Goddess Shunzi really knows how to adjust the speed of time in the sky castle. Beikai and the others only felt that they had been in the God Realm for half a day. As a result, when they returned to the front yard of the small western-style building with Doudou, Hao Ren and others had been back from the Siren City for a day and a night.

"Who...you two...are you?" After seeing Beikai and the others, Hasu's demon hunter bloodline had a natural sense of fear.

"Hasn't your genes, oh no, your bloodline, told you the answer?" Kaisha, whose divine power has been improved, can detect Hasu's psychological activities without the Eye of Insight.

To make the demon hunter bloodline fearful, either they are facing an alien with infinite strength, or they are facing some unspeakable existence, but Hasu believes that Beikai and the others in front of him should belong to the second category.

"Okay, stop guessing. Let's take you and the demon hunter girl to see something!" As soon as he finished speaking, Belo snapped his fingers, and then he and Kaisha teleported to Mars with Hasu and Baihuo.

Demon hunters are indeed a natural fighting nation. Not only can they move freely in the deep sea, but they can also survive in a vacuum and weightless environment for a short time.

"I heard that you once told Hao Ren that only those who can move a planet are true gods. Although the two of us can't do that, we can..."

As soon as Belo finished speaking, Beikai and the others acted together, causing the outer ring of Mars to shift a little, and also let them form an angel wing pattern in the air in front of Hasu and Baihuo, and then the two of them restored them to their original state.

Yes, after reading some knowledge points in the "Introduction to the Primary Gods of the Xiling Empire", the power of Beikai and the others has been steadily improved, but now they have to abide by the rules and regulations of the Xiling Empire: after changing the original position of the stars, please restore them to their original positions in time.

"Okay, I know! Hao Ren is worthy of our trust!" After seeing the star-moving power of Beikai and the others, Hasu bowed deeply to them with sincerity.

After returning to the small western-style building, Hasu contacted other demon hunter elders. He told these colleagues everything that happened before. When the few living saints of the demon hunters learned about what happened, they made a very important decision!

After Beikai and Doudou returned, everyone in the small building continued to live as usual. Except for Hao Ren who was working day and night to find the star of Io, the rest of the people lived happily. Perhaps Baihuo and Elizabeth might also be excluded.

After chatting with Goddess Shunzi about some topics, Beikai and the others learned that the gods of the Xiling Empire and even the other two major pantheons had a variety of ways to give birth to offspring, but the natural method of reproduction was rarely used. Because the probability of natural reproduction was already very small, they were more willing to use technological means to create their own offspring.

It is precisely because of the technological means of reproduction that among the gods of these three major pantheons, most of their respective offspring are children from real single-parent families. A drop of blood, a hair, a small piece of skin or a small piece of nail, after being placed in a special cultivation device, only ten months later, you can harvest your own children.

Of course, if it is not placed in the cultivation device, but placed in other places, such as directly "discarded" in the wilderness, it can also slowly give birth to its own offspring, but the process will be correspondingly slowed down a lot.

In addition, in the mortal world under the jurisdiction of the three major divine systems, there are still many mortals or other races with ill intentions who want to obtain the body tissues of the gods and the little bits and pieces related to them. Then they will use some formal or informal sacrificial rituals, or even technological means, to artificially cultivate a descendant of a god.

The three major divine systems have a common rule: no matter how the descendants of gods are produced, as long as these descendants of gods appear, the gods as fathers or mothers must assume the responsibility of being parents. They have to bring their descendants back and guide and educate them correctly.

For this reason, with the continuous strengthening of divine power, Beikai and his friends want to give birth to their sons in a natural way, which is estimated to be more and moreThe more unlikely the problem is.

Therefore, since returning from Goddess Shunzi, Beikai and his partner are not very keen on taking compulsory classes every night. They now devote more energy to their daughters' education and tirelessly increase their knowledge through reading.

It took Hao Ren half a month to research and search for Io, because the drones took off from the periphery of Io and flew to the starry sky they had explored, and flew for a full fifteen days.

After the drone explored the familiar starry sky closest to Io, Hao Ren spent almost another day to finally find the connection point between the dream plane and the surface world closest to that starry sky. Fortunately, the space size of this connection point is just enough to accommodate Nolan's barely passing.

Because Nolan was driving to the dream plane, this time everyone was mobilized. Yes, even the Bekai family had to go together. At the same time, Bekai and the others had to verify something.

Hasu, who was riding the data transmission channel of the final brick for the first time, vomited a lot of discomfort the next second after arriving at the Coybo space transfer station. In a moment, a small robot more than half a meter tall flashed over to catch his vomit.

Looking at the space station that only appears in science fiction movies, Hasu and Baihuo's three views seemed to be reset.

"Nolan, before you start the boat, get a safety belt to tie them up, and then give them some respirators, so that they won't get seasick and vomit in your body!" Hao Ren specifically explained that Nolan needed to pay special attention to Hasu and Baihuo.

"Understood, landlord!" Nolan's sweet electronic voice echoed in the hull of the Giant Turtle Platform.

After Hao Ren's special instructions, two space chairs appeared behind Hasu and Baihuo as soon as they boarded the ship, and then equipment such as seat belts and respirators appeared on them.

After the passengers were in their respective positions, Hao Ren asked Nolan to set sail. When the Giant Turtle Platform was making an interstellar leap, Hasu and Baihuo really felt uncomfortable. With the help of respirators, the two of them barely stabilized their bodies.

When Nolan passed through the barrier between the dream plane and the surface world, Bekai and the others really felt a stronger sense of rejection than before the divine power was enhanced. Although they finally came to the dream plane, the suppression of the will of the universe on them became more obvious than before.

After arriving at the dream plane again, the divine power that Bekay had just obtained could naturally not be used in this world. Not only that, the suppression of the will of the universe on the two of them was even greater than before. At this moment, Kaisha could not even start the void engine, and at this moment, Bero could not even transform into Super Saiyan 2. At most, he could only maintain the state of Super Saiyan 1!

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