"Yes, if our guess is correct, the decisive battle will be held in a month. But we have one more thing to tell you today. We have found out the identity of the man who killed the gods!" Hao Ren did not intend to expose the disguise of Goddess Shunzi.

"Hasn't that guy been struck by the thunder of divine punishment of the will of the universe and destroyed his body and soul?" Raven 12345 picked up another cup of tea.

Hao Ren waited for Goddess Shunzi on purpose. After drinking a sip of tea, he said slowly: The leader of the godslayer is my previous life!

"Puff..." Raven 12345 really lived up to the expectations of the "people" and spit out the tea he had just drunk. Hao Ren felt so happy about this: Let you pretend to be a hermit again!

"You two were hesitating in front of the Genesis Engine before, so you were hiding this matter! You two actually did such a big thing behind my back!" Vivian stared at Leah and Hao Ren in amazement.

Behind Vivian, Bei Kai and the other two showed an expression of "as expected". The fact that Hao Ren might be the reincarnation of the God Killer Leader was already guessed by their family in advance.

"You, you definitely did it on purpose just now. Now I finally understand why Mistress Bingdis personally appointed you to be responsible for the reconstruction of the dream plane. It turns out that this is all the sin you committed in your previous life!" Raven 12345 sprayed the tea at least three meters away.

"How should I explain this? My memories of my past life may have been cleared by the thunder of divine punishment in the universe. Leah and I saw the process of killing gods in the illusion. We..." Hao Ren described in detail to everyone that the leader of the godslayer was an undercover of the goddess of creation... and his and Leah's guesses about this matter.

After Hao Ren finished describing all this, Vivian wanted to question it a little, but Leah stood up again to prove it.

"Leah, you pardoned the sin of the god-killing rebellious son, but in fact you only pardoned one person in Hao Ren's past life, and when you were dying, you also extracted his soul from your body, and let his soul pass through the preset coordinates of Yogudora Hill, through the wall of reality and come to the surface world for reincarnation. All of this was planned in advance by the two of you. You two are playing a big game against the goddess of destruction and the lord of madness!" Raven 12345 guessed a relatively complete course of events.

"So, what were you two doing back then? Making a weapon, was it the God-killing Sword? Making it a real weapon to kill gods?" Vivian gave a relatively reasonable explanation.

Although the Little Sword No. 2 has always been called the God-killing Sword, it is only qualified to be called the God-killing Sword after it has truly killed gods. When it is stained with Leah's divine blood and branded with the message of "having killed gods", its name of the God-killing Sword is well deserved.

"Vivian's speculation is not quite accurate, Hao Ren, let me check your body! The weapon you and Leah want to make may be yourself!" Raven 12345 waved gently at Hao Ren, and then a holy golden light enveloped the other's entire body.

The golden light only enveloped Hao Ren, and it quickly dissipated after just a few seconds. Then the goddess Shunzi murmured to herself: There was nothing before, but now there is something more.

"Sister Raven, what is there in my body?" Hao Ren asked anxiously.

"It's not your body, but your soul. There is an extra piece of information in it. Perhaps this piece of information hides the whole truth of the year. In addition, this piece of information also resonates with Vivian's soul. Take out the God-killing Sword! I will teach you how to use it. You should have mastered the power!" Raven 12345 has already guessed the whole truth.

Narrator: The author will omit some of the subsequent plots. Let's go directly to the final decisive battle!

The night before the decisive battle, the Night Watchmen guarding the Dark Abyss blew up all the space nodes before evacuating, weakening the boundary instinct of the Mad Lord as much as possible, but some evil deformed creatures still ran out.

When the Night Watchmen composed of the Star People evacuated to the entrance of the Dark Abyss, everyone saw a sea of ​​stars, from the depths of the abyss.At the same time, the power of the Lord of Madness also followed the Night Watch and emerged from the entrance of the Dark Abyss.

As soon as those crazy energies came to the real world, they rolled violently in the air like vegetable oil in a hot pot, and then countless shadow creatures came out of the energy tide. They were all a group of monsters that made people's scalps numb.

Some were deformed giants with countless limbs, some were irregular pieces of meat covered with large and small eyes, and some were even a cloud of smoke, and in the smoke, rotten flesh and torn faces were constantly gushing out...

"Except for the annihilation spear, all other artillery turrets are free to fire!" Hao Ren immediately issued a combat order, and then all the giant energy artillery turrets on the watch fortress built near the entrance of the Dark Abyss were firing freely.

When the Watch Fortress opened fire, the Night Watch troops also quickly transformed their forms. They changed from a group of shining energy creatures to physical creatures with the essence of crystal, and one crystal warship after another was also displayed.

"The Night Watch troops have all evacuated. I am the supreme commander-Altier. Now we will attack these dark creatures with all our strength!" On the command ship of the crystal warship, Altier issued such combat orders.

In this way, the crystal warships of the Star People also joined the battlefield with gunfire...

In this battle, Hao Ren also converted the old drones into self-destruct drones. Their targets were also those dark creatures who wanted to die with them.

"In the dark abyss, there is almost no substantial matter. These dark creatures all come from the nightmare of the Lord of Madness. Originally, they should not be so rich and colorful. It is the arrival of the Goddess of Destruction that makes them so diverse!" Leah, standing on the control platform of the fortress, evaluated the types of dark creatures in this way.

In the entire dream plane, how many creatures have dreamed in the past ten thousand years? As long as they are creatures that have dreamed, the Goddess of Destruction can copy their images, and then distort them to a certain extent, and finally turn them into these ugly dark creatures!

Under the heavy fire suppression of the Watch Fortress, the continuous shooting of the Night Watch's crystal fleet, and the continuous attack of the self-destructing drones... The dark creature army that rushed out of the Dark Abyss was finally slowly repelled back, and the Lord of Madness and the Goddess of Destruction did not seem to have any plans to send the next group of soldiers to fight. For this reason, everyone temporarily breathed a sigh of relief.

According to Atil's description, when the Night Watch troops withdrew from the Dark Abyss, the last layer of the sealed defense barrier had not completely collapsed. These dark creatures could break through the broken barrier, but the Lord of Madness and the Goddess of Destruction could not break through. However, this last layer of defense barrier should not last long!

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