"Bero, do you think the goddess of creation is like a little loli like Leah?" Kaisha asked suddenly with a flash of inspiration. After all, no one had ever mentioned the height and appearance of the goddess of creation before.

"Kesha, maybe her real appearance is not like Leah, but I have a hunch that the appearance of the goddess of creation is probably like this little loli. After all, the dream incarnation and the original body should have some connection in appearance!" At this time, Belo was already imagining how beautiful it would be if a guardian giant nearly 20 meters tall knelt in front of a little loli over 1 meter tall and called the little loli "mother".

Yes, Leah's appearance is similar to that of the two Sha (Betha and Elizabeth) loli. She looks like she is only 12 or 13 years old at most. I wonder if Vivian can call the goddess of creation, who is smaller than herself, "Mom" openly? Beikai and the others said they were looking forward to seeing this scene soon!

Leah's commission was also very "simple", that is, to go to the Changfeng Ridge area outside the White Maple Leaf City and explore the ruins in the big tunnel. As long as they don't go too deep, there will generally be no danger to their lives.

"Plans really can't keep up with changes! We came here to find the goddess of creation, but we became mercenaries. Now we have to help a magic lady to explore the ruins buried underground!" When Leah went to rest, Nangong Sanba complained like this.

"What happened to the landlord was normal? He went to the goddess for an interview and applied for the position of office clerk, but now the situation has deviated to the sky!" Liu Lili shook her dog's tail.

"Lili, it seems that your mentality is not bad!" Hao Ren glanced at Liu Lili.

"Of course, being a mercenary, exploring ruins, making money, digging treasures! These plots are all the plots of online novels that I often write. Now I can finally experience and feel them in person. Of course, I feel very happy!" Liu Lili said with shining eyes.

"I knew that I couldn't expect you to have any serious ideas, big dog! Everyone, Hao Ren and I are going to look up some information and learn about the local customs and customs here. Do you have any plans?" Vivian first glanced at Liu Lili, and then she looked around at everyone present.

"I'll go, I'll go, my favorite thing is reading!" Liu Lili, the academic dog, is really interested in reading. Of course, there is also the soul of the first saint of the demon hunter.

"I'm going back to the room to rest. The thing I hate most is reading!" Elizabeth just turned around and wanted to go back to the room, and her whole person was lifted up by Yzax.

"Children should read more books, and stop thinking about playing all day!" Yzaks carried his daughter and walked towards the study room of the Mage Tower.

After the Nangong siblings looked at each other, they walked into the study room one after another, and then the Beiyu sisters followed with Doudou, and finally Beikai and Gunmiao went together. This cat-eared girl didn't go to read books at all, she was just afraid that everyone would leave her alone to eat.

No matter which world you are in, if you want to become a magician, you have to master a lot of knowledge. Even the most destitute magician has to collect a huge amount of books. Although the storage capacity of books here is still far behind those of wealthy magicians, the scale of the study room here can also be described as "a mountain of books and a sea of ​​books".

"Everyone, search separately now. We only need books related to world intelligence. Lily and Gun are in one group, Nangong and his sister are in one group, Lao Wang and Elizabeth are in one group, Vivian, Heather Anna and I are in one group, and you should also scan the terminal. As for Mr. Bei, please do as you please!" Hao Ren made such arrangements.

For this reason, Liu Lili even protested a little. Why should Gun Miao be grouped with her? Then Hao Ren explained a little that putting the people with the highest education and the people with the lowest education together would help balance the intelligence and IQ of both parties. As a result, the husky girl actually thought that this sentence seemed to make sense!

In the next book search session, the Beikai family, who were given free time, were the first to find books related to "Da Dao Keng". It turned out thatThe Great Tunnel is not a mine tunnel or a specific underground cave, but a continental plate that spreads across the entire planet. It is even possible that it extends to the underground pores in the endless ocean. As for Changfeng Ridge, it is just the most obvious entrance to the cave.

In addition, this planet is called "Lahrien". Under its continental plate, there are countless crisscrossing underground holes. Their structure is like a honeycomb, and this is the so-called Great Tunnel.

The distribution of the Great Tunnel is not uniform, and their depth is not constant. In the fertile land area in the east of the continent, the Great Tunnel is buried very deep, and the locals are almost not affected by it. However, in the Far North, the location of the Great Tunnel is close to the surface. It is said that there are even some shallower Great Tunnel, which are directly connected to many mining holes.

The big tunnel is a very terrifying underground landscape in this world, because it is not only filled with poisonous fog and highly corrosive gases, but also monsters often run out of it, and there are some strange creatures that humans cannot understand or even resist, which will emerge from the big tunnel from time to time.

According to a wild history: There was once an ancient kingdom that had to dig a shelter downwards because of war, but accidentally dug through the rock top of the big tunnel, and then the monsters that drilled out from the ground directly destroyed the entire kingdom. It is said that the ruins of this kingdom have become a black forest, and people who enter the black forest have never come out again.

The above content is actually not of any particularly useful reference value, but the parchment scroll found by the Beiyu sisters is the most valuable document.

According to the content on the parchment scroll: There was once a scholar named "Ron Zell". When he was practicing a secret method, his soul temporarily left his body and mistakenly entered the big tunnel. His soul saw many traces of ancient civilization in it. Therefore, he believed that the ruins of civilization from the previous era must be buried in the big tunnel.

"Combining all the existing information and Nolan's scanning results, the ruins of civilization in the big tunnel are very likely to be the fragments of the kingdom of the goddess of creation. It can be seen that we really have to explore this big tunnel!" Hao Ren made a summary speech.

"How come it's a lucky coincidence again? Most of our adventures seem to be unintentional and invisible, and we accidentally touch the original!" Vivian said so self-deprecatingly.

Yes! From the perspective of Hao Ren and others, if Leah hadn't suddenly appeared, and if everyone hadn't watched Leah's public embarrassment out of curiosity, they would probably not have found such valuable clues until now. Little did they know that in the eyes of Beikai and the others, all their experiences were actually specially arranged by the goddess of creation!

Just when Hao Ren and others were about to go to bed and recuperate, Nolan made another major discovery: outside the atmosphere of this planet, there was actually a whole piece of broken land floating in the air, which would pass over the sky of the planet at a fixed time every night. Just when everyone was a little confused, Leah, who was out for a walk, said that it was the broken heaven, which is a common natural phenomenon on the planet Lahrien!

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