Dragon Ball: Wuyao Universe

Dragon Ball Wu Yao Qiankun Chapter 105

There is an extremely long-term years, the big king is very clear to know that he knows himself.

In the face of Baros, which is already strong, Baros, the big king is already in the heart, if it is a terrorist talent and growth potential to the Sai Asians.

The big king is unimaginable. When the nightmare is true, the strength of Barros will stronerly to the horror level!

Take the terrorist talent and potential of Saiyan, the big king can't guess, but his heart has emerged in the depths of his heart, but it is like a dream.

Magic UP! !

In the modern universe, the only one killed the horror of all the kings and the king of the king of the world.

If it is true, it is really enough to come straight to Parrow.

I know the details of the other side, and I can have some countermeasures.

At least, compared to the unsolished magistism, it is not a super-smaller, and some weaknesses can be utilized.


After half a day, the big king left hell.

No one knows what the big king and what he wants to ask.

Barrow doesn't know if the big king has to get the answer he wants.

For him, the so-called weakness is only a time, the time is late, and the weakness in a hurry is grown by the growth of the Barrow, and it has grown in the long river.

For example, Barrow is not unsteady, but he .....

(One more, ask for a collection, ask for a reward, seek flowers, finally get to the shelves, the first !! The body is a bit uncomfortable, today is not guaranteed, I don't know if I can update a few chapters !! I can't help but cockroach Run a break! Dragon Ball QUN has been built: **, I can add QUN.)

The sixteenth chapter Super Saiyan triggered frenzy (second, planned)

[New book, begging for custom, begging for the whole order, begging to reward! The new book is put on the frame, the second is more sent! I hope that the book friends have strong support.

Shenwu battle.

Hurry, January time.

Since a month ago, Baros successfully turned into a super-semi-Saiyan, with Brole to return to the Shenwu battle with Baroleum to become a super Saaya legend, the super-semi-Asian is no longer secret.

However, it is not expected to be expected.

Although Barrow did not inform them that they became superfold.

But Brilli turned into a super-Saiyan who became ordinary in the face of the Saiyan's face of all the Shenwu battle.

On that day, the Saiyan in the Shenwu battle, I was excited to be unbearable.

On that day, all the Saiyan of the Shenwu battle made a goal for himself.

That life, turned into a super-seizure.

Those Saiyan can't clear how strong the strength of the Super Saiyan.

Because, in front of Brole, in front of the super-Saiyan, in addition to the cold in the heart, the fighting spirit of the first battle can not rise.

Perhaps, their hearts are still in the moment, but they also fly in the moment of the cold bones of Brole, and instantly frozen. .

The appearance of the super-seizure, an incentive for those Sai people, but also a direction guidelines.

Because, Barroo told the gods of the gods, no matter what blood in the current situation, even if it is just the bottom-class Sairai, as long as it is willing to achieve a certain degree, you can become a super competition. Asians.

As long as you work hard, the combat power reaches a certain level, you can become a super-semi-Saiyan.

Barroo's sentence, constantly echoing in all Saiyan hearts.

Looking at the Saiyan people who fought in the eyes, the Saayans who had warrants, Paros nodded.

The Shenwu battle is not a planet of Bergiita.

Between the two, whether the gap between the heel or the strength is too big.

If the Baggilta planet, Barrow will not tell those sentences.

Because for the top-class Saiyan fighting power, the Saiyan people, the target, almost no difference in the legend.

... Here is the Shenwu battle.

Here, millions of battles are not how difficult it is.

Here, the battle type of the Saiyan, the minimum combat power is more than 50,000.

For them, the Super Saiyan is not unhappy.

Maybe they chase the time of the Super Saaya will have a long time, but they will continue to grow, and the year is absolutely expected to become a super-seizure.

This is also the reason why Barou tells them, but also why Baggiita planet shot in Bergiita, trying to kill Flizza, rescue all the Saiyan, the reason for it.

The universe is not the most powerful.

But if the potential, whether it is the world of Dragon, or other thousand worlds, the Saiyan family can match the peak.

Super Saiya, Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan, or Super Saiyan four, five, six, seven ....

This is a way that never has end.

Barros didn't know where the end of the Saiji Road is that Sun Wukong and Bergiita who have reached the super Saayan God in the middle and later periods.

However, you can affirm that the Barros Super Saians will be far more than everyone's imagination.


The appearance of the super-seessear, once again set off a crazy cultivation frenzy again.

In order to achieve the point of transformation of the super-Saiyan.

The battle center of the Shenwu battle is crowded every day.

At the same time, there are also many Sairas aiming at three kinds of nervous trees!

The stars-level nervous tree fruit, although Palos took five a reward, all the Saiyu people of all the Shenwu battle were very clear unless they made a huge contribution, or the ten galaxies undergackvilized, otherwise he did not hope Star nervous tree fruit.

Of course, in the fact that the Saiyan's Saaya people, some galaxies are simply easy.

It is difficult to find a galaxy with the existence of life planets and the galaxies that are qualified to be under the rule of Shenwu battle.

With these two points, you must also let a galaxy service.

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