After spending more than 30 days with Vivian, Hao Ren failed to get her pregnant as he wished, and when the more than one-month wedding leave ended, he had to return to the World Tree Temple in disgrace.

After Hao Ren worked for seven days in the World Tree Temple, Vivian came to visit him. At night, Leah actually forbade them to sleep together. It was a "rare" trip for her daughter to her parents' home, so she had to sleep next to her mother.

Yes, from that day on, as long as they were in the World Tree Temple, or more accurately, as long as they were within the scope of the dream plane, Hao Ren and Vivian would never be able to sleep together, because Leah would always find various excuses to take her daughter away from her son-in-law.

That's right, in this case, the only time Hao Ren and Vivian can have sex is when the man returns to the outer world for vacation. And I don't know if it's Lia's intentional targeting, but every vacation of Hao Ren basically hits Vivian's period.

In fact, as Vivian imitates the habits of the vampires, she will not bleed at all during her period, but she will naturally refuse to have sex with Hao Ren during those days of the month, and Hao Ren, who knows how to respect and understand his wife, will naturally not force this request.

Although there are factors that Lia specifically targeted, in the more than 20 years after marriage, Hao Ren and Vivian have had sex quite a few times, but the woman's belly has never shown any movement.

After a checkup by the goddess Shunzi, it was discovered that the power of killing gods dormant in Hao Ren's body would conflict with Vivian's innate power of creation. Therefore, in a situation like theirs, wanting to have children in a normal way is probably a fantasy and extravagant hope.

After learning the truth, Hao Ren actually rejected the abnormal birth method proposed by the goddess Shunzi. He insisted on having a child with Vivian through the normal birth method.

Hao Ren and Vivian's married life is still going on, the technology tree of the dream plane and the surface world is also improving, and the tenants in the small building are also quietly changing. Except for Liu Lili and Gun Miao, the cat-dog girl combination, who continue to choose to remain single, Nangong Wuyue is still single, but she chose the method of praying for the blessing of the sea god and got her own daughter.

Nangong Wudi and Elsa not only spread their restaurant business all over the earth, but also opened a branch in the dream plane. Not long ago, they also had their third child: a crystal clear water ball!

Although Elizabeth still looks like a loli, she often returns to the Demon Kingdom to help Lanina manage her own kingdom. She is not forced by Yzaks to learn to be a queen, and now she is becoming more and more like a demon queen.

Lanina is obviously stronger than Wim, but they gave birth to five children in a row. Although there are three sons and two daughters, these five children have inherited the characteristics of the elves, and none of them have inherited the advantages of the succubus.

Yzaks has already accepted Hiltan's active pursuit. Of course, the success of this good thing is naturally due to the fact that the children of both sides have been constantly "adding fuel to the fire". The two people are currently discussing marriage. The two supreme kings of the Demon Kingdom and the Elf Kingdom are going to get married, so the subjects of both sides naturally dare not be careless.

The sisters Hesanna and Hathaway are now basically staying in the World Tree Temple, learning various divine arts knowledge from Leah. After all, they are also the descendants of the true gods with a good family background. If they always mix with the aliens, it will be difficult for them to improve their own strength.

As for Bekai and the others, in addition to their daily studies and exams, they are constantly providing energy for the seed of life in Kaisha's body. The seed of life has not yet shown any signs of turning into a fetus, so they have to continue to work hard for this.

The Bei Yu sisters took Doudou with them all day long. The three sisters went around the territories of Hao Ren and Weiwei's colleagues in the surface world, as well as the various scenic spots in the dream plane, over and over again. Occasionally, the three of them would bring Miaomiao, the human-snake baby.

In the demon hunter camp, Gregorian has completed the power transfer. He passed the position of the patriarch to Hasu, who is no longer a one-eyed dragon, and then this littleThe old man went straight to the dream plane, and he never returned to the surface world since then.

Hasu, who was tricked by Gregor, has positioned Baihuo as the successor of the clan leader. He plans to train his disciple to become the new clan leader, and then he will abdicate and pursue a broader world.

Baihuo, who learned the truth, chose to run away from home without making a sound. When Hasu found her, she had already kidnapped a very handsome guardian giant from the dream plane. It can only be said that the vision of this demon hunter lady is really unique!

Thinking of the human leaders who signed the first security agreement with the Shadow Conference, only Xia Qiming from the Flower Planting Family and Clauden from the Beauty and Beauty are left. These two old guys have now become the living fossil ancestors of all the people on Earth.

Xia Qiming and Crowton watched step by step as humans moved from the enlightenment stage of the space age to the current interstellar colonization era, and the lifespan of Earthlings gradually broke through the limit again and again, and is now approaching a thousand years old.

As for those aliens who have survived since the mythological era, they have now recreated the glory of their ancestors. The ruins of the four pseudo-god systems have now been built into tourist attractions with tens of millions of visitors every day. They stand on the ruins of their ancestors every day, introducing the past splendor and glory to the travelers coming and going...

Time has passed in a flash, and before we know it, two thousand years have passed since the Bekai family came to this world. The single dog in the small western-style building, whether in the literal sense or in the actual sense, except for those little lolita and Kaiyu, there is only Liu Lili.

Yes, even Gun Miao has a partner. Do you remember the big yellow cat raised by Galadzoel? Because this big yellow cat accidentally ate a divine fruit, it became a half-cat man, that is, a big cat that can walk upright. During an occasional visit between colleagues, Gun Miao and Da Huang, who met again, fell in love with each other, and the following plot was naturally logical!

After nearly two thousand years of study and examinations, Bero just got the qualification certificate of the intermediate god. Although he is not the slowest male god to get the certificate, at this moment, Kaisha is already taking the qualification certificate of the top god. If she completes this feat, the realm gap between the two of them will be four levels.

In the three major god systems, there are only two major categories for the strength of gods, true gods and gods. There are seven levels of gods: primary, lower, intermediate, upper, advanced, special and top, while true gods have no level distinction, only the prefix name of the order.

Gods who are born as true gods, such as the newly born Leah and the raven-type goddess who just left the production line... They are all at the level of zero-order true gods, but the zero-order state can be easily broken, such as the goddess of creation who has never been to school and the goddess Shunzi who is a poor student, who seem to have evolved from zero-order true gods to first-order true gods without doing anything, just relying on the gradual precipitation of years!

And the gods who become gods through acquired cultivation, from the realm of top gods to the realm of true gods, they will directly skip the threshold of zero-order true gods and become first-order true gods directly. In addition, this level of true gods is in a state of no upper limit. It is said that the senior management of the three major god systems are almost all true gods with a level of more than 10,000!

So, in front of the three major pantheons, Beikai and the other two are really ants among ants. If you forget about the Ten Thousand Rank True Gods in the three major pantheons, as the Ten Thousand Rank True Gods are too against the will of heaven, all you need to do is randomly pick a True God from the team of the Hundred Rank True Gods to go to the world of the Primordial Continent, and that must be the most authentic Primordial Continent. By then, let alone the Six Great Saints, I am afraid that even the Ancestor Hongjun and the laws of nature of the Primordial Continent would have to willingly bow down before this Hundred Rank True God!

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