After helping the nine kingdoms move and becoming the "King of Dawn" or spiritual leader of New Asgard amid the cheers of the crowd, Hao Ren officially parted ways with Anthony and Galadriel.

Oh, by the way, Yalifula was also left in New Asgard, becoming the messenger of the King of Dawn, supervising the development of human civilization for Hao Ren. Of course, more importantly, the Valkyrie refused to leave there.

Next, after Hao Ren sent the extra tenants back to the small building, he brought Vivian, Hessianna and Odin to the Athens Shelter.

What no one expected was that when Odin came to the Athens Shelter, no one could recognize his true identity, because at this time, he was still so thin that he looked unrecognizable.

For this situation, old man Odin didn't care. He casually gave himself a pseudonym, and then went to find Hela, and he also mixed into the guerrillas of the alien team.

"Vivian, let's follow the wishes of old man Odin! He has completely given up his former glory and is just an ordinary old man!" Hao Ren stopped Vivian who wanted to persuade Odin to "cheer up".

"Hao Ren, you are right, maybe he has really come to a great enlightenment, let's not bother him in the future!" Vivian kept staring at Odin's departing back until he disappeared from her sight.

After bidding farewell to Odin, Hao Ren and Vivian took Heather Anna and set off towards the location of the Holy Immunity Vampire Family. Along the way, the two of them were always talking and laughing, and the little bat spirit following them became a little redundant "light bulb".

"My dear aunt, you are finally back. If you don't come back, Lucas and the others will have to annex your family!" Hesperius, who was in charge of family affairs for Hesperius, began to complain as soon as he saw the little bat spirit.

"Don't give me that. If they dare to do it, I will turn this place upside down! But I still thank you for looking after my house for a while. I will treat you to a big meal later!" Hesperius expressed her gratitude to Hesperius.

"Forget the big meal. Just don't make trouble for me. I heard that you brought an old man back to the shelter this time. Who is he? I don't believe he is an unknown person!" Hesperius changed his humorous expression and put on a serious expression.

"Odin!" Vivian said so concisely.

"Oh my god! He's not dead yet! The King of the Gods of the Nordic countries is alive, but our King of the Gods is gone. This is really unpredictable!" Hesperius was only slightly shocked and sighed about the fact that Odin was still alive.

"We discovered some truths this time. Asgard left us a lot of clues. I wonder if there are similar clues in Mount Olympus?" After Vivian, Hesperius and Hesperius finished chatting, Hao Ren asked the goddess of dusk.

"Similar clues, in our Mount Olympus, just a few years before the demon hunters were about to attack us, many gods headed by Zeus suddenly worshiped the statue of the Countess, but I know that they were not worshiping the Countess herself, but... but..." There were some things that Hesperius couldn't say for a while.

Hao Ren and Vivian both heard the hidden meaning of Hesperius' words. Zeus and his people were not worshipping Vivian but the Goddess of Creation. In other words, Zeus and his people should have learned about the relationship between Vivian and the Goddess of Creation at that time, whether it was unintentional or because of some memory returning, so they hoped to gain salvation by worshiping the Goddess of Creation.

In this way, the clothes Vivian wore on the statue in the Cloud Temple were actually the clothes of the Goddess of Creation. Zeus and his people at that time must have remembered some vague memories about the Goddess of Creation, but they didn't know what the goddess looked like, so they used Vivian's image to replace her.

"Using my image to replace my mother, Zeus and his people deserve it!" Vivian said with twitching eyelids.

"Don't say that! At least it proves that Zeus and his people had remembered some things related to the dream plane a few years before the destruction, but it was a pity that they didn't have time to put it inIf this information is passed out, we will be in trouble!" Hao Ren patted the back of Vivian's hand.

"They should have told me, but I forgot everything! "Vivian vaguely remembered something.

Unfortunately, compared with the alien space of the nine kingdoms, the alien space to which Mount Olympus belongs is located in a mountain range on Earth. After the demon hunters slaughtered the gods of Olympus, they razed the entire mountain range to the ground, and the entire alien space was swept into the turbulence of time and space, so Vivian could no longer go there to evoke memories.

Yes, the demon hunters were seriously injured in the expedition to Mount Olympus because most of the demon hunters died in the turbulence of time and space. After they won a decisive victory, they were careless for a moment and were activated in self-destruction mode by the remaining "gods", and then dragged a large group of demon hunters to perish together with Mount Olympus.

Before leaving the Athens shelter, Hao Ren and Vivian still With Hesperius, he went to Hesperius's family to attend a dinner. When leaving, the two sides left each other's contact information. If Hesperius thought of any key information temporarily, he could contact Hao Ren at any time.

When they officially left the Athens Shelter, Vivian and Hesperius hugged each other for a long time, and Hao Ren stood aside and recorded it with the end brick. This was a very warm and touching moment.

Hao Ren's strength has improved a lot, and the functions of the end brick have also been unlocked. On the earth today, the two of them can do any space teleportation anywhere on the earth with no more than ten people at a time.

But the premise of doing this is that these places are addresses that are on the surface. For example, Hao Ren and others could not be directly teleported to the Athens Shelter. At most, they could only be teleported to the antique shop in Hesperis.

After Hao Ren and Vivian teleported directly back to the small western-style building from Athens, the harmonious atmosphere in this family lasted for more than half a month, and then there were journeys to the dream plane again and again.

With their enhanced divine power, Beikai and the others could roughly guess whether Hao Ren and others needed their participation in each journey to the dream plane, or more precisely, whether Doudou needed to participate. After all, the will of the universe had already stated that this mermaid baby was born with a mission, and her mission was related to the crisis of the dream plane.

For two consecutive journeys to the dream plane, Beikai and the others did not set out with everyone again. In these two journeys, During the journey, Hao Ren and others encountered the Eggshell Planet and Zenith Planet one after another, and both civilizations were in a state of survival.

Before the eldest son went crazy, the Eggshell Planet received a reminder from the Star People in advance, so before the disaster came, all the people on the planet worked together to create two mechanical arks and took about one million humans to escape.

However, during the escape, the two ark spacecrafts had mechanical failures at the same time. In order to preserve the life of the planet, the people on Ark No. 1 took the initiative to give up their lives and gave the air filtration system of the spacecraft to Ark No. 2. Then the people on Ark No. 1 brought out the most abundant food and put on the most gorgeous clothes. Everyone celebrated with singing and dancing, and then everyone welcomed the arrival of the end of life with a smile!

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