A planet full of primitive atmosphere, a small spaceship with obvious Frieza characteristics hovering in the air

""Master Qiu Yi, the fourth team has been dispatched. It won't take long to conquer this life planet. We can inspect the results in a little while." A subordinate reported to Qiu Yi in the spaceship.

"It's all the Saiyans' fault. If they hadn't rebelled against King Frieza, they wouldn't have been destroyed. Otherwise, the native planets with only a little fighting power could have been conquered by the Saiyans. There would have been no need for me to come. Let's go, everyone, kill a few natives to calm down."The beautiful planet of Yadetra was caught in a war, no, a massacre....

"Dad, I'm scared~�"A young Yadatla Pajeri cries and hugs the legs of a young Yadatla

"Ha~~ha, this planet will soon be ruled and conquered by King Frieza, and you natives deserve to die."A few people with high-tech energy guns in their hands shot wildly at the natives of the planet, laughing loudly.

An old Yadtra star ran towards Pajeri and his son. He was hit in the head by an energy bullet and fell to the ground and died.

"No~~~!Father...."Pajeri, run, run!" Husu, a young Adetra star, saw his father being killed by the invaders sent by Frieza. He was heartbroken and yelled at his young child. He rushed straight towards the soldiers, trying to buy time for his child to escape.

""Gah! Gah, we killed an old man, and now the young one is coming to die again." Several soldiers laughed and watched Hu Su rushing towards them.

Hu Su was about to close his eyes and wait for death, when a young boy with strange clothes and tufts of hair appeared in front of him.

The young man was Ye Shan who had just been teleported. He saw the old man being killed and killed the soldiers in a few moves.

""Friend, are you okay?" Ye Shan looked at Hu Su, who closed his eyes, with concern.

Ye Shan looked at Pajeri, who was crying and lying on the dead old man on the ground, and a trace of sympathy flashed in his eyes. This kind of massacre by Frieza's army happened all the time. He made up his mind: Frieza's men are really everywhere, invading the earth like locusts. Sooner or later, I will clean up Frieza's forces in the North Galaxy.

"Ah? Thank you, you saved me and my child. Unfortunately, my father....."Hu Su said to Ye Shan gratefully. Then he looked at his father lying in a pool of blood and his son crying on top of his father with a sad face.

"The dead are gone, but you still have your children. Cheer up. I'll go and eliminate the invaders first."Ye Shan patted Hu Su on the shoulder and comforted him.

The combat power of the people on the planet Adetra is generally very low, just like the people on Earth. They have not developed any technology, and their lives rely more on various magical magics developed by their ancestors and passed down to this day.

Faced with such a life planet with low combat power, Frieza did not send any high-combat subordinates. As for Qiu Yi, there were not many people available after the Saiyan race was destroyed, so he was sent here to be the commander of this conquest of the planet.

Hundreds of small fish were scattered all over Adetra to carry out massacre missions. With Ye Shan's current strength, although it is not as convenient as a concentrated one-time elimination, it will not take too long. Flying all the way around the earth, the small fish that were causing damage on the ground died one after another under the energy beam emitted by Ye Shan.

Various tragedies came into view along the way. Ye Shan's face was gloomy, and murderous intent burst out in his eyes. He was even more determined to eliminate Frieza's invasion and destruction.

""Yo~! Yo~! There is actually a Saiyan who escaped here. He was able to kill all my men so quickly. You are quite strong. Let me see how strong you are." Qiu Yi clapped his hands and exclaimed. He was indifferent to the death of his men. He was just cannon fodder. There were so many cannon fodders in Frieza's army who had no fighting power and only relied on technological weapons.

Hmm~! The number on the combat power detector Qiu Yi wore in front of him jumped. Finally, it showed a value of 5000.

"Saiyan, you are quite strong. You have 5000 combat power. Come and play with me. Maybe I will spare your life if we are happy."Qiu Yi detected that Ye Shan's combat power was only 5000, and he breathed a sigh of relief. Then he raised his mouth and showed a cruel sneer.

Ye Shan stared coldly at Qiu Yi who was acting like a clown in front of him, and had already sentenced him to death in his heart.

"Damn Saiyan, your divine eyes disgust me. I have decided to kill you here. After killing you, I will report to King Frieza. Maybe I can get the king's appreciation."Looking at the Saiyan's eyes that seemed to laugh at him, Qiu Yi's pupils were filled with brutal murderous intent.

"Saiyan, when you go to hell, don't forget that the one who killed you was Lord Qiu Yi, a loyal subordinate of King Frieza!" A sneer appeared on his ugly mouth, and his hands gathered a high-concentration one-meter-sized energy ball and shot it out.....

Ye Shan grabbed the energy bomb that was crawling slowly towards him like an old turtle with one hand. He gently exerted force, increased the energy intensity several times, and pushed it back.

Ye Shan's current strength is so terrifying that even if he slightly increased his strength, he is not comparable to Qiu Yi, who has a combat power of only 20,000. The energy ball with several times the strength was hit by the energy ball instantly before Qiu Yi could even react. The violent energy poured out from the energy ball and submerged Qiu Yi's ugly body. There was a huge explosion.

Qiu Yi was covered with scars and blood spurted out from all parts of his body. He fell straight from the air to the ground, on the verge of death.

Ye Shan walked in front of Qiu Yi, stepped on Qiu Yi's ugly head, rubbed it hard, and made a creaking sound. He said coldly:"You are no doubt a clown in my eyes. In this world, anyone with a little bit of strength loves to show off. This is absolutely true."

Qiu Yi spat out a large pool of blood from his mouth. His whole body twitched, his eyes were dull, and he couldn't accept the fact that he was defeated in one move:"No!...Impossible..Impossible..How can I, Qiu Yi......."

Before he finished speaking, his neck tilted and his body stopped twitching. Then he returned to the west to meet the Buddha.


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