"No wonder there is an epidemic in this era. This body has been hanging for at least half a month!" Liu Lili's dog nose can roughly smell how many days a person has been dead.

"Publicly displaying the victim is also an effective means of maintaining order. In this era, a body like this usually has to be hung until the rope breaks automatically!" Hao Ren covered the hood more tightly.

"Landlord, this knowledge point is not difficult for you. I have graduated from North Star University four times. However, do you really think that the Human Church has caught a witch? Didn't Madam Mary say that this was fake news?" Liu Lili pretended to be tidying up her clothes, but she was actually looking around.

"Before I left, Hasu told me that in the Dark Ages, don't easily believe anything the aliens say to you. In order to survive, they have already let honesty and credit rot in their stomachs!" After saying this, Hao Ren whispered in Liu Lili's ear: In terms of credibility, demon hunters are much more reliable than aliens.

"That's natural. After all, they are all my descendants!" Liu Lili said so with a smug look on her face.

"Hasu also gave me a list of credibility in the Dark Ages: werewolves ranked first, because if they don't trust someone, they will directly drag that person into the alley and beat him up. Vampires and the four gods... the descendants of the pseudo-god system are also worthy of trust... and the least worthy of trust in aliens are wizards!" Hao Ren handed an A4 paper to Liu Lili.

When Liu Lili was reading the list of credibility of aliens, Hao Ren came to a brick in the corner of the square. After he carefully picked up the brick, he found the Leta rune on the back of the brick. It can be seen that the wizards had come here to set up control in advance. They should plan to see who the captured witch is before deciding whether to rescue her.

"Landlord, I am really a little curious. Can ordinary humans really catch real witches?" Liu Lili walked in front of Hao Ren.

"In this era, the human church is not all a group of frauds. The ancestors of some of them did serve those false gods, and they also learned a trick from the hands of the false gods. When the false gods completely fell, these humans who once served the false gods became the behind-the-scenes masters who controlled various human kingdoms in secret!" Hao Ren sighed softly.

As Vivian once said, in the golden age of mythology, the popes and bishops who conveyed the "oracle" for the "gods" were only puppets of the "gods" at that time, and every word they said was not from their heart.

After the "gods" withdrew from the stage of history, these popes and bishops lost their control and clamps, and they could convey the "oracle" to the believers as they wished. Therefore, the closer to the timeline of modern civilization, the more these charlatans were labeled as real-liar by humans.

Therefore, to this day, even if a person who really knows how to tell fortunes goes to tell fortunes for passers-by, no one will be willing to believe him. If a person who really knows magic performs magic for everyone, everyone will only think that he is performing magic. The real skills are misunderstood as fake tricks or even deceptions, and the root of all this is the evil created by this group of fraudsters.

After a whole day of strolling in the city, Hao Ren and Liu Lili went to meet the wizard group in the evening, and then they told the story of finding the Leta rune in the square, and they also exposed the fake masks of Mrs. Mary and others in public.

"I didn't expect that you two would actually go to confirm it. Well! In this case, I will no longer hide it from you. The human church has indeed captured a powerful blood mage. Her name is Heather Anna!" Mrs. Mary finally told the truth.

"Puff (Puff)..." Not only did Hao Ren and Liu Lili spit out the wine they had just drunk, but even the Bei Yu sisters who were invisible to everyone laughed.

If the factor of the same name and surname is removed, can the group of real-half-pot water in the human church catch Heather Anna? Is this someone pretending to be this little bat spirit?

But if it is really Heather Anna, there is only one explanation. SheHe was deliberately caught by the human church in order to lure out Vivian. How many irrelevant and stupid things has this little bat spirit done in order to see Vivian over the years!

"What's wrong? Do you know Lady Hesien?" A young witch named "Helen" asked Hao Ren, who was behaving a little inappropriately.

"We do know a friend named Hesien, but she is not a blood mage!" Hao Ren felt that even if the other party was really Hesien, the profession of "blood mage" was probably made up, because vampires and blood mages are not the same concept.

"Okay, these are not important. Tell me the information you have!" Helen said thoughtfully.

Facing this group of untrustworthy wizards, Hao Ren casually made up a lie: Several demon hunters are approaching here! In order to gain the trust of these wizards, he also took out a bunch of high-quality imitations of demon hunters - demon-killing props.

"Demon hunters will not discard their weapons!" A witch questioned.

"Demon hunters are just difficult to kill, not impossible to kill. These things are all the spoils I seized from a demon hunter after killing him!" Hao Ren was really bragging.

"God bless us, we finally have a powerful and reliable ally!" Hao Ren's nonsense finally won the trust of these witches.

When the witches went to discuss the specific matters of the robbery, the only wizard in the wizard group, Barn, came to Hao Ren, and he also said shockingly: I know you are deceiving them, but everyone has secrets, I won't expose you, I just hope that when the time comes, you don't come to hinder my plan!

"Who are you? You don't seem to be a real wizard!" Hao Ren asked Barn with a serious expression.

"Wizard is just one of my identities. I also have another identity, the descendant of Haroun's Night Watch Knights. As for what we are guarding, it has nothing to do with you!" As soon as he finished speaking, Barn turned away from Hao Ren.

Looking at Barn's gradually receding back, Hao Ren felt that tomorrow's robbery would be very exciting. The human world of this era is really an era of great changes. I don't know if the demon hunter I made up will come to join in the fun this time?

When the witches were hiding in the cemetery and planning the robbery, a group of people in black uniforms were lighting a bonfire on an open space beside a small road far away from the city, and they were taking a break. Horses were tied to trees on the side of the road, and shining holy silver swords were hung on the saddles.

A tall leader stood up from the campfire and looked towards the city. In the night, there were only a few faint lights, and it was almost impossible to see any specific details. Then a young deputy followed the leader and stood up: Elder Hasu, is it really worth it for you to go to such a small place in person?

Hasu looked back at the inexperienced young junior, then he turned his head and said: A qualified hunter will never despise any hunting, and you don’t know how dangerous she is, especially when she is about to wake up!

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