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Tải ảnh: 0.758s Scan: 0.019sAfter staying on Dura for several days, Ye Shan was ready to leave. After all, everything on this planet was prepared for the bunny people on this planet, and there was nothing fun for him and Bulma to stay here.

"We two are leaving. If you want to see the teacher, come to a deep blue planet called Earth~" Ye Shan said a few words, waved his hand and left Dura Star. Norn said absentmindedly:"Nofei, the life span of us Dura Star people is not as long as that of humans like the teacher. I don't know if I will have the chance to see the teacher again."

"Okay, don't beg too much. It's a great honor for the teacher to come back to see us again."Nofei patted his brother's shoulder and smiled, but his eyes were cast on the endless starry sky.

Ye Shan took Bulma on the journey. He saw the style of different races on each life planet, which amazed Bulma.

Time is like a butcher knife hanging on the beam above your head, and it will always come to you when you are not paying attention. A year has passed in such a journey.

"I didn't expect that so much time has passed since I came out. Brother Yeshan, I want to go back." After more than a year, Bulma was tired of seeing the infinite scenery of the colorful universe and had lost interest in continuing to travel.

Yeshan had not changed much. He no longer had the sense of wonder when seeing new things. Seeing that Bulma wanted to go back, he quickly agreed.

After returning to Earth, Yeshan stayed at Bulma's house for a few months and then walked out of the universe alone. Anyway, he had the magical skill of instant movement, so it would only take a moment to go back whenever he wanted.

""There seems to be a battle going on on that planet below. No! It's a massacre~" Ye Shan muttered to himself as he looked at the huge planet under his feet. Three space warriors on it were wantonly slaughtering the indigenous life on the planet.

"The world is so wonderful that I can meet Vegeta's trio...."A smile flashed across Ye Shan's face, as if he had found something fun.

The natives below had no fighting power at all when facing the ferocious Saiyan prince and his two followers, Nappa and Raditz, and were quickly slaughtered.

The tall and strong muscular Nappa was roasting a beast that had just been killed on the fire, and said to the Saiyan prince Vegeta:"Vegeta, the natives on this planet have no fighting power at all, and there is no point in killing them."

"This is the mission assigned by Frieza!"As a Saiyan prince, the arrogant Vegeta would never sincerely serve Frieza. All he wanted was to become strong and kill Frieza quickly. However, facing a man as powerful as Frieza, his current strength was not enough. Vegeta, who had no way to kill Frieza, could only tuck his tail between his legs and act like a grandson.

"Frieza, this bastard, dared to destroy Planet Vegeta. He is so powerful, is there no hope for me, Vegeta, to kill him? How can I do that! ~ Vegeta gnashed his teeth and punched the ground.

Planet Vegeta was destroyed. Nageta and the other two were out on a conquest mission and were completely kept in the dark. Frieza explained to him that Vegeta was destroyed by an unexpected planet and exploded.

Vegeta believed it was true. In an accident, he overheard some truth about the destruction of Planet Vegeta from the five members of the Ginyu Force. Planet Vegeta was actually destroyed by Frieza himself, which was no less than a nuclear bomb exploding directly in front of the young Vegeta.

The truth turned out to be like this. Vegeta knew that he had no power to take revenge, so he endured the humiliation and lived in the hope that one day he would gain a stronger power to kill Frieza.

Raditz took a thigh from the roasted beast meat and started eating it. He said as he ate,"Vegeta, Frieza doesn't consider us as his own people. We are Saiyans, the mortal enemies of the Ice Clan. According to ancient legends, their ancestors were destroyed by the legendary Super Saiyans among us Saiyans. He is very afraid that the Super Saiyans will appear again and threaten their rule in the Northern Galaxy. Sooner or later, we will be destroyed by him."

"Damn it~! Super Saiyan, what is a Super Saiyan! Can't I, Prince Vegeta, a high-level warrior among the Saiyans, reach that level?" Vegeta roared to the sky unwillingly, releasing a huge wave that blew the ground into a huge pit.

"This Saiyan who is throwing a tantrum and looking unwilling is Vegeta..."Ye Shan appeared on a huge tree behind him and looked at the Saiyan with his hair standing high.

"Vegeta, do you want to get power?"

Xiang Tian vented for a while, and was sitting on the ground eating barbecue in silence. Suddenly, a faint voice came from the giant tree behind him.

When did a person come? Even the three of them didn't notice it. Napa was shocked, and looked up at the tree, but there was no one. He couldn't help but shouting."Who? How dare you make trouble in front of me, Napa, I will tear you in half alive!!"

"Vegeta, the person who came is very powerful~! I didn't detect his aura." Raditz looked cautious.

Vegeta, however, was still biting the barbecue in his hand, and said disdainfully:"No matter who he is, if he dares to come out, you two will kill him."

"Are you ignoring me so much?"

A voice like thunder rang in Napa's ears. Just as he was about to react, he felt a sharp pain in his lower back and flew dozens of meters away.

"Vegeta, you'll never get a wife if you're so arrogant." Ye Shan kicked Napa away and sat in his place, then broke off a roasted thigh and started eating."

"This person was so fast that I couldn't see him clearly. So strong!!"Vegeta paused and looked at the person sitting in front of him eating.

Raditz was standing behind him, looking at this person in shock, his eyes turned to the tail behind him that was jumping flexibly.

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