When Hao Ren met Leah, the goddess of creation was doing two things at once. She used the mass projector to split herself into two parts. The original body was reading various books on gods, while the clone was planning the development outline of the dream plane.

"You are here. Don't you want to spend more time with Vivian?" Leah's original body put down the book in her hand and slowly floated in front of Hao Ren.

"Why do you ask the same question every time I see you?" Hao Ren sighed helplessly.

"I am just concerned about my daughter's recent situation! Okay, let's put personal matters aside. Since you are now the exclusive examiner of the dream plane, do you have any different opinions on the development outline of the dream plane?" Leah gestured to Hao Ren to sit down and talk slowly.

As soon as Hao Ren sat down, two little fairies immediately ran over and poured him a cup of tea, and this tea was derived from the leaves of the world tree.

"We can imitate the interstellar system of the surface world and come to build the future of the dream plane. The Xiling Empire has achieved great results in this regard. We can learn from their achievements!" Hao Ren told Liya all the achievements of the Xiling Empire in the surface world that he had learned over the years.

"Okay, I know. Let me ask you, do you think the eldest son still needs to exist?" Liya asked her clone to continue simulating and evolving in the green light curtain of the world tree, while her original body talked freely in front of Hao Ren.

"Sister Raven once said that using creatures like the eldest son to create the world is an old technology of the Xiling Empire tens of millions of years ago. Now they only need a piece of program code to achieve the level of perfect creation!" Hao Ren said so without hesitation.

"The Xiling Empire was only born tens of millions of years ago, and the eldest son technology has been eliminated for tens of millions of years. It seems that my magic is really too backward!" Liya said so with a self-deprecating look.

"Well, actually, it was with the help of Mistress Bingdis that the Xiling Empire was able to advance from a state where all its members were super-powered creatures to a state where all the people in the country were gods. And during this process, our Father God was able to pursue her!" Hao Ren was really outspoken, and he even spoke out such a secret without any scruples.

"Ah? My stepfather is so powerful? He was able to pursue such a powerful super goddess like my mother! I really want to meet him!" Leah actually began to imagine what Father God looked like.

"If Father God was not powerful, how could he have broken through the siege of the two major god systems, and torn off a piece of land from the map of the surface world, and then established such a huge Xiling Empire!" Although Hao Ren did not see Father God, he could be said to be in a state of endless praise for Father God.

"Okay, the topic has gone a bit off topic. Let's continue to work on the planning outline for the dream plane! If you finish it a quarter of an hour earlier, you can go back a quarter of an hour earlier and spend time with Vivian!" Leah threw the 3D virtual model of the dream plane in front of Hao Ren.

Narration: I'm too lazy to write about the specific content of the planning outline. Let's turn our attention back to the surface world now!

Vivian's work scope is a cosmic area with a radius of about 270 light years centered on the earth. Since the crisis in the dream plane ended, this area has become a paradise without disputes. Since she took office, the work reports she submitted have all been about trivial matters, and her usual work status is even more leisurely than those people like Galadhor.

In the employee group chat, after getting familiar with Galadjoer and others, Vivian couldn't help but start to expose all kinds of negative information about Hao Ren. In addition to the fact that her boyfriend was the reincarnation of the God Slayer, his various negative histories became the topic of conversation for her and her colleagues after dinner.

When Vivian and Tunarra became familiar with each other, the Abyss Spider Queen generously gave Vivian a 50% discount coupon for the Interstellar Entertainment City. This entertainment city is a subsidiary of the Felia Void Consortium. It is hidden in an alien space in the surface world universe, and it is also within the jurisdiction of each examiner. There is a space node that can directly reach the entertainment city.

"Tunarra, you scheming spider queen, why are you so fast? I also have a 60% discount coupon here, and now I am embarrassed to take it out!" Galadjoer privately chatted with Tunarra.

"You were slow to act, what does it have to do with me? La la la la la..." Tu Nala hummed a song in the private chat box with gloating.

Not only Tu Nala and Galadhor, but also Anthony, Fandral Guokui, Moder, Avina, Holy Light Loken, and Doniel all have discount coupons of varying degrees. These things were given to them when they were cheated by the grandsons of the Filia Void Consortium, along with a bunch of useless rebate gift packages. They were placed in their respective portable spaces and have been covered with dust. (There seems to be no dust in the portable space!)

Why do they have coupons but dare not go to the Star Entertainment City to swim? Of course, it is because they don’t want to be cheated by those grandsons again. If they, as judges with no background in the three major gods, really step into the territory of the Filia Void Consortium, they will be cheated out of all their money. It would be strange if she returned (with only underwear left)!

But as a person with a background, Vivian had no such concerns. If she went to the Star Entertainment City, the staff there would have to treat her like an ancestor. At that time, the discount written on the coupon would become a real discount, and she could even enjoy a rare discount on top of the discount!

Vivian followed the contact number on the coupon and asked the data terminal to call the Star Entertainment City for consultation. The staff on the other side who was responsible for answering the customer's call immediately connected the communication interface respectfully after seeing the owner's identity on the caller ID.

"It is our honor that Miss Ancesta is coming to patronize our entertainment city. I just happen to have a quota for a women's tour group. As long as you bring enough people, you can enjoy the most favorable travel price! "The staff was very considerate and provided Vivian with a most affordable travel guide.

After Vivian ordered a place for the women's tour group, she went to gather her own members: Heather Anna, Liu Lili, Nangong Wuyue, Elizabeth, Betha, Kaiyu, Doudou, Elsa, Baihuo, Hesperis, Kardashian, Hela, Katrina, Shaqira, Vanessa, Lanina, Becky, Hiltan, Lorisa, Ofra, Yalifula, Grace, Gunmiao and Liusheng. After gathering all the women who were available, there was still one spot missing.

For this reason, Kaisha agreed to the work-rest combination method proposed by Bello under the collective persuasion of the above people. She decided to take the books she needed to read and go to visit the Star Entertainment City with everyone... (The author said: I won't write about the specific play process. I can't imagine a universe-level entertainment city out of thin air!)

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