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"After seeing the strength I showed, and knowing that Saiyans can become so powerful, are you beginning to be unable to suppress your desire to become stronger?"Ye Shan laughed secretly, but his expression was very serious.

"What? How can I know what you want if you don't tell me?"Ye Shan said jokingly.

Vegeta struggled even more after hearing this, clenching his teeth and clenching his fists tightly, his eyes showed grief and anger, and he opened his mouth again and again but couldn't utter a word.

Raditz and Nappa couldn't hold back, if they could get the method of becoming a Super Saiyan and gaining terrifying power from this Saiyan, they would be very excited.

"Hey, Saiyan. Do you know who he is? He is the son of King Vegeta, the prince of the Saiyans. How can we become the legendary Super Saiyan? Tell us the method quickly!"Napa stopped Vegeta's Saiyan Prince's banner and shouted loudly.

This idiot...

""Tsk!" Vegeta made a disdainful sound. He deserved to be killed for not having any brains at all. Can you threaten a terrifying guy with a combat power of 590,000 casually?

How long has it been since Ye Shan heard such a threat? He couldn't remember. Anyway, those who said such words in front of him had already been sent to the underworld.

One punch!!

Crack~~ accompanied by a crisp cracking sound, Napa's entire big moon back bone was directly broken by Ye Shan's punch. A small piece of bone pierced the big moon back, and was exposed to the air bloodily. Pools of blood spurted out like water, looking extremely bloody and creepy.

Ye Shan's speed was far beyond their eyesight, and no one caught the moment he punched.


When he reacted, Napa's big back had been twisted into a strange shape. Holding the big back, Napa couldn't help but scream in pain. Napa

's scream was as loud as thunder, shocking many small creatures on the tree with fear and panic. Hundreds of creatures like small birds on Earth spread their wings and flew high in the dense forest, escaping from this environment that brought them fear.

"Damn it~~! Fortunately, Napa, the idiot, spoke up first, otherwise..."Raditz saw Napa's rude words, and the words he was about to say were stuck in his throat. He shuddered all over, feeling lucky.

"Vegeta, my legs.~!..This damn fellow...hiss! ~"

Napa's forehead was covered with sweat. He hugged his blood-stained thigh tightly and lay on the ground wailing in pain.

Vegeta was indifferent to Napa's miserable condition, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

Trash is trash, if it is not kept...

"Little ant, I'll only break one of your legs this time. Be careful with your words next time, or you might lose your life by accident one day. Ye Shan said coldly.

Then he turned to Vegeta and asked,"Do you really want to have power so much?"

Vegeta was surprised, but his expression was still cool. He stood up and kicked Napa, who was still making noise, away.

"Tsk tsk! He was merciless to his companions. Vegeta is still just a cruel and brutal Saiyan."Ye Shan sighed in his heart.

Vegeta was still arrogant and said nothing, but he looked at Ye Shan with a little hope.

"I don't know if you have heard that every time a Saiyan enters a near-death state and recovers, his strength will increase a lot. It is also very easy for you to become stronger quickly."Ye Shan said with a natural expression

"Why didn't my father tell me about this? Or did he not know about it? Or is this Saiyan lying to me?"

Vegeta was a little overwhelmed by this news, and then looked at Ye Shan with suspicion.

"Vegeta, I'm not in the mood to lie to you. You haven't experienced a life-and-death battle in all these years, right? You haven't even been injured, so how would you know about this kind of thing? You have to know that in order to gain powerful strength, you sometimes have to risk your life to fight for it." Ye Shan said calmly, there is no free lunch in this world, and it is impossible to gain powerful strength without paying for it.

Ye Shan took out a small bag of Senzu Beans and threw it over.

Senzu Beans are no longer of much use, and there are only a hundred or so left in Ye Shan's dimensional pocket.

Without waiting for Vegeta to ask, Ye Shan spoke to himself:"These are dozens of Senzu Beans. Eating one can revive you on the spot, which is enough for you to die many times." Vegeta took out a small bean in surprise and looked at it for a few seconds, and found that there was nothing special about it, just an ordinary bean.

"Don't ask, just start! You can try it yourself and see if it works."Ye Shan said meaningfully.

"Try? How to try.."

Vegeta wanted to speak again, but Ye Shan obviously didn't give him a chance. He stood up and punched Vegeta in the chest in an instant. The combat uniform he was wearing was directly broken into pieces by the force of Ye Shan's punch.

Vegeta watched the fist hitting his chest and couldn't react at all. Because he didn't have the time!!

Just one punch and Vegeta was seriously injured and fell to the ground, making a howl similar to that of Napa just now.

"Stop shouting! If you don't eat the beans quickly, you'll die!!"Ye Shan's tone gave people a gloomy feeling.

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