Dragon Ball: Wuyao Universe

Dragon Ball Wu Yao Qiankun Chapter 106

Although the universe is weak Ròu strong food, the strong is respectful.

This universe is absolutely no shortage of fish to death, and the jade is not willing to surrender the planet and galaxies.

More importantly, if some galaxies and planets have a strong generic stars.

Standing to the end, almost destroying the planet.

Sometimes, some seemingly ordinary planets will also take some hopper super power.

This also makes the Saiyan, it is even more distressed.

Therefore, 5 stellar nervous trees fruit, so far, no one took one!

However, when the super competition is not a legend.

These original tasks that were incomparable in their eyes were also instantaneous.

The top-level victims of millions of levels have become slow.

Although the strength is still being improved, it is difficult to make a quick increase in the enhancement of the stars.

The Super Saiyan is no longer secret that, the five-ranks are the super team consisting of the top-class Saiyan, and they will leave the gods of the gods.

For the super-seizure, they directly ignore the trouble of getting the stendy nerve tree fruit.

Other Saiyan teams have also invited the war to leave the gods.

The stellar nervous tree realize that they have no luxury, and they can feature star and ordinary planetary nervous trees, they are also hot! !

(Two more, ask for collection, ask for reward, seek flowers, finally get to the shelves, the second !! The body is a bit uncomfortable, today is not guaranteed, I don't know if I can update a few chapters !! I can't help but cockroach Run a break! Dragon Ball QUN has been built: **, I can add QUN.)

Chapter 17 Shi, Badak Team War (1/5)

[Starhe the universe, the curtain will open, beg you for custom, beg for the whole order, begun to reward! New book, first more! I hope that the book friends have strong support.

Just in the Shenwu battle, there were disturbed, and there were no Same people in the middle of the super-sees.

Barros also got two good news.

One is: Camo Si and others have found the fallen of Namek.

Second, it is Barros to make Camore and other universe scientists, and the space technology of universal capsules is changed to storage ring and storage bags, storage bracelets, storage belts, have been initially completed.

The first thing, Paros is already prepared, and there is no big surprise.

The drop of the United States, even if the Ka Mo Shen can't find it, Barrow can also find the US knock in the Wish of the Earth.

But the second thing ....

At the beginning, Barros took advantage of the universal capsules, it was very speechless.

So specially searched hundreds of universal capsules on the earth, handed over to Ka Mo Shi them to transform the storage rings in the mythical story, so that it is convenient.

I didn't expect it, but in addition, Kamo thought they had succeeded.

Although there is no expectation, it is indeed a few differentiated reservoirs he know.


The emperor, Barrow is interested in researching the reservoir wrist of the finger.

A Saiyan face panicked in a hurry into the emperor.

Entering the emperor, the player directly kneelted, respectfully said: "The Emperor, the Northern Hebei news news, Badak adults, their teams, Badaka, I don't know if I personally come!"

"What are you talking about?" Barros' eyes were cold, and the figure was in front of the Saiah, and he looked at him.

"Badak, after returning to the north of Beiyin, he suddenly encountered a super powerful attack." The Salasse is extremely frightened. Under the eyes of Barros, he only felt that the whole planet stopped, he It seems that even thinking is awkward.

"Beiyin Hebei, super powerful? Flissa, Kurder King, or ....." Barros' coldness is more comfortable, looking at the Salas, cold and cold: "Ka Mo Si Is it that the power is it? "

"Back ... Go back to the emperor, have not yet checked!" The Saiyan people who came to report was ashamed, and the Tao: "However, Ka Mo Si said, attacking the Badak adults, the squad, very May be the Flissa army, or the army of Kurder! "

"Is it not sure?" Barrow muttered, suddenly broke a killing of ice cooled bones, waving the Saayan withdraw.

"Badak's combat power has reached 3.5 million, and his Badaku is also a more than a hundred thousand more than a million, and the Flissa's Legion does not have half of the existence of them. That ..." Barrow Sitting on the emperor of the Saiyan unpredictable emperor.

"Kurder King !!" Among the brilliant emperors, the vocabulary of Barros, filled with cold bones.

The development of the Shenwu battle quickly, and the super strong person has ended.

But Badakard and his squad, but also the strongest battle team in the Shenwu battle.

They suddenly suffered from attacking, and the Barrow was angry, and the killing was born.

Only Barrow knows itself, how difficult it is to cultivate a quarter team of a million combat power.

Moreover, the Badak team, almost all hate the point of the Super Saiyan.

Just a few years, an opportunity is enough to become a super-semi-Saiyan, sang the star river for Barrow.

Unexpectedly, for nearly ten years, it turned out today.


Shenwu battle.

The news of the Badak team will not go.

Not long after, the Saiyan in almost the entire Shenwu battle knew this matter.

Whether it is the next Saiyan or a secondary Saiyan, the senior seasons, and the top of the top, and he has been angry.

Saiyan teams composed of top-class seizures such as Yizhan and Messu, but also a collection of emperor flying.

Dare to attack Badak, is the biggest provocation of the Shenwu battle.

Badak's battle, Badak's drop is unknown, but also to fight along with them, even several times they rescued by Badak, and the heart is angry.

Not long after, the five strongest five race classes have fallen outside the emperor.

They are all for war.

However, at this time, a person who makes them unexpected, has come to the emperor.

"Brole, you and Qi Yande are the same, is it to be war!" When the voice of Barros fell, the figure also appeared in the eyes of Brole and Yizhan.

"The Emperor." The Saiyan tacit love shouted.

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