When Vivian took the women and female friends in the family to the Star Entertainment City to play, only Bello, Izaks and Nangong Sanba were left in the small building. In addition, without his wife's company, Nangong Wudi temporarily closed the small restaurant and came to play mahjong with the three of them.

Yes, work and rest, this is not only for Kesha, Bello also needs to relax occasionally. In addition, before the mahjong game started, the four people agreed in advance that no superpowers were allowed to be used, and everyone had to rely on their real mahjong level to decide the outcome.

Even if they didn't let the water go, Bello and Izaks' mahjong level would still crush the situation of Nangong and his son. In the case of not gambling, the father and son's faces and bodies were covered with various small notes, and the two of them who lost a lot had to be punished to cook three meals a day.

In this interstellar tour, Vivian's women's tour group actually had one more person, that is, the little weak chicken who was forgotten by her. When a plate of raw meat slices that needed to be boiled was placed on the table, the little weak chicken came out of Vivian's body, and then this little guy "shasha" ate the raw meat slices on the table in front of everyone.

If other people encountered this situation, it would be strange if they were not taken advantage of by the staff of this restaurant. But who let Vivian's identity work? The restaurant owner actually-unprecedentedly counted Doudou and Little Weak Chicken as two half-tickets, so this women's tour group still did not violate the rules. After the restaurant owner's precedent, all other shop owners in the entertainment city followed suit.

On the other hand, Hao Ren stayed in the dream plane for five and a half months. The employee contract of the Xiling Empire stipulates that as long as Leah does not let him leave, he cannot return to the surface world, and each of his vacations is also limited in number of days, and the number of days is also determined by the Goddess of Creation.

This time, Hao Ren took a lot of effort to get three days of vacation from Leah, but when he returned to the small villa, Vivian took a room of tenants to Nasaton to participate in the carnival of the sirens.

The carnival of the sirens is actually the people of the whole country turning into various creatures or objects in the ocean. Whoever can make the fake look real and successfully "deceive" their companions around them can receive a special reward from the siren queen-Katarina.

In order to add a little fun, Vivian and her group also joined in, guessing which creatures or objects around them were sirens and which were real ones. Yes, in order to add more playability, Caterina ordered people to put the items in the Siren Exhibition Hall into every corner of Nasaton.

"This is Zeus's slipper. I have seen it with my own eyes. It must be a real thing!" Vivian pointed to a broken slipper in front of her and said so.

As soon as Vivian finished speaking, she was slapped in the face. The broken slipper in front of her was the item that the Siren General Vanessa turned into: Sorry, Countess, you guessed wrong, I'm going to the Queen to get the reward!

Yes, the Siren's transformation skills have been upgraded. Not only can they become lifelike, but they can also imitate the same style of the things they have transformed into, so that they can really make the fake look real.

Of course, under the detection of Belo's consciousness and Kaisha's eyes of insight, the transformation of the sirens is naturally exposed, but the transformation of some high-level sirens can still "cheat" Kaiyu's eyes of insight.

"Damn it, it seems that my eyes of insight need more practice!" Kaiyu guessed wrong again, and the siren turned into a waste lifebuoy.

After Besha guessed eight items in a row, she didn't even guess a real one. She was so angry that she almost wanted to throw a two-color Buddha's angry lotus at a pile of raging items.

"No way! As a member of the siren, I can't tell who is real and who is fake?" The group of deep-sea fish in front of her dazzled Nangong Wuyue's eyes.

"Dad, can you tell which one of these four plates is the one that Mom turned into?" Nangong Sanba looked at the four identical plates and couldn't help but ask for help from Nangong Wudi next to him.

Haha, if Nangong and his son dared to guess wrong, Elsa wouldAfter they returned from the plates, they had to kneel on the washboard or the keyboard.

"Well, I... my dear wife, I was wrong. I am willing to kneel on the washboard!" After sleeping on the same bed for so many years, it was the first time that Nangong Wudi could not recognize his wife.

"Mom, I was wrong too. I will kneel on the keyboard!" After Nangong Wudi admitted defeat, Nangong Sanba had to accept his fate with his head down.

What no one expected was that Elsa turned into four plates at the same time. If your eyes were sharp enough, you could see that there were several faint "threads" connecting them between the four plates.

The guessing method of Liu Lili and Gun Miao was to bite directly. After biting several real guys in a row, the cat-dog combination girls bit the big octopus transformed by Shaqira at the same time.

"Let go, both of you, it hurts so much!" Four neat rows of teeth marks were bitten on Shaqila's arms by Liu Lili and Gun Miao.

"Fish cat, I guessed right, give me fish!" Gun Miao acted cute to Shaqila.

Shaqila then took Gun Miao to eat a fish feast, while Liu Lili continued to use her teeth to identify other sea monsters.

Yzaks, who didn't like water, couldn't resist Elizabeth's pleading this time, and came to Nasaton with his daughter. With the devil's intuition, the father and daughter guessed more than a dozen sea monsters that turned into other objects.

Heather Anna brought the little weak chicken to the palace of Nasaton. The object they were going to guess was the nuclear submarine that Katrina turned into. Yes, on the left and right sides of the throne in the palace, there was a tattered nuclear submarine, one of which was a real nuclear submarine, and the other was the incarnation of the queen of sea monsters.

Heather Anna couldn't tell the difference between the real and fake, but the little weak chicken kept saying "Sha" to the nuclear submarine on the left. It must be the transformed form of Katrina, but the little bat spirit chose the nuclear submarine on the right. As expected, the nuclear submarine on the right was the transformed form of the Siren Queen.

"Haha, you want to trick me? No way! I'm your sister!" Heather Anna picked up the little weak chicken and said so with a mocking face. She casually mentioned that the little weak chicken had changed her name to "Hathaway" because no matter how the little bat spirit hypnotized herself, she couldn't forget that she had a sister named "Hathaway", so the little weak chicken came to fill this "vacant" position!

"Sha, fake!" Little weak chicken, oh no, Hathaway pointed out that the nuclear submarine on the left was a fake, but you couldn't know whether what she wanted to say was that the nuclear submarine was fake or that the Siren Queen was fake.

When everyone was having dinner in the palace of Nasaton, Bekai and the others took Doudou to eat other dishes specially prepared by Katrina, because the delicacies that Vivian and others were tasting were basically fish dishes. To this day, whenever the mermaid baby saw everyone eating fish, she would switch to combat mode with an angry face, and then use the holy flame to burn everyone's tableware!

When Doudou was eating the deep-sea wood fiber dishes carefully prepared by Katrina, Bekai and the others were secretly reading books in their spare time. The time for their first exam was gradually approaching!

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