When Princess Leah became famous in the Xiling Empire, she and Kaisha signed the apprenticeship agreement. The true god who was responsible for notarizing the ceremony was Shelvina again. As soon as she met the witness, Goddess Shunzi, she started a verbal battle.

"Kesha, the angel technology you provided before has been thoroughly studied by the Empire. Our angel wings can now be retracted and extended freely!" Before taking out the apprenticeship agreement, Shelvina also deliberately demonstrated that the angel wings behind her can be retracted into the body.

Not only can the angel wings be retracted into the body, but the researchers of the Xiling Empire have also studied and learned from it, allowing the angels to retract the golden halo on their heads and the faint holy light on the surface of their bodies into their bodies.

"It's my honor to be able to help you! I wonder what kind of conditions are needed to join the Empire's Institute of Science and Technology?" Kaisha asked back.

"Then don't fantasize. The Empire's Institute of Science and Technology has a minimum standard for hiring employees, at least to reach the level of a fifth-order true god. However, some institute employees occasionally hire one or two temporary assistants. You can always pay attention to the recruitment information on the Empire's official websites!" Shelvina said so without hesitation.

"Thank you, Shelvina!" Kaisha bowed deeply to Shelvina.

After Xiaozuo exchanged greetings, under the joint witness of Goddess Shunzi and Vivian, Leah and Kaisha signed a formal apprenticeship agreement in front of Shelvina. Due to the special status of Princess Leah, this agreement requires 72 hours of review time.

Yes, after much consideration, the upper-level staff of the Xiling Empire also sought the opinions of Father God and Mistress Bingdis, and finally reluctantly stamped the exclusive badge of the Xiling God System on this apprenticeship agreement. From now on, Leah and Kaisha have an officially certified master-disciple relationship.

Facing the ridicule of some tenants in the small western-style building, Kaisha said bluntly: I am a god less than 40,000 years old, and I am taking a great advantage to worship a tens of millions of years old true god as my master, and it is also an honor for me that he is willing to accept me as a disciple!

After worshipping Leah as her master, Kaisha also used the empire points to exchange a quality projector from the goddess Shunzi. Because Princess Leah and her are now in a master-disciple relationship, she also enjoyed a 20% discount on item exchange.

The first time she used the mass projector, Kaisha felt extremely uncomfortable, especially after passing through the World Gate. Her clone was in front of Leah and behaved very badly. Then she vomited for about ten minutes in a side hall of the World Tree Temple.

"You! After getting the mass projector, why didn't you try it a few more times before passing through the World Gate?" Leah asked two goblins to hand Kaisha a cup of light tea that could relieve her physical discomfort.

"Teacher, I... vomit..." Kaisha started vomiting again before she said a few words.

"Okay, you don't have to learn anything today. Get used to this clone first!" Leah opened three mass projection clones at the same time in front of Kaisha, and then her original body continued to merge the two powers, while the three clones went to read books and do exercises, and went to the green light curtain of the World Tree to perform various simulations and calculations.

How could Kaisha, who has always been strong, be easily defeated by such a thing? She spent about fifteen minutes to recover from her physical discomfort. Then she did not disturb Leah's original body, but came to one of the clones and began to learn the simulation and calculation of life creation in the green light curtain of the world tree...

Lia's teaching method is basically free-range. She will not deliberately guide Kaisha in any way. She just lets the other party take a look at her actual operation, and let the other party take a look at her reading experience in the holy book, and let Kaisha do the exercises she had done before.

In the next round of exams after accepting Leah's tutoring, Kaisha scored an unprecedented 72 points, but was told by the superiors that although she passed the exam, she failed, because the superiors considered that she was Princess Leah's disciple, and only scored 72 points, which was a bit sorry for the academic master.Therefore, from now on, Kaisha's minimum passing score for each exam is 85 points.

In the three major pantheons, for most gods, as long as the exam exceeds 60 points, it is extremely difficult to improve the score by one point. Kaisha was able to pass the exam in one go and exceeded the passing line by a full 12 points, which was an unimaginable effort for ordinary people. Now she has to take another 13 points, which is simply making her feel miserable.

There are still 13 points away from the minimum passing score, which means that Kaisha has to clean the streets for 13 days again. This time, she finally went with Bello, who only scored 45 points in the last round of exams.

The planet that was cleaned this time was called Cort Star. There was once an infiltration point of the abyss phenomenon here. Therefore, the abyss energy on the surface of the planet is much more than the psionic energy. However, in addition to this, there are also the remnants of holy light left on the planet by the light gods of the star domain pantheon.

After more contact with the gods of the Star Domain God System, Beikai and the others slowly understood that there are only four branches of the Star Domain God System: the God of Light, the God of Darkness, the God of Life and the God of the Sky Dragon. They represent holy light, shadow, life and order respectively, which are the four most domineering rule powers in the universe.

So far, in addition to Xingchen, the father god who can devour various rule powers, there has only been one Bingdis in the entire Star Domain God System who can master two different rule powers at the same time.

The rule power in the surface world is not the rule power in the dream plane, which can be compared. The rule power in the surface world is directly linked to the will of the universe. Any god only needs to master one of the rule powers to be invincible in the universe.

The gods of the Star Domain God System like to secretly complain about the Father God in private until today. If he hadn't been very lucky to pursue Bingdis, how could the Xiling God System have been so easy? It only took a few tens of thousands of years to achieve the state of the whole country becoming a god? And it only took tens of millions of years to catch up with the development scale of the Huron God System and the Star Domain God System!

You must know that the Huron God System and the Star Domain God System both took hundreds of millions of years to complete the great feat of the whole clan becoming a god from the super-powerful mortal world, and the development scale of these two major god systems also took more than a billion years to develop into the current situation. Therefore, the development form of the Xiling God System is simply a rocket-like promotion!

After listening to many topics related to the Father God, Bello had a very strong intuition that this Father God-Chen Jun might also be a time traveler! Because his growth experience and the process of becoming a god, as well as the development trend of the Xiling Empire, are really in line with the setting of a time traveler!

"Bero, if your father is really a time traveler, then you should feel ashamed, because we are all time travelers, but your achievements are much lower than others!" Kaisha punched Bero's chest with her little fist.

"Keisha, Xiao Yan is also a time traveler, can his achievements be compared with mine?" Bero retorted unyieldingly.

"Bero, if you compare yourself with others, you have to compare with those who have higher achievements than you, because only in this way can you move forward!" Kaisha only tried two or three times, and she was able to effectively separate the holy light from the psionic energy and the abyssal energy.

"A flower stuck on cow dung!" Kaisha's excellence made more gods feel that Bero was not worthy of her.

Everything is just as Goddess Shunzi said. Kaisha is more suitable for the training system of the Xiling Empire than Bello. And with the guidance of Leia, her personal performance has been rising steadily. Especially those gods who were punished to sweep the streets, they are now most eager to cooperate with Kaisha!

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