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"Wait, Piccolo, this guy is much stronger than the two Saiyans who came last time, don't be careless!" Sun Wukong saw Piccolo walking in front of the Saiyan alone like last time, and couldn't help but speak in a hurry

"I know this Saiyan is not easy to deal with, but I have also trained with King Kai of the North, and I want to prove that I am no worse than you." Piccolo paused for a moment, and then quickly walked in front of Vegeta.

Krillin and the others also looked serious, and gave Son Goku a look of"don't worry", and also quickly followed Piccolo.

"Everyone...It's still the same as before." Sun Wukong whispered, raised his head and showed a happy smile, and quickly stood over.

Ye Shan sighed in his heart,"Why do you make it look like a life-and-death separation?~!"Then his face straightened, and he stood aside and watched the people who were preparing to fight.

Would it be useful if so many people came at once...

Vegeta smiled coldly, took out a small bottle from his back pocket, planted a few seeds in the ground, and then dripped a few drops of culture solution into it.

""They are playing with vegetables after a disagreement." Ye Shan showed a smile and watched Vegeta playing with the soil.

Master Roshi was a little confused:"Ye Shan, do you know what he is doing? It seems to be very meaningful."

Ye Shan shook his hand and said indifferently:"He is planting vegetables, and ginseng fruit will grow in the soil soon. You will know if you look carefully." As soon as the voice fell, the ground in front of Vegeta burst, and a green arm stretched out, and 6 creepy-looking ginseng dolls jumped out of it.

"Oh, these are vegetables, can they be eaten?"Sun Wukong, who was very smart, thought of eating them first, and pointed at the six vegetable people and shouted in surprise.

Vegeta sneered and ordered:"Go, kill them all for me!"


The vegetable people laughed creepily, turned around and rushed towards Sun Wukong and others.

"Is Vegeta crazy? The people who have been training on King Kai's planet are not something that a few vegetable people can deal with."Ye Shan whispered.

The battle was about to break out, but then it stopped.

The vegetable people couldn't even get close to them and were easily defeated by Krillin Yamcha and others.

"Baka~! It seems that all of you really know how to hide your energy." The vegetable man who made a tentative attack was easily defeated, and Vegeta was not angry. He smashed the reconnaissance in his hand.

Piccolo pulled off the head of a vegetable man under his feet and laughed coldly:"It seems that these little toys of yours are not as powerful as imagined."

"Piccolo, be careful! The strength of these monsters that grew out of the ground is nothing compared to this real boss."Son Wukong is currently the strongest among the group. With his current eyesight, he can naturally see some of the amazing fighting power contained in Vegeta's body.

Piccolo replied disdainfully:"Tsk~ You don't need to teach me how to do it!"

Vegeta laughed wildly towards the sky, his eyes shining with bloodthirsty light:"It seems that you, a Namekian, are very confident in your own strength. Come on! Let me see what kind of strength you have that allows you to speak so arrogantly."

Picco sneered back, turned around and said something to Krillin and the others before rushing forward.

Vegeta would not show mercy to this guy who dared to speak rudely in front of him. He flashed to the side of Piccolo in mid-air at a faster speed, smiled coldly and kicked him.

One move, and another move!

Piccolo got up from the ground, his eyes were bloodshot, anger filled his head, and he roared and punched out, and the fist was full of power and ripples appeared.

"Stupid Namek, you are too weak. You are not even a match for me!" Vegeta crossed his arms over his chest, moved quickly to dodge Piccolo's hundreds of punches per second, and mocked him.

Piccolo was furious, and although his strength increased, he lost his composure and was hit hard on the chest. He quickly flew back to Krillin and the others.

"Piccolo~~, damn it! Yamcha, Tien Shinhan, what should we do?"Krillin looked at Piccolo lying on the ground in a temporary coma and shouted to his companions.

""This is a tricky idea. Let's do it together!" Yamcha yelled and rushed out.

Sun Wukong was not in a hurry. He moved Piccolo to a safe corner and glanced at Krillin and the other four who were surrounding Vegeta.

"Piccolo, this arrogant fellow, rushed forward again. Didn’t he suffer enough last time? He was knocked down by a few moves again. That’s what I said!"Ye Shan looked at Piccolo who was so eager to prove himself, and spread his hands and leaned against the tree trunk behind him.

Looking at the few people wrestling over there, Master Roshi was watching with great interest. After all, his current strength was far inferior to that of the other warriors, and he naturally found it interesting to watch the battle between strong men of this level.

"Why don’t I see that little brat Son Gohan? Could he be caught by Chi-Chi to study again? What a poor little kid~" Yeshan was still very optimistic about Son Gohan, a little Saiyan with great potential, but he was a little disappointed when he didn’t see that little brat.

"Forget it, they are just other people's children, and their future achievements have nothing to do with me."While thinking about it casually, the battle over there soon came to an end.

The result is obvious. Vegeta defeated Krillin and others with almost no effort. Fortunately, no one died.

It's not that Vegeta didn't want to kill these natives, but the mysterious Saiyan Yeshan glanced at him from time to time, making Vegeta dare not take too heavy a hand. The combat power of 590,000 is not something he can contend with now.

"Tsk~ It's really inconvenient for Ye Shan to be here. My strength is still too far behind. When my combat power exceeds 600,000..."In one fell swoop, several people were severely injured and unable to move. Vegeta looked at Ye Shan with an inexplicable light in his eyes.

"This is..~Someone is coming from the universe again, at such a fast speed! This aura is a little shocking, and it reveals violence and bloodthirstiness. Who is coming?"Ye Shan suddenly sensed that an astonishing aura in the universe was accelerating and rushing over. The strength of this aura far exceeded that of Frieza, whom he had dealt with before.

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