Dragon Ball: Wuyao Universe

Dragon Ball Wu Yao Qiankun Chapter 125

Is it a means of gods?

After the emotion, Trude and hegens and other Saayans, flew over the battle center of the Shenwu battle.

Barrow has spread the rapidly leading to the super-Saiyan.

After the rest, how long can I reach their my heart, turning into a super-seizure, looking at their own efforts!

(One more, ask for a collection, ask for reward, seek flowers, finally get to the shelves, first !! Let you lose the bird, was forced to rest last night, so only this is more, the rest is waiting afternoon I will continue to update it !! Dragon Ball QUN has been built: **, I can add QUN.)

Chapter 38, coming to the earth, Brifez (second, plan)

[New book, begging for custom, begging for the whole order, begging to reward! The new book is put on the frame, the second is more sent! I hope that the book friends have strong support.

Earth, Temple!

Barros and Badak's figure appear at the same time.

There is no time to stay, Barrow is buckled with Badak's shoulders on the right hand, and a moment moved directly to the temple.

Next moment, west and universal capsules, the figures of Barrow suddenly appeared.

Seeing the yard, the eyes were only stayed in Barris, and Badak Chartered Barros respectfully said: "The Emperor, then I will go to Kartrota's kid!"

Before returning to the Shenwu War, Badak has already said this with Barros.

For, I will bring Sun Wukong to the Shenwu battle, helping him become stronger, and Barrow will naturally not agree.

Although this world's so-called protagonist, nothing in Barrow.

If Sun Wukong is stronger, the enemy that appears in the future will not be more strong.

After seeing Barrow, Badak sir screamed, the body surface broke a white airweight, wrapped him straight to the clouds.

"Barros!" Badakah just walked, Bama put down, and directly puff it into the arms of Barrow.

Barros holds the waist of Bama, and has not waited for him to open.

The two movements suddenly appeared in the small courtyard.

Looking at Bama with a handsome man holding together.

Mrs, Dr. Brima, Dr. Brifez, suddenly smiled and smiled: "Hey ~ Hey ~ Hey! Bama, a blink of kung fu, how do you run someone else?"

"Yeah!" Bamma wrote that he wanted to jump, but he did not expect it to be held tightly by Barrow.

At this time, Mother Brifes, Dr. Brifez, stepped to Barrow, and bowed to Barros, using a tone of the son-in-law, nodded: "Juran Rong Xing, the gas is full, the gas Extraordinary, a happy boy. "

Said, Dr. Brifez smiled and praised his head: "Bama's eyes are good!" |

"Hey!" Bamma wrote that Angle's head, a lady's eyes, of course, good look, puzzling Brifs and Bama mother, shaking his head.

Then, Brifez intently glanced at the tail of the Barros waist, asked: "Listen to Bama said, you are not the human human human, but from the universe?"

"Well!" Barrow is gently point.

"There is no existence, there is a lot of aliens!" Bruffs sighed, double eyes showed the refined light, asked: "In the universe, do you have developed technology? Degree?"

As a scientific research, Dr. Brifez, which is important than everything is important than everything, is a man who is in Bamma is not important. Barrow is not important from the universe.

What he cares about is that in the vast universe, how is the degree of science?

Barros he watched Bruffs and suddenly rose a spiritual light.

Bama is genius, but her father Bruffs is absolutely uncomfortable.

As long as the other party can open the eyes, you will have a good help for yourself and the gods! !

Thinking, Barrow Zui rose, with a silk youhuo, said: "As is interested, if you don't follow me to the Northern Yinhe Edge God War! There, there is everything that is thinking about it. Just, I also want to ask. Aflerie and Bama help! "

"Shenwu battle?" Brips brow wrinkled, revealing the doubtful look.

Obviously, this is a planet he never heard of.

However, Bruffs' brow, soon, the universe is countless, the vastness is boundless, and does not say that he has been waiting for the planet under the earth, even if the Cartoon of the Shenwu battle, there is no need to be able to clear how much The name of those planets in the universe. So, he is not entangled.

Barros looked at Brifes, nodded: "Well, Shenwu War, Saayan Planet, gravity is 20 times the earth!"

20 times gravity?

Bamma and Bruffs eyes instantly.

"20 times gravity?" Bruffsbow deeply locked, looked at Barrow: "So, the quality of the gentleman, the normal human body, is it about 20 times?"

Barros heard the words, slightly shakes the head: "On the gods of the battle, there is no ordinary human, all the strength of all the Sai people, even if the three-year-old young child is more powerful than this planet, it is necessary to have a lot! In addition to a limited number of people in the planet, they compared to the ordinary young children on the Shenwu battle, more like a fragile baby that was born. It is weak! "

Barros has no exit, that is, only the merits of the earth, the Shenwu battle will come out to the Saiyan people, you can destroy it directly!

Because the Saiyan is constantly become stronger, the combat power is constantly increasing, so if you really want to capture this, you will, if you are afraid of Palodes just send the best of Godwood War, the most least wait. Young child.

For this planet, it is also destroyed.

Because in addition to a combat line to soar a turtle fairy and the same as the Saayan Sun Wukong.

There is no half of the earth with this Earth to the existence of the enemy!


Following, Barros detects the obstacles of the combat force belled on the left eye, handed over Bruffs, and explains the things of the fighting power. !

Although Barros is just a thick explanation, Can Brier, Bama, still understand.

I got a few combat power detection glasses, and the Brifez face hangs an admiration. "" To detect the energy in the lifeline, the other's strength is digitally displayed, this combat force detects the glasses Sure enough !! "

(Two more, ask for collection, ask for reward, seek flowers, finally get to the shelves, the second !! In front of the two chapters have a little water, wait for the work to go to work, one right to modify !! Interested friends, you can Guess what Balose is going to do !! Dragon Ball QUN has been built: **, I can add QUN.)

The thirty-ninth chapter returns to the gods, arranges the matter (the third, ordered)

[New book, begging for custom, begging for the whole order, begging to reward! The new book is put on the frame, and the third is more sent! I hope that the book friends have strong support.

Over the end of Brifez, Bamma, who has been interested, took the combat effectiveness to detect glasses, and learned to be on the wood before, and wear it on the left eye and aligned Brifens!

Drip ~ drop ~ drop!

After the combat force detects the glasses, the numbers on the left eyelid of Bama were jumped.

Then, the number of jumped fell quickly, turned into a poor unit number.

1 o'clock!

Have you listened to Bama, a shallow introduction of Baros, how can you do what you mean 1 point!

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