"The universe will eventually be annihilated. You are just wasting time struggling in the countdown!" The Goddess of Destruction, or simply the Crazy Goddess, was still attacking Hao Ren and destroying everything around her.

"The universe will eventually be annihilated. I am not denying this!" A faint golden light shone from Leah's body. The pages of the holy book had been dismantled by her, and countless divine papers were floating around her.

"Oh, do you think so too?" The Crazy Goddess paused for a moment. She was looking forward to what Leah would say next.

"The universe will indeed be annihilated one day, but what does it have to do with you?" Leah controlled the divine papers to block all the pale rays flying around in the space, and then she turned on the "shrew scolding" mode towards the Crazy Goddess.

"The world has a lifespan limit, what does it have to do with you? All living things will die one day, what does it have to do with you? Everything will be swallowed up by the void one day, but what does it have to do with you?"

Even when the true god was cursing, a golden glow emanated from Leah's body. Under the reflection of this glow, the disordered universe was quickly sorted out in order, and the prison debris that became distorted due to the dislocation of time and space also briefly restored their original appearance!

"Humans cannot give up their lives just because they will die one day, and the universe will not choose to stop recurring just because it will be annihilated one day. Death is a key link in the reincarnation of all things. Isn't life an important link in it?"

"This universe will be annihilated one day. Now I can even calculate the arrival time of that day accurately to milliseconds, but what can I do about it? The universe has its own limited death date, but you want to make its death date come early. What kind of rubbish are you? And what kind of rubbish is the Lord of Madness?"

After Leah finished cursing, a grand and brilliant light appeared out of thin air in the void. Under the cover of this light, all the chaos and dislocation information were instantly repaired. This repair speed is as powerful as a flood and beast for the extended body of the Lord of Madness. His wailing has resounded throughout the dark space.

The goddess of madness, who had mastered a part of the power of madness, could no longer stand still calmly. Instead, she fled and hid around like a madman, avoiding the range of the light of order. After she chose a new place to stand, she glared at Leah and said: I didn't expect it! You actually mastered the power of the rules of this universe!

"Is it strange? This is my home. I master the power of the rules in my home. Do I need to report to you? You keep saying that the struggle of all things in the world violates the natural laws of the universe. Then, if you want to destroy everything in advance, doesn't it violate the laws of the universe?"

"Just mastering a little bit of the law of destruction, you want to control the fate of others. There will be a day when you will be destroyed. Why don't you die first?" Leah completely exploded with all her anger.

"You are very good at cursing. You are worthy of being the daughter of Mistress Bingdis!" Zhongzhuan lay on Hao Ren's shoulder and said so with an admiring tone.

Leah is indeed the daughter of Bingdis. Once she turned on the combat mode, she went directly into the violent mode. She was surrounded by countless divine symbols, glowing holy books flying all over the sky, and the surface of her body was filled with glorious and holy divine light. She turned directly to the crazy goddess and started the crazy cursing mode, cursing the entire universe area, and the ripples of her voice began to shake.

If Leah's style was transmitted to the believers of the goddess of creation, it would definitely be a collapse of faith with a shattered outlook. After all, they finally accepted not long ago that the goddess they believed in was a little loli with her hands on her hips and a silly smile on her face.

Leia's performance was beyond the expectations of the Mad Goddess. Whether it was directly modifying the laws of the local space to offset the power of Madness, or using divine texts to restore the order of time and space, these were all attack methods she had never known. She originally thought that she and the other party were of the same origin. As long as she could grasp the other party's attack rhythm and combine with the Lord of Madness, she would be able to win.The invincible situation of the ticket.

"Where do all these powers of yours come from? How can you improve so much in just a few months?" The goddess of madness was obviously a little flustered. She was forced to run away again and hid in an area where the divine light could not reach.

"I didn't do anything special. I just studied hard, reading books and doing exercises. I told you before that knowledge is power!" As soon as the voice fell, dense divine runes appeared around Leah again. These runes were constantly repairing the universe that had been eroded by the power of madness.

When the divine runes were only half repaired, the pale sphere appeared again. Its appearance directly offset all the divine runes. The Crazy Goddess came to the sphere and gently touched the metal surface of the other party. Then she said triumphantly: I have no interest in your power growth, but I have to thank you for your divine power. Because of your cooperation, the Doomsday Engine is finally completely completed!

It must be said that the Crazy Goddess also has a certain talent for learning. She actually used Leah's divine power to inject the final energy into the Doomsday Engine. When the complete Doomsday Engine appeared, it was like a mixture of metal, rock, flesh and bones that were randomly fabricated. These seemingly unrelated materials together formed a huge artificial planet.

"I knew you had completed it!" After seeing the full picture of the Doomsday Engine, Leah was unusually calm.

"My dear {sister}, you know its operating principle and attack properties better than me. It's really unwise for you to sneak in like this!" The Crazy Goddess's demeanor returned to the state of being undefeated with a sure victory.

"As soon as it starts, it will actively capture my divine breath and then start the true god annihilation mode, right!" Looking at the Doomsday Engine that was starting the startup program, Leah didn't even have the slightest desire to dodge.

"Say goodbye! When this universe is completely annihilated, no one will remember you anymore!" The Crazy Goddess started the Doomsday Engine's attack program with a smile.

Then, endless energy was restrained, and then turned into a huge power that could affect the operation of the universe and erase the gods. A large amount of dark extensions escaped from the surface of the Doomsday Engine and disappeared into space.

These dark matter established an unknown connection with the underlying data in this universe, and then it began to search for information feature codes related to the "Goddess of Creation" in the underlying data of the entire universe, and prepared to delete these information data from the scope of the entire universe.

When the surface of the Doomsday Engine was lit up with an overwhelming black and white light, the expression of the Goddess of Madness changed, because she found that Leah was just watching the show, and Hao Ren was paddling with the Double Blades of the End, and Vivian had already hidden somewhere.

When the operating power of the Doomsday Engine reached its maximum peak, it completed the feature code search for the Goddess of Creation, but the information feedback it returned was a huge projection of a big "404"...

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