Narration: As of the last chapter, the plot of this world has a total of 300 chapters. This is the longest plot of this world so far. The author strives to complete the plot of this world within three chapters, and then start the martial arts trilogy! Also, since the last chapter has a lot of words, there are only two updates today!

Text: The wedding ceremony of Hao Ren and Vivian in the dream plane is actually a replica of the traditional wedding process of ancient flower growers. The woman sat in a sedan chair full of technology. After circling the guardian star, she returned to the square and performed the three-bow ceremony with the man.

"Bow to heaven and earth!" Hao Ren and Vivian looked up at the starry sky of the dream plane together, bowed their heads, and when they stood up straight, the will of the universe actually descended red light, which was regarded as a blessing for their wedding!

"Bow to the parents!" Hao Ren held Vivian's hand and knelt down to pay respect to Leah on the main seat and Goddess Shunzi who used the mass projector to create a projection clone to the dream plane. The two newlyweds stood up and respectfully offered a cup of new tea to the two parents.

After drinking the tea offered by the two newlyweds, Leah and Goddess Shunzi gave Hao Ren and Vivian four red envelopes respectively according to the wedding convention. This is a blessing from the elders to the younger ones!

"Husband and wife bow to each other!" Hao Ren and Vivian stood face to face, and then bowed to each other in a very standard manner. The woman raised her head first and told the man a lot of precautions and wife-loving clauses after marriage. If the man dared not agree, he would not have to stand up.

These so-called post-marriage precautions and love clauses are all life experiences that Kaisha has summarized for Vivian according to the way she and Bello get along. Some of them are like that the wife is always right, even if the wife is wrong, she is still right, never beat or scold the wife, the wife must be happy with her, and the wife must be responsible for making her happy when she is unhappy... These can only be regarded as the most basic operations. As a couple of immortal races, there are more husband rules to abide by!

Every post-marriage precaution and love clause mentioned by Vivian made Hao Ren sweat in secret. At this time, he couldn't help but wonder, who suggested so many rules to Vivian, are these the codes of conduct that men can abide by?

However, in order to successfully marry Vivian, Hao Ren finally had to bite the bullet and agreed to all the requests made by his new wife. For this reason, the will of the universe also deliberately lowered a dark cloud to remind him not to break his promise!

After the three bows, the wedding banquet that belonged to the dream plane began. Next, Hao Ren and Vivian, the two newlyweds, had to toast all the guests in turn at the wedding banquet...

After the wedding and wedding banquet that belonged to the dream plane ended, Hao Ren could not share a room with Vivian. They had to go to the surface world and complete another wedding and wedding banquet before they could live together legitimately.

After calculating the wedding time in the surface world, a group of people drove a fleet of spaceships from the dream plane to the surface world. The wedding was held at the Red Moon Hotel, a seven-star hotel built in the center of Red Moon Lord Street with Vivian's own money.

In the wedding and wedding banquet in the dream plane, the demon hunters did not send representatives to participate, but in this wedding in the surface world, almost all the existing demon hunters came to the Red Moon Hotel, and in addition to the demon hunters, all members of the Shadow Council were also invited.

The wedding held at the Hongyue Hotel was the most typical Western-style wedding. Nangong Sanba, the wedding emcee, asked Hao Ren ten tricky questions in front of all the guests. As a result, these questions all collided with the precautions for marriage raised by Vivian. Therefore, Hao Ren answered all these questions correctly very smoothly!

After exchanging two wedding rings made of star cores, Hao Ren and Vivian, the two newlyweds, could finally kiss each other's lips to their heart's content amid the cheers of their relatives and friends... The two seemed to want to express the pain of separation after not seeing each other for several months. They kissed for a full half an hour without letting go!

"Landlord, Bat, we are almost starving to death!" It was not until Liu Lili protested that Hao Ren and Vivian finally kissed each other's lips to their heart's content.Vivian and the two newlyweds finally parted their lips.

At the wedding banquet, Leah's mass projection clone finally handed over the founding palace, that is, Corpus, to the demon hunters. From now on, these palaces are the real base camp of the demon hunters, and after having the true god spell of the goddess of creation, the demon hunters can repair and rebuild everything in Corpus.

Since Leah's official approval, the Corpus palace complex, which had been crooked for more than 10,000 years, has become normal, and then the demon hunters decisively abandoned the architectural style of Horta Star. They will come to build their homes according to the many scenic spots on Earth.

In the small western-style building that night, only Hao Ren and Vivian were at home. At this moment, all the others gathered in the Red Moon Hotel. No one would disturb their good deeds. After Leah's approval, they finally did something that lovers, oh no, it was something that husband and wife should do.

After the two hugged and kissed for a long time, Vivian took the lead in undressing, but she only took off one of her coats and then stopped, because the next job of removing clothes was Hao Ren's task. After all, in such matters, the wife should not be too active and should leave some room for the husband to operate.

Knowing that Vivian was thin-skinned, Hao Ren took a deep breath before removing the remaining clothes of his wife, and then quickly removed all his clothes. He stood in front of Vivian with his eyes closed and in full view.

Facing Hao Ren with his eyes closed, Vivian smiled slightly, then took the initiative to approach him, and then the two of them slowly fell on the couch... (Someone said: That's enough, if I write any more, it will be censored. Anyway, the wedding night of Ren'an and his wife went smoothly without any surprises!)

The next day, when Hao Ren opened his eyes, Vivian was no longer by his side, but a beautiful "rose" pattern on the bed reminded him all the time that everything last night was not a dream, and he and Vivian really became a couple in name and reality!

After Hao Ren was dressed, he smelled the smell of breakfast and walked into the kitchen. At this time, Vivian was busy making breakfast for him on the stove. Although the technology on the earth has now developed to the initial stage of the space age, many family configurations in the small western-style building still maintain the style of hundreds of years ago.

"Wife, why don't you sleep a little longer? You got up so early to make breakfast for me!" Hao Ren hugged Vivian's slender waist from behind.

"Because you must have been exhausted last night, so I made you some breakfast to replenish your energy!" Vivian said with a pun.

"No matter how hard and tired I am, it's all for you. Do you think it's better for us to have a son? Or a daughter?" Hao Ren's hands were all placed on Vivian's belly.

"We just got married yesterday, and we want a child today. Your thinking is too fast!" Vivian turned off the stove and turned around to look at Hao Ren's face.

"We are not human beings, so we can't think about having children with normal thinking. Let's hurry up and give birth to the child, and then slowly enjoy the world of two people. What do you think?" Hao Ren took a deep breath and smelled the unique fragrance of Vivian.

"Life after having a child can no longer be called a world for two people! However, since you want me to give birth quickly, I will fulfill your wish! Hurry up and finish the rice in the pot. Only when you are full first, you will have the strength to give birth to a child earlier!" Vivian, who has always been very sultry, actually told dirty jokes in front of Hao Ren.

Next, Hao Ren followed Vivian's arrangement and finished the rice in the pot in no time. Then he picked up his little wife and ran back to the room quickly, starting a new round of romantic journey...

And in order to make Vivian pregnant earlier, Hao Ren directly canceled the subsequent honeymoon travel plan. The two of them stayed in the small western-style building directly and did not go out for a whole month, so that the tenants in the small western-style building also made do (have fun) in the Red Moon Hotel for more than 30 days!

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