Liya led Hao Ren and his party to walk in the secluded path in the White Maple Leaf City. They almost passed through the entire civilian area, and then arrived at the magic gathering point in the southeast area of ​​the city. At this time, it was already night.

As the saying goes, nobles are not necessarily mages, but mages can be regarded as half nobles, because they are well-deserved intellectuals. In the world of magic and science, mages are advanced production power and intellectuals. Therefore, their status is naturally much higher than that of civilians.

The magic group is a class that is qualified to live in the center of the city. They can live with the noble class, but many mages prefer to live alone. Therefore, in the southeast area of ​​the city, there are hundreds of large and small magic towers.

Here, the glow emitted by various magic devices and the discrete magic energy filled in the air make the entire city bright as day.

The illumination of these magic lights is no less than the brilliant lights of the city lord's mansion in the center of the city, and the towering magic towers in the night sky add a lot of mystery to this city that never sleeps.

Among the many luxurious magic towers, Leah's poor and run-down magic tower stands out from the crowd. Therefore, the location of her magic tower is closest to the civilian area.

This is a stone building more than 20 meters high. The traces of decay on the outer wall are already mottled, and there are some places where the coating has fallen off. Even the magic wires buried in the wall can be seen. Some tattered places are even supported by unknown steel bars... The whole magic tower gives people the illusion that it will collapse if a strong wind blows.

After seeing the various dilapidated scenes of this magic tower, Liu Lili, this idiot, suddenly wanted to write a big word "demolition" on the wall of the magic tower.

"Don't look at it because it's old. This is the earliest magic tower built in this area by my teacher's teacher's teacher! In addition, as long as the infrastructure is intact, the magician's stuff can continue to be used. Don't worry! I have food, hot water and heating in it!" Leah said so with great momentum.

So this magic tower has never been renovated since it was built, right? Miss Leah, how many generations have you been poor?

"Bat, is this person related to you?" Liu Lili had to make fun of Vivian when she got a chance.

"Big dog, shut up, I'm slowly getting rid of the label of the poor god now!" Vivian quietly shocked Liu Lili's dog tail.

"Everyone, come in with me! Be careful that the brick at the door is a bit loose!" Liah, with an embarrassed look on her face, quickly called Hao Ren and others to enter her magic tower.

After the group entered the Mage Tower, the scene inside was indeed as Leah said. Although the exterior looked shabby, the facilities inside were indeed quite complete. At least the lights were still on, the tables and chairs still had four legs, the door could still be closed, and the heating was also supplied normally...

After settling everyone down and handing out the corresponding food and tea, Leah leaned against the fireplace and told everyone about the glorious deeds of her teacher and the ancestors:

The first generation, after a serious alcoholism, went to challenge a dragon and died, the second generation, after a serious drug abuse, went to challenge a dragon and died, the third generation, after a serious drug abuse and excessive drinking, then went to challenge a group of dragons and died, the fourth generation, did not drink or take drugs, but went to propose to a female dragon, and was beaten to death by the female dragon's husband... And my teacher was the luckiest. Before he had time to challenge the dragon, he was backlashed and killed by the dragon-slaying spell he developed.

Hao Ren asked Leah on behalf of himself and everyone else: How big is the hatred between your family and the dragon clan? Also, those mercenaries who were tricked by you to carry out the mission, weren't they all injured by the dragon!

"I don't want to kill the dragon! They were injured for other reasons!" Leah stroked her golden hair with embarrassment.

When Leah brought the main course, because there was a little raw meat in the plate, the little weak chicken came out from Vivian's arm in the form of a blood mist. When the blood mist came in front of the raw meat, the blood mist slowly turned into a human form.

The little weak chicken hid in Vivian's arm, and everyone was surprised.I had never noticed it. After all, before the official departure, Hao Ren entrusted the little weak chicken to the goddess Shunzi. Unexpectedly, this little guy actually hid in Vivian's body and came to the Lost Kingdom with everyone.

"No wonder I always had a strange feeling after leaving the Raven Goddess. It turned out that she was hiding in my body. The Raven Goddess forced her to eat noodles, and unexpectedly forced out one of her hidden skills!" Vivian picked up a piece of raw meat and went to feed the little weak chicken.

Next, Leah asked Hao Ren and his party to introduce themselves one by one. Finally, when it was Beikai's turn, she called them aside separately, and then she put on a new look and said: My identity, please keep it secret!

"This is your dream world! Leah is your dream incarnation. Once you wake up, will this place collapse?" Kaisha asked Leah, oh no, to the goddess of creation.

Yes, although the strength of Beikai and the others has been sealed by the will of the universe, they still have the most basic divine sense. Therefore, they saw through Leah's true identity at a glance, and in turn, Leah also saw through their divine identities at a glance.

"If you had come a little earlier, this place would have collapsed when I woke up, but it won't now. The dream world of the true god will gradually settle from the virtual world to the real world as time goes by. In addition, this is not all my dream world!" The goddess of creation, Leah, put her hands behind her back, showing an unfathomable mysterious posture.

"You are waiting for someone, right? Waiting for someone who can wake you up. The mission you and the mercenaries are going to complete is to wake you up from your slumber! Why don't you want to wake up yourself?" Bello is observing Leah's micro-expressions.

"Because I can't wake up by myself, because I made myself fall asleep. As a true god, I am in a state where I can only be awakened by others. You two have not yet reached the realm of true gods. There are some things that you two can't figure out!" Leah's mysterious posture is gradually fading. It can be seen that the main consciousness of the goddess of creation can't "occupy" the body of the dream incarnation for a long time.

"We may not understand the specific details, but we can roughly guess what you said. Don't worry! We will keep your identity secret, because this is also a test for Hao Ren and others!" Kaisha stretched out her right hand to Leah.

"My mission is not only a test for them, but also an opportunity for you two. I hope that some of my experience and insights can help you two!" Leah stretched out her right hand and shook hands with Kaisha with some regrets of not meeting each other earlier.

After shaking hands with Kesha, the main consciousness of the Goddess of Creation withdrew from Leia's body. However, this little magician still retained a trace of the Goddess of Creation's thoughts and memories, so she repeatedly told Becky and the others to keep their secrets strictly!

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