The cage in the Dark Abyss was divided into three areas by Leah. In the innermost area, there were three lines of defense, with a large number of rune arrays and artificial celestial bodies distributed on these three lines of defense to limit the range of activities of the Mad Lord.

When the power of the seal gradually failed, the Mad Lord corrupted and disassembled the tangible substances in the three lines of defense into primitive chaotic things. The Dark Abyss has gradually returned to its ancient appearance.

When the Mad Lord was corrupted, almost all the sealing power was lost, and He automatically returned to the deepest part of the nest. He only sent dark creatures to attack the Night Watch troops, and He himself did not intend to do it himself.

"He has obtained the wisdom of the Goddess of Destruction and wants to wait for me to go in and fight him! Before I go in, he will continuously release dark creatures to erode the entire dream plane. We have no choice now, but to fight to the death!" Leah sighed deeply.

Before officially facing the Lord of Madness, everyone has to pass the level of the Goddess of Destruction. She is now hiding in the area closest to the Lord of Madness. She can get a constant supply of energy in it and can consume the strength of Leah and others as much as possible.

For the special area where the Goddess of Destruction is located, Nolan actually proposed to "sacrifice" his own void engine. This engine is a high-level creation of the Xiling God system. Once it explodes, it will generate very powerful void energy, which can just neutralize the chaotic energy in the dark abyss, so that the Goddess of Destruction and the Lord of Madness will temporarily lose the subsequent replenishment of the consumed energy.

After Nolan decided to sacrifice his kidney, Hao Ren and Zhong Zhuan worked out a route for how to escape from the Dark Abyss in case they were defeated by the Lord of Madness and the Goddess of Destruction. Then they returned to Tanagos and prepared for the final battle.

Horta, Airem, Io, Dome... all the intelligent planets in the Dream Plane, they sent out their best troops. After all, this battle was related to the survival and future of the Dream Plane. All the warriors were determined to fight all the dark creatures to the end.

This time, the tenants in the small western-style building did not go out in full force. Gun Miao was left alone at home. In order to prevent her from running around, Hao Ren left her almost a year's worth of top-quality cat food before going out.

Due to the limited bearing capacity of the wall of reality, Hao Ren only selected the most powerful alien combatants in the surface world: such as Odin, Hela, Hesperius, Yalifula, Gene Lucas, Hogwolf, Katrina, Grace, Gregorian, Hasu and Baihuo.

The two battlefields originally planned were divided into three battlefields when they were on the scene: the location of the Lord of Madness and the Goddess of Destruction was the first battlefield, the rest of the Dark Abyss was the second battlefield, and all areas outside the Dark Abyss were the third battlefield.

Except for Leah, Hao Ren and Vivian, no one else in the first battlefield can go deep into it, including Bekai. The second battlefield is the exclusive battlefield for the Guardian Giants and the People of the Stars. People with particularly strong strength can enter with them. In the third battlefield, everyone is invited to perform as they please according to their own strength.

The Lord of Madness who had gained wisdom was a little different. When the fleet of the Guardian Giants and the Star People came to the entrance of the Dark Abyss, He and the Goddess of Destruction actually chose to close the space node at the entrance, so that Hao Ren sent out many self-destructive drones to blow up the entrance of the Dark Abyss, thereby consuming a large number of combat units of the Justice Party.

After the entrance of the Dark Abyss was blown up, large pieces of corrupt energy emerged one after another. Salaman and other Guardian Giants who were well prepared for this threw the annihilation spears that were already full of energy at the corrupt energy. The annihilation spears were stained with the breath of the World Tree. This was a vaccine weapon specifically used to deal with corrupt energy.

Tens of thousands of annihilation spears formed a protective wall near the Watch Fortress. At the same time, the giant antenna array in the fortress was also activated. The antenna array cooperated with the protective wall to form a fan-shaped protective layer in the air. The corrupt energy was not only blocked by the protective layer, but also had a trend of weakening evolution.

"The vaccine has taken effect!" Zhongzhuan flew up excitedly.

"This is just the first step.How is the situation on the battlefield in the rear? "Hao Ren opened several holographic projections: the images of Yzaks, Nangong siblings, Liu Lili and others appeared in front of him. The background of each of them was different. There was the Royal Mage Tower of Horta and the infinite ocean of Io...

"Everything is normal on Aerym!" Yzaks said with a serious face, and Lanina and Hiltan behind him were summoning the joint army of various races. This time, even the mages of the Glorious Sect joined in.

"Io is also very peaceful!" Liu Lili followed closely and said so. Behind her stood the 30,000 Enheria Guards and the mortal troops of Eggshell City led by Lawrence.

"King, Tanagos has just encountered a small invasion of darkness. A small-scale dark infection appeared near the Holy Spring Valley, which has been cleared! "Valkyrie Yalifula, wearing silver-white armor, reported to Hao Ren the latest battle situation on Tanagos.

"Landlord, the Kolo planet has also encountered a dark invasion. Veronica and others are leading the army to fight. They seem to be very good at dealing with this kind of dark creatures and don't need my help at all!" Nangong Wuyue also reported the current battle situation to Hao Ren.

On the Dome Planet, Nangong Sanba was fighting side by side with the agents. He was too busy to report the latest battle situation to Hao Ren, but the holographic image showed the actual battle situation on the planet.

"We intercepted the corrupt energy here, and the two of them let the dark creatures invade various intelligent planets from other space nodes. It seems that the Lord of Madness has really become smart!" Leah listened to the latest battle situation on various planets.

"The coverage area of ​​the vaccine energy has reached 100%, and the broadcasting system is currently loaded at 72%. It is scanning the dark abyss and found a shallow breakthrough. It has been uploaded to the Giant Turtle Rock Platform! "The communication network of the drone group is working continuously.

"Nolan, how are you prepared?" Hao Ren switched the communication channel.

"Don't worry! Landlord, I'm ready, the shield is full, the power is sufficient, and I can enter the dark abyss at any time!" Nolan's tone is full of confidence.

"Check your system carefully, maybe this trip is a one-way ticket!" Hao Ren took Leah and Vivian to the captain's room of the Giant Turtle Rock Platform.

"If you can come back alive, I will definitely print a one-way ticket for you!" Faced with a powerful enemy, Nolan did not give Hao Ren any face at all.

"The entrance is open, let's go! "Leah said this expressionlessly, and then the Giant Turtle Platform moved forward at full speed towards the dark abyss.

On a battlefield measured in light years, a spaceship that is only a few dozen meters long can no longer be described as tiny. It can almost be regarded as a speck of dust in the universe, ignored by everyone.

The central tower of the Watch Fortress opened an inconspicuous space transmission channel, and the silver-white Giant Turtle Platform glided out of the channel lightly and silently. Then she accelerated into a silver-white stream of light, and rushed towards the battlefield in the distance where chaos and darkness intertwined with each other with an indomitable momentum.

"The front-line command is now transferred to Yzaks and Yalifula, and the World Tree Temple has started the self-discipline mode to monitor various changes in the battlefield at any time! "Hao Ren sat in Nolan's captain's room and calmly issued various instructions.

"Muru, Dusa, Sif, Loken, once the situation develops to the worst, you must take everyone to leave the dream plane as soon as possible, and the drone group will cover you." Vivian also issued an order that sounded like a last word.

After explaining everything, Nolan drove Hao Ren, Leah and Vivian into the dark abyss. The surrounding scenery was suddenly switched to various indescribable distorted forms... It looked like countless pairs of evil eyes were watching them step by step into the eternal and endless dark world...

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