Thousands of tribesmen were almost completely slaughtered, and only a hundred or so remnants of the Yadtra star gathered together. After Ye Shan eliminated the last invader, Hu Su led a relatively burly Yadtra star to meet them.

"Unknown strong man, thank you for saving our people from Yadetra. I am Supa, the leader of our people. If it weren't for you, our people would have been wiped out by foreign demons. Please come to our village."The Yadetra star who called himself Supa wiped his red eyes and forced a smile.

""Chief Supa, my name is Ye Shan. You should go and arrange for your people first." After arriving at the destination, Yadetra, Ye Shan was not in a hurry and comforted Supa.

"The people gathered here are the only remaining members of our tribe except my village.

The other villages have been destroyed.

I plan to gather everyone in one village.


Ye, you can come with us.

The buildings in the village where I live are still intact.

The group of demons have not attacked my village yet.

"Supa said, walked to the tribe, helped a tribe member whose foot was shot by the energy gun and slowly walked towards his village.

After walking slowly for about ten minutes, a village of different sizes appeared in front of them.

There were several buildings with the characteristics of the planet Yadetra in the village, standing on the green grass at a certain distance from each other.

There were hundreds of Yadetra people, and nearly half of them suffered minor or serious injuries.

Seeing so many wounded people coming, the Yadetra people in the village ran over and sent the wounded to the buildings of two old tribesmen who had learned healing magic in the village.

Ye Shan thought of the magical item that he still had, the Senzu beans, and hurried to Supa, who was arranging the tribe members, and handed him a small bag of about a hundred Senzu beans.

""Chief Supa, this is a fairy bean I got from a magical planet. Eating one can heal any injury. You can give it to your people." Anyway, there are still tens of thousands of beans hidden in the capsule, and Ye Shan didn't take it seriously at all.

"Senzu beans? There is such a magical thing...

This kind of magic beans that can instantly heal injuries are so precious to us right now.

If we, the people of Yadetra, get minor injuries, we basically rely on our body's own healing ability.

Only when we get very serious injuries will we ask the tribesmen who have learned healing magic to help with the treatment.

However, there are only two people in our village who can use this kind of healing magic.

If it weren't for your generous help, Mr.

Ye, we might not be able to handle it.

Thank you very much, Ye Shan, please wait here for a while, I will give the magic beans to our seriously injured tribesmen for treatment first.

" Supa thanked Ye Shan with a look of surprise, and then ran to the seriously injured tribesmen who were receiving treatment.

Doing his best, Ye Shan sat alone on a natural stone bench in the village and waited for an hour.


"Ye Shan, sorry to have kept you waiting. Oh! The stone you are sitting on was made by magic in our village. Even the building we live in now was made by magic. Supa came over after finishing his work in the village. Seeing Ye Shan touching the stone under his buttocks, he quickly explained.

""Chief Supa, the magic power invented by your race is really amazing. I have never seen such magical power on any planet in the universe. Can I learn the magic of your race?" Ye Shan was talking nonsense. He had never been to many planets since he was born.

"Of course, no problem. As long as kind-hearted people come to learn the magic of our Yadetra, we welcome them. Moreover, Ye Shan, you have saved our entire tribe." Supa patted his chest generously and said.

In this way, Supa led Ye Shan to walk a long way and came to a cave on the mountain behind the village.

"Ye Shan, this cave records the magic that our ancestors invented until now, which contains various uses. You can go in and learn any of them. Learning magic requires extremely strong mental strength. It is best not to learn more than two, otherwise I am afraid that you will not be able to bear it."Su Pa pointed to the cave. Although he had seen Ye Shan's powerful strength, Su Pa still kindly reminded him.

"Chief Supa, I will do my best, don't worry." Although Ye Shan didn't take Supa's reminder seriously, he couldn't refuse other people's kindness.

"Then I'll leave first. There will be hundreds of people living in the village in the future, and I'll have to help arrange their accommodation. Ye Shan can go in and study."Supa smiled and left Ye Shan's sight.

Not far from the cave, there is a very wide stone wall.

On the stone wall are carved various magics invented by the Yadetra people from ancient times to the present.

Mysterious patterns flicker with a hazy glow.

Ye Shan took a rough look and found that there were as many as thousands of patterns.

There was no text on the entire stone wall.

Looking at the patterns, although he could not understand what the patterns expressed.

However, Ye Shan's mind naturally emerged with the magic, use and practice methods represented by this pattern.

Irrigation technique, pouring mysterious power into the planted seeds, can make the crops mature in a short time.

Ye Shan looked at the patterns one by one, and the magic came into his mind one by one.

Basically, there were magics for all purposes, and a few were used for combat.

Normally speaking, it takes a normal person several days to learn and comprehend even an ordinary and simple magic.

With 10 times the comprehension in hand, this killer weapon, Ye Shan saw any pattern, and the magic practice method on the pattern was directly formed in his mind, without the need to slowly comprehend it like ordinary people.

When skipping a magic pattern, Ye Shan's eyes lit up: This magic is interesting, just what I need.

Dimension Pocket, using mysterious magic energy to open up a space in the dimension for storing items.

According to the picture, it didn't take Ye Shan long to complete the practice. After carefully experiencing it for a while, Ye Shan had to praise that Yadetra's use of magic had reached a superb level.

With this magic, I don't have to carry so many universal capsules with me. After all, universal capsules are not very safe and there is a high possibility that they will be lost in fierce battles. Dimension Pocket is not the same. That's it, take it wherever you go.

Ye Shan followed the method of using the dimensional pocket in his mind, and with his mental power, he drew a line in the air. A white space of about a hundred square meters appeared. The space was very calm and stable.

He took out the locker in the universal capsule and threw various items bought on Earth into the dimensional pocket.

A large jar of Senzu beans, a pile of clothes to change, and a dozen magazines that he had finally taken out, cough! ~ cough~! Ye Shan assured that these were used to bribe Master Kame at the time, and he had never read them.

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