When the Giant Turtle Platform plunged into the Dark Abyss, the corrupt energy stopped pouring out of it. Then, news of the invasion of dark creatures came from various intelligent planets, and then all the warriors began a crazy killing operation.

In the Dark Abyss, the attacks of the Lord of Madness were basically invisible. Nolan's external monitor did not capture any form of attack, but the energy shield of the Giant Turtle Platform was continuously issuing alarms that certain nodes were attacked.

After passing through the two layers of cage areas on the periphery, a black and viscous amorphous substance came into the eyes of Hao Ren and the other two. After the viscous substance came into contact with other substances in the cage, it would be assimilated into dark atoms, and then the dark atoms turned into a small energy tide and flowed to the deepest part of the cage.

"These viscous substances are the tentacles of the Lord of Madness, and His body is also this kind of viscous substance!" Leah looked at the extremely familiar scene in front of her.

Nolan was traveling through these viscous substances, and the ship inevitably came into contact with this substance. Under the protection of the energy shield, the outer shell of the spacecraft could be temporarily intact, but these viscous substances could even assimilate the energy shield.

"How is the shield?" Hao Ren asked Nolan anxiously.

"The recovery speed can barely keep up, don't worry! Landlord, I can travel through the void world, these viscous substances can't bother me!" Nolan's tone was obviously a little guilty.

"I rushed in when my brain was hot, and I didn't think much about disturbing His life. The hundreds of millions of troops I led at the time had already lost more than half as soon as they came into contact with His body. I wasted a million years here, and finally found that He didn't even have a physical body!" Leah said so emotionally.

"So the mother's subconscious mind must give Him a core, so that He can be destroyed from having no entity. Mother, you are really obsessed!" Vivian sighed softly.

"This is not just my obsession, but the obsession of all living beings in the dream plane. Although I admit that I shouldn't have rashly come in to disturb Him, creatures like Him should not be born in this world!" Leah said so with a firm look in her eyes.

The previous plot has already said that in the dream plane, the goddess of creation who represents the attributes of light and life, and the lord of madness who represents the attributes of darkness and destruction, will have a battle sooner or later, but it was Leah's "meddling" that caused this battle to break out many years in advance.

"I once questioned whether everything I did was right. The universe seems to be eternal, but in fact, it will end one day. Perhaps the Lord of Madness represents the way of destruction of the dream plane!"

"But now all this is meaningless. In order to survive, life must resist the way of destruction. Even if He represents a certain rule of this universe, I will break it all with my own hands, because resistance and survival are also the natural process of the universe!" Leah's eyes became more determined.

If Kaisha was here at this time, she would definitely be able to have a very strong spiritual resonance with Leah. Any universe and plane has its own way of destruction. This is a test given by God to gods and humans. If you pass this test, you can usher in a brand new future and tomorrow. If you can't pass this test, then all life and the material world will be overthrown and reset.

Hao Ren and Vivian could not understand Leah's theory of the Way of Destruction. At the same time, the hull of Nolan's ship had been gradually eroded by the power of madness. The energy shield of the ship had been perforated, and the armor plate of the spacecraft was also assimilated bit by bit.

"Nolan, don't be afraid. As long as your original core is still there, no matter how serious the damage to the ship is, the Xiling Empire will have a way to repair you!" Hao Ren was cheering Nolan up, and then the Giant Turtle Rock Platform continued to move at full speed towards the lair of the Lord of Madness.

On the other side, when Nolan flew into the innermost cage, the warships of the Guardian Corps also entered the outer space of the Dark Abyss one after another. Their mission was to try their best to prevent the army of dark creatures from escaping from here and harming the dream plane.

The warships of the Star People were responsible for guarding the periphery of the Watch Fortress, and tried their best to destroy the army of dark creatures that escaped from the Dark Abyss at this location.

"Dear brothers and sisters, retreat is not our style. For our mother and all the living beings behind us, we must fight these dark creatures to the end! "After starting the automatic attack program of the command ship, Salaman led the crew out of the warship. They were going to hunt down the army of dark creatures in person.

"For our mother and all the living beings, we will fight to the death!" Muru and other guardian giants also led their crews out of their respective warships and went to hunt down the army of dark creatures in person.

"Xiaobei, Xiaoyu, go if you want to! Be careful, your father and I can only cheer you up here!" On Salaman's command ship, Kaisha solemnly instructed the sisters Beiyu.

"As long as you give me enough time to charge, my super Buddha's angry lotus can send them to the west!" Besha said so confidently.

"Don't worry, mom and dad, I will protect my sister's safety! "Kai Yu showed his angel form, holding the flaming sword in his hand.

In the following battle, Kai Yu held the flaming sword and killed every dark creature that tried to get close to Betha. After the "all-star" lineup of Buddha's wrath lotus took shape, countless dark creatures were annihilated in the explosion of gorgeous special effects and the sea of ​​​​flames filled with various strange fires.

After the first round of Buddha's wrath lotus attack, Betha began to condense the second Buddha's wrath lotus, and Kai Yu continued to be responsible for protecting her sister's safety. The sisters' means of attacking the dark creatures were like this. Simple, crude and repetitive...

On the planet Kolo, a ball of golden flame smashed a twisted piece of meat in mid-air. This was the charged attack of the Enheriya Guard. Their attack killed the dark creature that wanted to attack Veronica in a timely manner.

Veronica pulled out her guardian sword from a monster. After thanking the Enheriya Guard behind her, she continued to fight in a new round of battles...

Three years later, the planet Kolo once again became the battlefield of the chaotic world. The Sanctuary believers who had changed their ways, led by Pope Karasius, Under the leadership of the Dark Creatures, they bravely rushed forward to the army of dark creatures. At this moment, they were all brave and fearless warriors.

Not only the human coalition, the Warcraft and subhuman races on the Colo planet also formed a powerful army. They joined the human camp and started a life-and-death struggle with the dark creatures...

When facing the army of dark creatures, all the intelligent creatures in the dream plane joined hands regardless of race. At this moment, they were all natural allies. On Horta Star, the human army led by the female marshal, Ofra, was fighting side by side with the werewolves all over the mountains.

There are many werewolf tribes. They are brave warriors who have prepared to defend their hometown alone. However, when the Kingdom of Horta was invaded by dark creatures, the leader of the werewolf tribe chose to send a strong reinforcement here, because the priests of the Return Sect explained to the werewolves the truth that the lips and teeth are cold.

Becky, who lives on the planet Arim, rode a warhorse and traveled freely in the battlefields of Horta. While waving her sword to kill the enemy, she reminded her comrades around her that it was not the time to relax their vigilance. Before the goddess sent the oracle that the dust had settled, everyone had to persevere and hold their positions!

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