Narration 1: The end of the previous chapter and the first part of this chapter are all original content of the author. In the original work, Vivian did not dare to call Leah mom or mother until the end of the finale. As for Heather Anna calling Leah grandma, she was sternly rejected by Leah. For this reason, Leah asked Heather Anna to call her aunt!

Text: Everyone ate happily at this family dinner in the small western-style building, but only Hao Ren seemed to be chewing wax, because he was constantly thinking from beginning to end, how to deal with his mother-in-law.

Just when the battery life of the quality projector had entered the countdown of ten minutes, Leah finally asked Vivian seriously: Do you really plan to spend the rest of your life with Hao Ren?

"Mother, Hao Ren is a good man. Although he doesn't know how to comfort people, he is very kind-hearted. I am really happy to be with him!" Vivian said her true thoughts about Hao Ren in front of Leah.

"He is indeed a good man and a good match for you. However, before the crisis of the dream plane is completely resolved, you two can't talk about marriage!" Leah finally reluctantly gave in.

"Don't worry! Mother, this is also an agreement between Hao Ren and me. Before the crisis of the dream plane is resolved, we will not cross the last bottom line!" Vivian said so with a red face.

In the next few minutes, Leah talked to Vivian and Heather Anna in private until her mass projection clone disappeared in the living room of the small western-style building.

"Bero, Goddess Leah just said something with a hidden meaning!" Kaisha, who had been watching the show, asked Bero who was holding her.

"Keisha, it seems that there is something else behind Hao Ren's identity. Goddess Bingdis chose him as the judge of the dream plane, which must be related to his hidden identity!" Belo also saw through it at a glance. Leah's words were full of meaning.

"In that case, let's guess what Hao Ren's hidden identity is?" Keisha wanted to bet with Belo again.

"Mom and Dad, my sister and Doudou also want to guess!" Besha suddenly got in between Beikai and the other two.

Combining all the existing clues, the Beikai family, who always like to guess different answers, made a surprisingly consistent guess this time: Hao Ren's hidden identity should be that person!

Since learning that Leah could use the mass projection clone to come to the surface world, Vivian "borrowed" the mother machine of the mass projector from Hao Ren. She would "summon" her mother to come and reunite with her whenever she had time, and sometimes, she would bring Herceana to see the goddess of creation.

Narrator 2: In the original work, on the eve of the final battle, Hao Ren would adventure in the dream plane with Leah's projection clone and Vivian. They would encounter space pirates in the process, and a series of "interesting" things would happen. However, the author intends to omit these contents and fast forward to the plot of revealing the hidden identity of the male protagonist.

Text: When the power of the Lord of Madness began to slowly spread out from the Dark Abyss, everyone knew that the decisive battle was about to come. Everyone prepared to divide the battlefield into two parts. Leah, Hao Ren and Vivian went to the Dark Abyss to directly face the Lord of Madness and the Goddess of Destruction, and then the others went to deal with the evil army that was contaminated by the power of darkness.

And in order to be foolproof, Hao Ren also asked Odin to retrain an Enheriya Legion with a total of 100,000 people. Because their essence is the fusion of soul and armor, they can easily pass through the wall of reality and reach the dream plane for support.

On the eve of the decisive battle, Leah also issued a mobilization broadcast for the entire universe. As a result, this mobilization broadcast made her and Hao Ren discover the shocking secret hidden in the demon hunter. It turned out that more than 10,000 years ago, the goddess of destruction sent down a fake oracle to let the five ancient magic emperors of Horta Star to create the demon hunter. The real purpose was actually to intercept the distress signal of the goddess of creation.

Just put three men and four women in the near-moon orbit of an intelligent planet, and Leah's broadcast signal will be completely intercepted! In this regard, the goddess of creation said: The distress signal I sent out that year was really just for fun, and then the goddess of destruction also saidHint: I also created the demon hunters for fun, and asked them to intercept your distress signal!

No wonder Goddess Shunzi once said that the Goddess of Creation is an ignorant wild goddess, and her opponent, the Goddess of Destruction, is also an equally ignorant and stupid goddess.

Hao Ren thought that it would be better not to let them know the truth about the birth of the demon hunters, otherwise they would probably fall into a state of self-doubt.

On the other hand, when the assembly of the creation engine reached the last step, Muru and other guardian giants discovered that two golden discs were incompatible. For this reason, they called their mother, Leah, to check the situation. As a result, she found that on one of the discs, there was actually a mark of her own divine blood.

Leah took out the golden disc alone, and she called Hao Ren and herself to touch the divine blood mark together, and then the two of them fell into the illusion of the day when the goddess of creation was killed.

When he fell into this familiar illusion again, Hao Ren did not show much surprise. He just looked around, but did not see any trace of Leah. However, after observing carefully, he found that this illusion seemed to be more real than the previous one. Some of the blurred scenes became clearer at this time.

As the surrounding scene gradually became clear, Hao Ren heard the various sounds of the godslayers attacking the Creation Temple: they had already breached all the side halls and were attacking the main hall with all their might, and the divine barrier of the main hall seemed to have failed...

Then, the voices of the guardian giants came in: the second door of the main hall had been breached, the reserve team quickly went to support the mother, the mother's bedroom was slowly sinking, the energy of the Sea of ​​Origin was gradually out of control, the rebels opened a door under the bedroom, everyone quickly went to support...

The guardian giants rushed to support the goddess of creation, but were all knocked out by their mother, and then sent to the guardian's black battleship one by one, and opened the space portal to send them all out of the Star of Creation.

At this moment, Hao Ren was extremely clear that every time he entered this illusion, he had never heard the voice of the Guardian Giant or the God-killing Rebellious Son. Not only that, at this moment, even after some fragments of the temple fell on him, his energy shield would automatically start. It seemed that this was a complete illusion of virtuality and reality.

Just when Hao Ren was about to escape from this illusion, the scene in front of him became the hall where the Goddess of Creation was assassinated. At this time, the leader of the God-killing Rebellious Son was standing in front of him with the God-killing Sword. The other party's face was exactly the same as the statue of the rebellious son in the ultimate pardon ceremony.

"You..." Hao Ren just said one word, and the body of the God-killing leader melted like a candle, and then this pool of golden and red liquid gradually surged onto Hao Ren's body. After only one minute, he himself became the appearance of the God-killing leader.

Next, Hao Ren tried his best to regain control of his body, but he could only watch helplessly as he held up the God-killing Sword and slowly walked towards the Goddess of Creation in the hall, and he undoubtedly stabbed Leah in the chest with a sword.

At this point, Hao Ren had understood everything. He, or more precisely, his previous life, was the leader of the God-killing rebellious sons. It was his previous life that personally killed the Goddess of Creation, and the divine blood mark on his arm was not the mark of the savior of the dream plane, but the mark of his killing as a godslayer.

At this moment, Leah's divine blood was flowing along the drawn God-killing Sword, and part of it was spilled on the two golden discs behind her, and another part of it was splashed on Hao Ren's arm, and then the divine blood mark became even clearer!

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