization, I will expel your demon hunter ancestry!" After Hasu said a harsh word, he turned away from the father and son of Nangong.

"You are so lucky! More than two hundred years ago, there was also a demon hunter with similar ideas to yours, but he was personally ordered by the elder Hasu to be executed in public!" After Hasu left, Baihuo appeared leisurely.

"Thank you Miss Baihuo for interceding for us!" Nangong Wudi bowed deeply to Baihuo.

"Okay, okay, in terms of age, you are my elder, and I can't afford your gift!" Baihuo said so carelessly.

"Actually! I have my own little thoughts in helping you two! Because..." The straightforward Bai Huo actually told Nangong and his son that his hunting instinct was almost completely gone.

Yes, when they first came to Hao Ren's house, Ha Su took Bai Huo to have a close contact with every alien in this family. They didn't even have the slightest aversion to local monsters like Liu Lili and Gun Miao, let alone the hunting instinct against them.

As for Izaks and Elizabeth, although Ha Su and Bai Huo had some aversion to them, they still didn't have a stress reaction of hunting instinct. When facing the Bei Yu sisters, the two demon hunters, one old and one young, were just like facing ordinary people.

In fact, Hao Ren had already figured out that the hunting instinct of demon hunters would only work against all aliens from the dream plane to the surface world, except for the sirens. When they faced aliens from the non-dream plane, their hunting instinct would completely disappear.

It was dinner time that day. Beikai and Doudou had not returned from Goddess Shunzi yet, so everyone sat together and had a meal in a very lively atmosphere.What a pleasant but delicious dinner.

By the way, Hao Ren's second year-end benefit, in addition to the rice, flour, grain and oil, is a complete set of pots and pans. Since this set of pots and pans, when Vivian cooks and when everyone opens the lid of the table, there will be the same super special effects of emitting golden light as in the cartoon "The Cooking Master Boy".

After finishing this "ambiguous" dinner, Vivian and Hasu chatted in the living room. As they chatted, they led the topic to the fact that the latter's left eye was actually blinded by the former.

"Hasu boy, don't bluff me. Your left eye was obviously blinded by Hesperius. What does this have to do with me?" Vivian asked with a strange expression.

"I admit that she (Hesperius) did injure my left eye, but it was only my eye that was injured. It was you who suddenly rushed over and released a red poisonous fog towards us to cover the remnants of Olympus!"

"Under the interference of the red poisonous fog, most of the demon hunters present at the time temporarily lost their combat effectiveness, but my injured eye, which could have been healed, was completely eroded by the poisonous fog, and then I became a famous one-eyed demon hunter!" Hasu took off the eye patch on his left eye, revealing a blood-red eye that was really blind.

"I have completely forgotten all the things you said, why don't you let Hao Ren heal you!" After listening to Hasu's story, Vivian suggested this awkwardly.

"No need, I don't have complete trust in you yet, let's talk about curing the eyes later!" As soon as the voice fell, Hasu stood up from in front of Vivian, and he was going to instruct Bai Huo on his homework for the day.

In this way, in the small western-style building, there was another girl who wanted to cry for her parents while doing homework under the supervision of her elders. Yes, although Bai Huo's practical ability was very strong, her theoretical courses were a mess. Similarly, Elizabeth was also stress-free in actual combat, but her theoretical knowledge was always in a state of failing.

That night, in addition to the two girls Bai Huo and Elizabeth who were doing their homework, and Hasu and Izaks who urged them to do their homework, Hao Ren also studied the matter of Io until late at night. The five of them almost went to rest together, and before going to rest, the five of them also finished several bowls of wild vegetable soup stewed by "Nocturnal Creature" Vivian.

While drinking the wild vegetable soup, even Hasu and Bai Huo could already tell that the atmosphere between Hao Ren and Vivian was a little ambiguous!

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