Wrapped in the distorted light, the spaceship completely lost control. It began to randomly appear and disappear in the entire space. It completely ignored the regular structure of the space and destroyed the continuity of the route, making normal navigation an impossible task. However, at this moment, the overload operation of the void engine module had reached its limit.

The imagined explosion did not happen, but some bright lights flashed in the mechanical power room of the spaceship. When the core of the void engine was completely melted, a vague, soap-bubble-like sphere appeared around the spaceship. This spherical film expanded rapidly and began to dissolve the remaining part of the mirror bit by bit.

When the mirror shield was completely dissolved, this space finally showed the appearance it should have originally. In this way, relying on the sacrifice of Nolan's kidney, Hao Ren finally completely broke the last barrier that imprisoned the Lord of Madness.

When the completely broken mirror fragments floated in front of Hao Ren, he saw his past memories. A pale figure in one of the fragments asked him: What did you just see? Can you see the real you? Can you see the real me?

"These illusions are too unoriginal. Do you have any other tricks?" Hao Ren smiled.

"Is there a difference between illusion and reality? This universe will be destroyed eventually. Your struggle is only delaying the process of destruction. When the end of the world comes, the reality you are obsessed with will become meaningless!" The pale figure, that is, the goddess of destruction, continued to bewitch Hao Ren's mind.

"You have never seen the outside world. You don't know what the meaning of my pursuit is? Remove these irrelevant illusions! Let's have a good fight!" Hao Ren casually crushed a piece of the mirror fragment that flew in front of him.

"Very good, mortal, let me see how strong the power you are pursuing is!" As soon as the goddess of destruction finished speaking, all the illusions around her disappeared.

When all the illusions disappeared, Hao Ren "returned" to the captain's room again. Leah and Vivian were looking at him calmly, as if he was the only one who had just been attacked by the illusion, or perhaps the goddess of destruction had come to him alone and said a lot of irrelevant nonsense to him.

"She already knows we are coming, everyone get ready!" Leah did not ask Hao Ren what he had experienced before, she just stared straight at the space in front of her through the wall of the spacecraft.

As soon as Leah finished speaking, a strong pressure pressed on Hao Ren and Vivian. The two people felt like they were facing a giant beast that could devour everything. All their strength would become meaningless in front of the beast.

Seeing this, Leah opened the holy book she wrote, and then the divine text that recorded thousands of orders and rules appeared in the air, instantly offsetting the huge pressure.

"Just concentrate on it later, don't worry about the two of us!" Hao Ren took out the Doomsday Double Blade from the accompanying space, and he turned his head and said so to Vivian.

Then, the three people were teleported from the captain's room to the hull of Nolan. In the vast and chaotic dark universe, the suffocating feeling came in an instant. The prison facilities that the Night Watch had built here have now been almost assimilated by the Lord of Madness, and the remaining little ruins are floating in the vast dark universe.

Among all the ruins, there was a huge celestial body that was particularly dazzling, and the Goddess of Destruction was sitting on this celestial body. She smiled at Hao Ren and the other two and said: Welcome to the end of the world. You are the first visitors here, but you will soon become the last.

Leah used her spiritual sense to sense and she knew that the Goddess of Destruction had completed the fusion with the Lord of Madness. At this time, the other party had two completely different wills and was controlling the body of the Goddess of Destruction at the same time, while the extended body of the Lord of Madness filled the entire dark space to provide this body with a constant supply of combat power.

"After completing the fusion with a complete madman, do you feel more superior now? Do you still feel great about this feeling?" Leah turned on the mocking mode to the Goddess of Destruction.

Facing Leah's ruthless mockery, the Goddess of Destruction was too lazy to respond. She only gently raised a finger, and pointed her finger at the cockpit of the Giant Turtle Rock Platform. Seeing this, Nolan immediately called up all the remaining energy and fled the area at the fastest speed, and Hao Ren and the other two were also teleported to a place thousands of meters away.

When Hao Ren and others escaped from that location, a pale sphere appeared on that location. The sphere instantly released a black hole, and then everything around, including light, was collapsing into the black hole.

"Your tricks are too unoriginal. I'll let you see what knowledge is power!" Leah smiled disdainfully, then she opened the holy book and began to chant various true god spells in her mouth, and Hao Ren next to her was also cooperating with her, silently reciting the true god doctrine of the goddess Shun'er in his heart.

The divine light and divine text emanating from the holy book were slowly neutralizing the black hole of the Goddess of Destruction. Some dream plane messages that had been deleted by the black hole were also gradually being restored.

While the Goddess of Destruction was distracted, Hao Ren had already come to her with the Double Blades of Doom at some point. She immediately made a blocking gesture. After the two's moves collided, they immediately produced one after another extremely violent shock waves.

In the center of the battle between the two, the spatial structure began to become shaky, all the light and shadows appeared hazy and chaotic, and huge explosions were constantly occurring one after another...

Nolan, who was already in a semi-disabled state, quickly used the last bit of energy again before the explosion range affected him, and quickly fled to the edge of this layer of space. When she arrived here, the power system of the Giant Turtle Rock Platform was completely paralyzed.

Vivian did not participate in the frontal attack. After Leah and Hao Ren attracted all the firepower and attention of the Goddess of Destruction, she opened her arms and looked up at the chaotic and dark space, and she murmured to herself: Get ready to bathe in the moonlight! Real moonlight!

A powerful impact came from the side, and the energy shield on Hao Ren's body flashed red. His figure then appeared in the space thousands of meters away. Zhongzhuan lay on his shoulder and said: You have to pay attention to concentrate! The energy shield is almost unable to hold up!

"My attention is already focused enough, but my dodge skills can't keep up with the opponent's attack speed. What else can I do?" Hao Ren crossed his swords and continuously resisted several chaotic energy waves from the Goddess of Destruction. This is an attack method similar to the prince's tactics.

The Goddess of Destruction seemed to be playing a trick on Hao Ren. She floated in the dark space, releasing energy waves from her hands, half of which was constantly attacking Hao Ren, and the other half was annihilating everything around. Liya was constantly chanting the True God Mantra to save the annihilated parts of the space...

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