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"Wait, no need! I suddenly want to play with Frieza." Ye Shan raised his hand to stop him.

No. 1 could only stop calling the communicator in his hand and stood aside without saying a word.

"Frieza...Let's say hello formally first."Ye Shan ordered the nine people to go back to their own business, sensing Frieza's aura.

Ye Shan appeared directly on Frieza's special spaceship.

"Who is this guy? He can appear on King Frieza's spaceship in an instant. Everyone, hurry up and kill him."Dodoria, the captain, immediately noticed the sudden appearance of Ye Shan and ordered his subordinates.

Ye Shan chuckled. He used to kill these small fish without even looking at them. He knocked them all down with just three punches and two kicks.

"Don't send these small fry up here. Frieza is probably in the control center. I advise you to get out of the way. Otherwise......"The bones in Yeshan's body made a"crackling" sound, and he walked naturally towards the room where Fuli often watched the star fireworks, not taking Dodoria's round tumor seriously at all.

"Bastard, how dare you ignore me, Dodoria,...Are you a Saiyan?"Just when she was getting angry, she suddenly noticed the tail behind Ye Shan and said in surprise

"Get out of here now, I don't have time to talk nonsense with you." Ye Shan said in a cold voice with disdain

"Humph, what? It turns out that they are the monkeys who escaped the destruction of Planet Vegeta. You Saiyans are only so strong, don't be so arrogant in front of me...."Dodoria was talking proudly when she was suddenly hit in the face by a huge force and crashed into the cold hatch of the spacecraft.

Ye Shan took a step forward and appeared in front of Dodoria before she fell to the ground and kicked her hard again.


A very loud bone-breaking sound came from Dodoria's back where she was kicked.

Her spine was directly broken.

"Idiot, you jumped out before the real owner even saw you."Ye Shan kicked Dodoria's ugly head hard, and it sunk into the cold steel wall.

"I...Damn it, you bastard, ah!~~!!"Dodoria's spine was broken and she couldn't move at all, she wailed in pain.

In such a short moment, all the other soldiers who had tasks to complete rushed over.

"What? Those guys from the Ginyu Force are hiding? You little bastards still want to fight me?"Ye Shan continued to torture Dodoria at his feet, and said sarcastically with a calm face

"Champo...Go find King Frieza, this... this Saiyan is not simple~!"Dodoria screamed with blood spitting out of her mouth.

Shangbo was the only captain who had some strength left on the spaceship. The rest of the Ginyu Force were all out on conquest missions.

"Are Saiyans that strong? Dodoria, you are exaggerating. I think you are too weak. I will take this Saiyan's head!" Although Shangbo was surprised that Dodoria, whose strength was similar to his normal state, was defeated so easily, he still had the ability to transform once, which could increase his strength by another 10,000 to 33,000. He was still confident that he could defeat this Saiyan.

"Are you the guy from Shangbo who can transform into an ugly monster? You look the same, and you are not much stronger than the one under my feet."Ye Shan stepped on Dodoria's feet a little harder and said jokingly.

Shangbo's face suddenly darkened. He hated it most when others laughed at his transformed appearance.

""Very good, Saiyan. The most powerful King Vegeta on the Saiyan planet only has a combat power of 10,000. Even if you are strong enough to defeat Dodoria, I don't believe you can be stronger than me after my transformation!!"

Shangbo roared and his body began to swell. His face, which was originally a little handsome, became extremely ugly, somewhat similar to a crocodile.

""Tsk! It's really hard to bear." Looking at this fat and ugly monster, Ye Shan was really disgusted.

"Saiyan, I want to let you know how terrible the consequences are for daring to mock me. I will torture you severely, break your limbs one by one, and crush them into pieces, so that you will die in endless pain." He transformed into the extremely ugly Shangbo, with a ferocious bloody mouth, laughing wantonly.

"Villains always die because they talk too much nonsense, you can go now!" Ye Shan was too lazy to hit him with his fists, so as not to touch his ugly and disgusting skin. He immediately went behind him and kicked him hard in the crotch.

"Shangbo, behind you..."Over there, the dying Dodoria saw Ye Shan appear behind Shang Bo, and he was still unaware of it, so he reminded him in panic.

""What!!" Shangbo had rich combat experience and reacted quickly. He rolled forward without looking back.

But it was too late! Just as his body was about to jump up, he felt a sharp pain in his crotch, accompanied by a slight"crunch" sound of his eggs breaking.

Ye Shan followed up with his strength and kicked him several meters high, crashing directly into the top of the spaceship door.

Shangbo was lying on the ground, curling up tightly, with his mouth wide open, and a gurgling sound kept coming out of his throat, but he couldn't say a word.

It's useless~! Two of Frieza's right-hand men were beaten to the ground in a flash.

"It seems that you are just a boaster. You didn't even have the ability to fight back and I knocked you down with one kick. You are a waste!" Ye Shan raised a trace of coldness, walked to the house where Frieza often stayed, and kicked the door several meters away.

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