When Hao Ren exited the illusion, he had returned to his normal appearance, and the God-killing Sword was stuck in Leah's chest, but there was no trace of blood around the wound.

"I was right, you are really him!" Leah was staring at Hao Ren with a strange look.

"Leah, I... that..." Hao Ren really didn't know what to say this time.

"Don't say anything about apology, come and help me draw the sword! Although all this is an illusion, it still hurts so much!" Leah's mouth twitched involuntarily.

Hao Ren walked to Leah tremblingly, and when he held the hilt of the God-killing Sword, he asked carefully: Are you sure you want me to pull it out directly? I've read in a book that drawing the sword directly will cause heavy bleeding!

"Shut up, I've told you this is an illusion. Although you'll still feel pain, there won't be any bleeding after the sword pierces your body!" Leah's expression showed that she was really in pain at this moment.

"Then bear with it for a while. I'm going to draw my sword!" With Leah's repeated assurances, Hao Ren held the hilt of the God-killing Sword with both hands.

"Be gentle!", "Puff!", "Fuck, it hurts!" If someone who didn't know the truth heard these sounds, they would definitely think that Leah and Hao Ren were doing something shameful.

"Where is this? Why did I faint again? Why did the goddess lie down again? Fuck, didn't I stab the goddess again? Goddess, I'm sorry, I really didn't mean it just now, I..." The God-killing Sword Spirit began to chatter about self-examination.

"Shut up!" Leah and Hao Ren said to the God-killing Sword in unison.

"What happened to you?" Hao Ren threw the God-killing Sword on the ground and walked forward to support Leah.

"I told you it was an illusion. The wound is fake. I won't die again, but the pain is real!" The wound on Leah's chest was slowly healing, and the pierced clothes were also gradually recovering.

"What I just did was, how should I put it? Anyway, I stabbed you with a sword uncontrollably!" At this time, Hao Ren still couldn't believe that he was the leader of the God-killing rebellious sons.

"You don't have to deceive yourself anymore. When I just entered this illusion, I recited a true god spell: Everyone returns to their place!" Leah saw through Hao Ren's little trick at a glance.

"Okay! I know, I am the leader of the God-killing clan. I stabbed you with a sword in my previous life, right?" Hao Ren finally accepted this cruel reality thoroughly.

Once upon a time, when Hao Ren knew that Liu Lili was the reincarnation of the first demon hunter saint, he had imagined whether he was also a super powerful figure in his previous life. As a result, it seems that he was really a great figure in his previous life. He was the leader of the God-killing Clan who dared to kill the goddess of creation!

Liu Lili dared to brag about her previous life, but did Hao Ren dare to brag about his previous life? If he dared to reveal any word about this matter, those guardian giants would rush over and cut him into pieces! Also, how would he face Vivian in the future?

"Did you already know that I am him?" Hao Ren calmed down his ups and downs a little.

"When I first saw the divine blood mark on your hand, I had some vague memories, but I was not 100% sure at that time. It was not until I touched the divine blood mark on the golden disc that I remembered it completely, and then I brought you here to verify it!" Leah explained calmly.

"Then why did you lie that this divine blood mark was the mark of the savior of the dream plane?" Hao Ren touched the divine blood mark on his arm.

"Yes! Why did I convey this message to my children back then? This divine blood mark is obviously the evidence that you killed the gods. Shouldn't I convey a message to the children specifically targeting you to the ends of the earth?" Leah's memory was broken again. She didn't remember the real reason why she conveyed such a message to the guardian giants.

"I have another question. When my previous life assassinated you, the God-killing and rebellious clan was clearly wiped out by the thunder of divine punishment of the universe's will. Not only theirTheir bodies and even their souls have all dissipated, but why can I still reincarnate into the surface world? "Hao Ren suddenly thought of this key question.

"Do you still remember the ultimate pardon? The faces of other alien specimens are blurry, which means that I pardoned their entire race, but only the specimen of the rebellious son has a very clear face, which means that I only pardoned one person among the rebellious sons! If I am right, you should be the undercover I sent to the enemy camp! "Leah expressed her speculation.

The undercover sent by the Goddess of Creation to the Goddess of Destruction actually became the leader of the God-killing rebellious sons. Hao Ren's previous life might have been tailor-made by Leah! He was able to take on the final killing mission so accurately!

Yes! When the God-killing leader was assassinating the Goddess of Creation, Leah was completely unresisting. Combined with the fact that she was behind the God-killing War, Hao Ren's previous life was completely discussed with Leah in advance to perform a scene of assassinating the real God in front of the Goddess of Destruction! But what is the purpose of the two of them doing this?

"I forgot the most critical details again. My memory is so bad! Well, don't be upset anymore. Anyway, I won't tell this secret to anyone else. Please keep it in your heart. Although you are the undercover I sent, you stabbed me with your own hands. I can't guarantee that when the children know the truth, they will rush over to beat you up, and whether Vivian will accept you again! "Leah is comforting Hao Ren who bowed his head and admitted his mistake.

"The details should be hidden in the assassination process, Leah, please go back to the assassination process again, I suddenly thought of some key points!" Hao Ren raised his head and stared at Leah with a firm look.

"Fuck you, it seems that you are not the one who was assassinated, and you don't feel any pain, right? I said that although it was an illusion, the pain is real! "Leah's face was full of rejection.

"You can find a way to pick both of us out, and then we can watch the whole process of the killing frame by frame. Don't tell me that you, as a true god, can't do it at all!" Hao Ren used provocation to Leah.

"Okay! I may not have been able to do it before, but I should be able to do it now! True God Mantra: Space Retracement!" After taking a deep breath, Leah retraced the whole process of killing herself.

As Leah's words fell, the surrounding scenes returned to the scene where the God Killer held the God Killer Sword and walked towards the Goddess of Creation, while Leah and Hao Ren stood by and admired the "stage play" performed by the two of them.

"I didn't expect that in my previous life, I was even more handsome than Sanba! "Hao Ren looked at the face of the God-killing leader and commented emotionally.

"You are still boasting. Your image in your previous life should have been created by me. How come my aesthetic concept at that time became like this: Look at this golden armor with a bunch of ghostly symbols engraved on it. I feel a little embarrassed when I look at it now!" Leah seemed to have remembered a little bit of memories. It seemed that Hao Ren's previous life was really created by her, and she also referred to the aesthetic concept of the Goddess of Destruction.

Just as Leah and Hao Ren were talking, the God-killing leader had walked in front of the Goddess of Creation and was ready to stab her with a sword...

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