To get the qualification certificate of the top god, a total of 1,658 examination items must be taken. As a disciple of Princess Leia, Kaisha did not have any exam items to be retaken. After fighting for 127 years and four months, she successfully got the qualification certificate of the top god from the dean of a certain God Academy in the Xiling Empire!

At the moment when she got the qualification book of the top god, the will of the universe descended on Kaisha, and the light of gold and silver met. At the same time, Goddess Shunzi also sent her a suppressor to suppress the realm improvement.

According to Goddess Shunzi, if Kaisha is upgraded to a first-level true god in this world, then she will have a more profound information entanglement and causal relationship with this world. At that time, her main world will most likely be identified as this world. In this way, how will the super god universe be classified into the jurisdiction of the Xiling God System?

Yes, if Kaisha's main world is identified as the current world, then she will lose the title of the first ruler of the Super God Universe from the fundamental level. Once she loses this title, even if she returns to the Super God Universe one day in the future, her personal authority will not be able to make the Super God Universe be included in the jurisdiction of the Xiling God System!

The three major god systems are in a cooperative relationship on the surface, but in fact they are secretly competing with each other. The most eye-catching project of the three major god systems in secret is to absorb and assign more strange planes and universes to join the management scope of their respective god systems.

For this reason, since some upper-level figures in the Xiling Empire first learned about the existence of the Super God Universe and that Kaisha was the king of gods in the Super God Universe, they have already defined this strange universe as a new plane that the empire must strive for.

After wearing this suppressor, although Kaisha's personal realm will be locked in the realm of top gods, all her future cultivation will be stored inside the suppressor, and can be released at critical moments to defeat the enemy.

One day in the future, when Kaisha returns to the Super God Universe, as long as she turns off the switch of the suppressor, the accumulated divine power stored in it will most likely allow her to directly cross the realm of the first-order true god, at least reaching the realm of the second-order true god. As for what level Kaisha will reach at that time, it depends on how strong her accumulated divine power and cultivation are!

After obtaining the qualification certificate of the top god, she has stepped half a foot into the realm of the true god. Kaisha can now read, understand and analyze the knowledge points of the books that Leah has learned and the knowledge points she is currently learning without any pressure.

In addition to the above-mentioned learning materials, Kaisha also used the remaining empire points, under the recommendation of Goddess Shunzi, to go to the second-hand book stalls in the God Realm and buy a large number of God books to fill up a side hall of the Sky Blade Temple. (Note: The Sky Blade Temple is the former Yunxiao Palace!)

The god she introduced to the gods actually took less than two thousand years to be promoted from a primary god to a top god. Then, relying on this honor, Goddess Shunzi finally went from the last to the second to last in the year-end evaluation. She was so excited that she drank a few more bottles of God wine in her castle. Then, the next day, she was a little dizzy and submitted the application for the Super God Universe to be assigned to the Xiling God System.

After Goddess Shunzi sobered up completely, the application was irrevocable. In this way, Kaisha had to leave this world within a year. Although even the people in the Xiling God System did not know when she would return to the Super God Universe, as long as she left this world as soon as possible, she could return to the Super God Universe earlier.

After learning about the confused operation of Goddess Shunzi, Kaisha did not delve into the matter too much. Anyway, their family was just a passing visitor in this world, and they would have to leave this world sooner or later. It was just that they had been with Hao Ren and others for more than two thousand years, and their family was really reluctant to say goodbye to everyone!

Since there was only one year left before leaving this world, everyone might as well get together and take a good tour of the surface world and the dream plane. Anyway, the wealth of this world, the Beikai family could not take away a penny, so it would be better to treat everyone to a good meal and fun. In the end, if there was any leftThe remaining wealth, let Vivian take care of it!

Today, the Sky Blade Supermarket has spread all over the world, and has also opened branches in other star systems in the surface world and on some intelligent planets in the dream plane. With such a huge family business, Kaisha also exchanged some more practical artifacts from Vivian, such as data terminals and various furniture and ornaments produced by the God Realm.

There are a total of six data terminals. Bei Kai and his two sisters and Bei Yudou naturally have one each, and another one is reserved for the child who has not yet formed a fetus. The furniture and ornaments filled with the atmosphere of ancient civilization are all placed in the various palaces of the Sky Blade Temple, and the furniture and ornaments with a sense of high technology are all placed in the dream castle.

After getting the data terminal, the Bekai family added Hao Ren, Vivian, Galadjoer and other judges, as well as the gods that Bekai and his friends met during their study and street sweeping, as online friends. I don’t know if this kind of professional mobile phone produced by the gods can still make calls in the new world?

In addition to the data terminal, Kaisha and her teacher, Leah, were responsible for improving a quality projector. On top of retaining all the previous functions, they added the function of cross-dimensional calls to this device. If the data terminal cannot realize the ability of cross-time and space calls at that time, I hope this thing will be more powerful by then!

For creatures with unknown lifespans, more than two thousand years passed quickly, and a year passed even faster. After visiting eight different civilized planets in the surface world and seven intelligent planets in the dream plane, there is only one day left for the Bekai family, or more accurately, for Kaisha to leave this world.

On this last day, they returned to the small western-style building again. This time, including Leah's projection clone, Shun'er Goddess's consciousness clone, and all the friends who had contact with the Bekai family, all gathered together to hold a farewell party for the family.

Time seemed to have returned to that afternoon more than 2,000 years ago. After a group of people had enough food and drink, they basked in the sun and had leisure and entertainment in the yard of the small western-style building: those who played mahjong played mahjong, those who played landlords played landlords, those who played chess played chess, those who played games played games... Time seemed to have never slipped away.

More than 2,000 years have passed, and the surrounding buildings of the small western-style building have been updated generation after generation. These building complexes have undergone earth-shaking changes. They have been transformed step by step into the interstellar architectural style that can only be seen in science fiction movies, and the means of transportation traveling between the major buildings also have a strong space science fiction style.

By studying the gene samples of the first generation of super soldiers, humans have found that their longest lifespan can reach 2,000 years. After having a long life, humans have begun to develop various super powers. For this reason, some aliens have also actively provided their own gene samples. Unfortunately, the genetic differences between the two cannot be perfectly compatible.

In addition, the genes of the offspring of intermarriage between humans and aliens will only be completely assimilated by the genes of one party, but humans will not give up studying super powers for this reason...

Turning back to the small western-style building, it is estimated that only this small western-style building on the earth today continues to maintain its appearance, because all humans know that this is the residence of the "God of the Earth". They have rebuilt everything nearby, but they dare not touch any grass or tree in the half-sanctuary.

In the backyard of the small western-style building, the familiar formula was still there. The four members of the older generation of the Nangong family were playing mahjong, while the younger generations born in the past two thousand years were sitting together playing Landlord. Gun Miao also played games with his partner, the yellow cat. The mixed doubles of the couple bullied Liu Lili miserably.

Vivian, Hesanna and Hathaway, mother and daughter, and the incarnations of the goddess Leah and Shuner, sat together playing five-person marbles and checkers; Bai Huo and his partner played an immersive virtual game together; Odin, Hela and Hesperius were also playing Landlord.

Katrina, Lanina and Shakira, the three ladies, were playing some games that only ladies could play together; and Bekai and the two took the Beiyu sisters, and Izaks and Hiltan took Elizabeth and Wim. Four pairs of parents and children were in the yard.Inside, various parent-child competitions were going on.

Hao Ren was playing chess with Doudou and Miaomiao on a chessboard table. His current chess skills seemed to be only good enough to bully the mermaid baby and the human snake baby; as for the other eight examiners under the command of Goddess Shunzi, they were all playing some unique games in their respective places...

When the time came to six o'clock in the evening of that day, a group of people gathered together to eat a two-hour real gluttonous feast, and then the program was a gorgeous fireworks show. When the midnight bell was about to be rung, it was the deadline for Beikai's family to leave this world.

Kesha waved gently in front of everyone and directly opened the entrance to the fantasy wonderland. Then a group of friends helped to stuff a lot of farewell gifts into the fantasy wonderland, and some real-damage friends took the opportunity to stuff some "junk" items that they didn't need into the pile of gifts for everyone.

"Goodbye, everyone. I will miss you. Let's contact each other after we get to the new world!" Bei Yudou and her three sisters bowed to everyone, and then they flew into the dreamland in unison as everyone waved goodbye.

When the clock struck midnight, Bei Kai and her two sisters flew into the air and waved goodbye to everyone. When the twelve bells rang, Belo cast a golden stream of light, and Kaisha followed suit with a silver stream of light. After the two streams of light met in the sky, they gradually formed a space-time tunnel to the new world.

Bei Kai and her two sisters, whose strength and realm had both been improved, no longer needed to cast a protective shield and could directly enter the space-time tunnel. Finally, they turned around, looked at the people on the ground, waved and said: Goodbye! Everyone, I am very happy to be with you for more than two thousand years. I hope that after the two worlds (the abnormal world and the super-god universe) are "open to traffic", we can get together again!

"Goodbye! Mr. Bei, Ms. Kai, I wish you and your family a safe journey! I hope we can meet again soon!" The people on the ground looked at Bei and Kai in the air and waved goodbye in unison.

No matter how reluctant they were in their hearts, Bei and Kai had to enter the time and space tunnel, because the reminder of the will of the universe had come. If they did not leave this world, it would be unforgivable! In this way, under the gaze of everyone, Bei and Kai walked into the time and space tunnel hand in hand...

When the figures of Bei and Kai completely disappeared in the time and space tunnel, the time and space tunnel was fixed by a powerful force just like the previous worlds. When they looked closely, they saw a hazy and great shadow appearing in the sky of the earth.

"Stepfather!", "Your Majesty, Father God!" Leah and Goddess Shunzi recognized the owner of this great shadow. He was the head of the gods of the Xiling Empire - Father God - Chen Jun. Of course, this was just a projection of his clone consciousness.

"Lia, if you have anything to say, we'll talk later. I have to take this thing (space-time tunnel) and leave here!" Father God - Chen Jun grabbed the space-time tunnel with one hand, and then he wanted to turn around and leave immediately. As a result, before he could take a step out, the clone projection of the boss of the Star Domain God System - Father God - Xingchen came.

"Chen Jun, you bastard, you want to eat alone again, right?" As soon as Xingchen made a move, the space-time tunnel was forcibly pulled back to its original position.

Yes, for the Star Domain God System and the Xiling God System, a space-time tunnel that can lead to other worlds is a rare treasure, so the Father God and the Father God will argue endlessly about it.

"Bero and I are the same person, so this space-time tunnel should belong to me!" Chen Jun brought out the fact that he and Bero were both travelers, to prove that this space-time tunnel should belong to the Xiling God System.

Yes, Chen Jun's identity as a traveler was already a well-known secret as early as the first day he traveled to this world, but his travel situation was a little different, because his Blue Star individual before traveling - Chen Jun, was originally a remnant soul fragment of a void emperor in this world.

"Kesha is still my disciple of the half-star field true god, don't you think so! Leah!" Xingchen also argued without showing any weakness, andHe thought that this space-time tunnel should belong to the Star Domain God System.

Leah, who was caught between the two major God Systems, didn't know who to speak for for a moment, so she adopted a strategy of turning a blind eye and watched the battle between the Father God and the Daddy God for the space-time tunnel with others.

Just when both sides were deadlocked, a more powerful phantom appeared. The appearance of this phantom made all the creatures below the True God prostrate themselves on the ground, because the owner of the phantom was the God King of the Huron God System - Shira, the big queen who almost never went out.

"Xingchen, Chen Jun, both of you stop fighting. This space-time tunnel now belongs to our Huron clan. If you are interested in it, the door of our Huron clan is always open to you!" As soon as the voice fell, Sheila took the space-time tunnel and turned into a glimmer in the universe. And she blinked her eyes at Xingchen a second before she left.

As the father and father gods who were busy for most of the day but got nothing in the end, they looked at each other in the air, and the shadows of Xingchen and Chen Jun gradually disappeared from everyone's sight!

Little easter egg: When Doudou left this world, without anyone noticing, the will of the universe quietly gave Miaomiao a gift, because from now on, she is the only ultimate life in this world!

Postscript: There is no postscript in this world. Anyway, in the future world wandering, some people in this world will be mentioned again, and they will maintain cross-dimensional communication with the Beikai family, so their postscript stories will be involved from time to time in the future plot!

Narration: This chapter has so many words, so there are only two more updates today. Tomorrow, the plot of the martial arts trilogy will begin. I would like to state in advance that I am not very good at describing martial arts movements, so readers who want to see the exciting martial arts scenes must be mentally prepared in advance!

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