When Hao Ren and others arrived at Ark No. 1, they saw the people on the spaceship, who kept their last smiles before their death, and were sleeping here like statues.

After seeing the situation on Ark No. 1, Hao Ren and others came to Ark No. 2. Although the people here were still alive, there was a civilizational fault, and they also developed four tribes similar to primitive civilization in the spaceship.

After searching for a while, Hao Ren and others found an old man named "Lawrence" in a deep culture chamber on Ark No. 2. The old man claimed that although Ark No. 2 survived, it was attacked by an unknown virus. Except for teenagers under the age of fourteen, all adults died, and he was only eighteen years old at the time, and was the only adult who survived.

In order to be foolproof, the last group of people who survived that year built a life-sustaining cradle for those children, letting them enter the life cradle and wait for the virus to completely dissipate. Lawrence, as the common parent of the children, was responsible for teaching them relevant civilization knowledge after they woke up.

After Lawrence had mastered enough knowledge points, he was sent to the life cradle by the last few surviving adults.

Lawrence's task was to teach the culture and history of the planet to those teenagers after the virus completely dissipated. As a result, those teenagers woke up early, and Lawrence had to sleep for more than 3,000 years longer than these children.

Although a civilization that was once able to build a mechanical ark has now degenerated into a tribe of four primitive people, Lawrence still feels that he has died without regrets for being able to preserve the life of the planet, but Hao Ren saved his life with a small piece of golden apple.

After that, Lawrence became the spiritual leader of the four tribes, and Hao Ren brought Ark II to Io. Coincidentally, when designing the two mechanical arks, the people on the planet had already anticipated that the two ships might land on the water. Therefore, as soon as it touched the sea surface of Io, Ark II automatically expanded into a water city.

The newborn Eva was very happy that Hao Ren and others could bring the survivors of a planet to settle on Io. She welcomed everyone in a turbulent way without hurting anyone's life, and also presented some seaweeds rich in extremely strong vitality to her new neighbors. Yes, these seaweeds evolved from the moss that Hao Ren poured in.

In this way, Io will become the dream plane, the common home of the three surviving civilizations. I hope He can usher in a brighter and more glorious tomorrow.

As for Zenith, they also used their own home planet as a price to attract star energy to kill the body of the eldest son with the help of the people of the starry sky, and also turned their home planet into a dead star. The interstellar ark they created was as big as the moon in the star system.

Like the Eggshell Planet, Zenith only evacuated a few million people, but when they arrived on the Moon Ark, they were also attacked by the eldest son's mental power. At the same time, the interstellar ark had not moved half a centimeter since its birth for some unknown reason.

In this way, under the continuous attack of the eldest son's mental power, the survivors of Zenith gradually developed a state of physical degeneration. They knew that they were unlikely to survive, so they took advantage of the time when they were still able to move and created a group of high-level intelligent bionic robots.

The humans who originally held a glimmer of hope, after witnessing their own situation, have become worse and worse. At the same time, no newborns have been born in recent decades, so they finally decided to let these bionic robots live on their behalf. They seemed to be teaching children, and taught these agents all the knowledge points of planetary civilization.

After teaching the bionic robots, the last group of surviving humans also created an electronic program called "Intelligent Brain" to control everything on the interstellar ark, including controlling all the agents. Yes, until this moment, these last surviving humans have not given up hope of survival.

After the intelligent brain took over the interstellar ark, it also did its best to protect the last batch of humans. When humans could no longer survive in the outside world, itHumans were allowed to enter the incubator to continue to survive. When the ordinary life support system could no longer sustain human life needs, humans were immersed in nutrient solution. After that, the nutrient solution was replaced with a solution of higher concentration generation after generation...

In the end, these surviving humans could no longer be called human beings. They turned into piles of light pink tumors that could move slightly in cans of high-concentration solutions.

When Hao Ren and his team saw these tumors, some people, represented by Liu Lili, didn't know how many times they had vomited, because these tumors looked so disgusting.

Hao Ren told the intelligent brain that human civilization had ended, and the future Zenith planet belonged to the world of bionic robots. When humans made these robots, they had already foreseen that they could not survive, and these agents were gradually awakening their self-awareness, which was the best proof.

After accepting Hao Ren's suggestion, the intelligent brain opened the transparent jars, allowing the tumors inside, which could no longer be called human, to slowly reach the end of their lives in the air.

Next, the intelligent brain also started the self-destruction program, because only when it was gone, those bionic robots would have a real new life, and only when it was gone, the agents would collectively awaken their self-awareness, instead of just one of them awakening. This was also a back-up plan left by the last batch of humans: when the intelligent brain and humans perish together, it would be the beautiful day of the rebirth of the bionic robots!

By the way, the production level and technology of these bionic robots on the Zenith planet are much more advanced than those under Skynet. As long as it is an organ that humans have, these agents will all have it, but they are artificial organs created using other materials. For example, the heart of the agents is actually an energy circulation device, and their blood is an energy solution.

Therefore, when Beikai and the others learned about the bionic robots on Zenith Planet, they insisted that Hao Ren bring out two agents, one male and one female, from the dream plane. They wanted Skynet to copy the agents' technology and save it in the database of Electronic Star.

Although Eggshell Planet and Zenith Planet are both in the state of civilization survival, the people of these two planets built a tombstone for their respective planetary civilizations at the same time as they built the interstellar ark. Now these two tombstones are in Hao Ren's hands, and he is considering whether to hand them over.

After thinking about it again and again, Hao Ren handed over the tombstones of Eggshell Planet and Zenith Planet to Goddess Shunzi in full.

This time, when Hao Ren met Goddess Shunzi, her state seemed to be a little beyond his expectations. She actually changed her previous hip-hop (let go of herself) style and changed herself into a gentle and quiet appearance!

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