Even if Hao Ren had money, he didn't want to pay it. Moreover, he didn't have the money in this time and space. He directly pinched the male gray mouse's shoulder blade and forced him to tell the information he had: I... I said... I said, there are several witches and a wizard. They have just gathered in this town recently, because it is said that a very powerful witch was captured by the church some time ago, and they probably want to save her!

"Landlord, let's go and have a look! I haven't seen it yet. What does the real execution of witches look like?" Liu Lili said with great interest.

"Take us to find those witches!" After thinking for a while, Hao Ren threatened the male gray mouse again to be a guide for him and Liu Lili.

"No, no, sir, please let me go! You can ask me to do anything, but you can't let me take you to find Lady Mary and the others, otherwise, I will die miserably!" The male gray mouse kowtowed and begged for mercy.

"You have only two choices now, either take us to find Madam Mary, and you will die after seeing her, or you will die immediately!" Hao Ren gave Liu Lili a hint with his eyes, and the husky girl immediately understood and scratched ten marks on the ground with her two dog claws.

"My lord, please be kind, I am just a rat in the gutter. The witches just asked me to watch and see if there are witch hunters and dark people passing by here. The reward they paid me is just some low-level magic potions. I don't even know where their gathering point is, and the one who contacts me is just a witchcraft puppet!" The male gray mouse said so stutteringly.

This era is really worthy of being the mythological era, the dark age after the end. Even the wizards who used to be alien servants are now so cautious. You know, even in the mythological war period, vassal characters like them would not even be included in the hunting list of demon hunters.

In addition, you should not expect or believe that the male gray mouse in front of you will have any loyalty, because his previous employer may be a demon hunter or a vampire. After all, people like them often "loyalty" to two or even more masters at the same time.

"Okay, it doesn't matter if you don't know the gathering point, just take us to the contact point. If you can't even do this, then your life will be in danger!" Hao Ren did not press the male gray mouse's shoulder blades, but directly changed to pinching the other's neck.

"I will lead the way, I will lead the way, please let go first, okay? Ahem..." The male gray mouse, who cherished his life like gold, finally had to succumb to Hao Ren's threat.

When the male gray mouse was about to lead the way, the night watch soldiers of the human church appeared a few hundred meters away. Liu Lili's pair of dog ears immediately heard the specific number of the other party, and the male gray mouse was so scared that he dared not resist anymore.

Under the leadership of the male gray mouse, Hao Ren and Liu Lili chose to walk in all kinds of dark alleys and even went into the sewers... The Bei Yu sisters floating in the air did not have this "hobby", so they followed the three people on the ground.

In the process of leading the way, the male gray mouse did not think about taking the opportunity to escape, but when he saw that Hao Ren and Liu Lili were running and it seemed that they were about to leave afterimages, the last bit of luck in his heart died down. He turned around and asked involuntarily: I want to know who I am serving now?

"Just treat us as demon hunters!" Hao Ren looked at his outfit, he was completely cosplaying Hasselblad without an eye mask.

"In this era, demon hunters will not call themselves demon hunters, as long as you are not demon hunters!" The male gray mouse can finally lead the way boldly.

Yes, in the dark age when the human church was in vogue, the demon hunter organization had to call itself a member of a certain church. They usually called themselves the Holy Light Church!

Under the leadership of the male gray mouse, Hao Ren and Liu Lili passed through the dark alleys that were as dense as spider webs and came to the slums of this city. This place was like a huge dirty nest. All kinds of dirty things you can imagine are commonplace here.

After passing through the dilapidated buildings in the slums, Hao Ren and Liu Lili came to a dead end. The male gray mouse walked to a stone wall covered with moss. He used his fingers to follow a certain line on the surface of the moss.After wandering along the road, a few minutes later, an old female voice came from behind the stone wall: You damn stinky rat, not only did you fail to complete the task, but you also brought back two strangers. I will melt you on the spot!

"Mrs. Mary, please forgive me. They are not demon hunters, but..." Before the male gray rat finished speaking, an unpleasant smell of burning permeated from his body from the inside out, and then his body began to twitch, and then he slowly turned into a real-fire man, and finally he was burned directly into a pile of charcoal.

"Of course I know that they are not demon hunters. Do you need a rat to explain this? Guests from afar, now we can have a good conversation!" The stone wall slowly opened, and the elderly Mrs. Mary, with a very elegant lady's step, came to Hao Ren and Liu Lili.

"Tsk tsk tsk, this rat died a little unjustly!" Hao Ren looked at the pile of charcoal on the ground.

"Necessary caution is the way to survive in this world. I am very grateful that he brought two guests here, but I don't want him to bring other guests here!" Lady Mary laughed hoarsely.

"Are you sure we are not demon hunters?" Hao Ren asked Lady Mary.

"If you were demon hunters, you would have followed the veins of witchcraft and burned the holy flame to our lair. Let's get to the point. I don't have extra time to accompany you here!" Lady Mary said impatiently.

"I am a wizard, and this is my werewolf friend. We just want to save the witch who is about to be burned to death with you!" Hao Ren introduced himself and asked Liu Lili to cooperate with him, so that she showed her dog ears and fangs.

If Hao Ren hadn't stopped her in time, Liu Lili, the husky girl, would have almost cried "woof and woof" on the spot.

"To tell you the truth, there are no captured witches. These are all rumors we spread in order to take revenge on the human church. Although they know that these are rumors, they have to gather together to discuss countermeasures!" Lady Mary waved her hand, and Hao Ren and Liu Lili could leave now.

"Okay! Then I have other news, such as the movements of the demon hunters!" Hao Ren pulled out a long sword from his waist, which was a high-quality imitation of Hasselblad's sword.

"In that case, you can follow me!" After considering it again and again, Lady Mary reluctantly agreed to Hao Ren and Liu Lili's joining.

Although they joined, Hao Ren and Liu Lili were still not allowed to team up with the wizard group. The next morning, the two of them used some information provided by Lady Mary to find out the latest movements of the human church on the streets of the city.

As Hao Ren and Liu Lili walked, they came to the central square of the city. Under a stake, there were some gray ashes and a male body hanging next to it. In this dark age, the human church dealt with heretics by hanging men and burning women!

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