Dragon Ball: Wuyao Universe

Dragon Ball Wu Yao Qiankun Chapter 126

However, when Bamma saw Dr. Brifspis, when I was fighting, I still couldn't help it.

Bama once again detected the glasses to her mother on her.

This number did not beat, still stable and fixed in the top of zero 1!

Bamma, of course, this combat force detection glasses have no problem, but she still does not understand, what does it mean 1 point!

Looking at the puzzled hunt, Barros smiled, explained: "Ordinary earth humans, the combat power of the firearms, Jossom is about 5 o'clock to 10 o'clock, and the red hand is empty, there is no exercise ordinary man, the combat power is probably Between 0.5-1! Some martial artists are strong, under 100 points, 10 o'clock. "

Bunma wrote slightly, then the eyes suddenly rose a shine, and the combat force detected the glasses on Paltos.

However, the combat force detects the numbers on the glasses, but there is no jumping!

~ ~ ~!

Continuously pressing several switch button combat power to detect eyes without a half point, Bamma does not cover the Qiong nasal, said: "What is going on? This combat force detects glasses failure?"

Shake your head smile, Barros took the gas in the body, exudes a little.

Drip ~ drop ~ drop!

The combat force detection glasses, as Barrow released a little, suddenly crazy beating.

"Combat ... combat power." 3 thousand points? "Bama glared in his eyes, a confidence!

Bruffs heard the words, and the calm face couldn't help but show a slice.

Barros smiled slightly, the body deliberately emitted to let Bama detected, and suddenly he recovered in the hole, the whole person returned to the cloud, and there was no more combat power.

"Yea? How to fight the value?"

"The power of energy can be controlled, as long as it is low, or if you deliberately conceal it, you can detect the detection of glasses."

After explaining this sentence, Barrow looked at Bruffs.

Although Palos did not open, just quietly watching himself.

Can Bulfs still understand what the Barou is what it means!

I looked at the eyes of the fight against fighting glasses, and constantly detected Bama on the four sides.

After Brifes went on a moment, the slowdown was slow.

On the earth, he has not pursued a half point.

Creating a million capsule, science and technology, he has almost entering the uncomfortable point. Now it is very busy every day, it seems to be unparalleled. It is not much happy.

Now, Barros has opened a higher world for him, Bruffs also moved.

For Bamma, the scientific research in his heart did not extinguish, Bruffs, agreed to the invitation of Barros.


The gods of the Shenwu battle were 20 times higher than the earth. Trade with Bruffs, they went to them, and they didn't live to die.

After Brifez agreed, Barrow did not have a small gas, and took out the nervous tree of the two ordinary planets, let Brifs and his wife are taken up, and they will pass the Shenwu war. people.

Have the gods and a nervous tree fruit.

Just spend less than half a day, Bruffs and his wife, the combat power soared 2,300 points.

Although this combat power, it is eligible to join the Eyes of Barrow.

But the combat power of 2,300 points is also enough to make Brifs on the Shenwu battle, and there will be no life is dangerous.

I spent about a day, Bruffs and his wife finally adapted, this suddenly got the power, and also started to arrange the matters of the earth.

Universal capsule company is very large, and assets are more awkward.

Canmads schedule companies to run, and there are some things that are very fast.

One day, Bruffs and his wife were ready, prepared to go to Shenwu battle with Baros.

At this time, Badaka has already taken a lot of sunkong, waiting for a lot of homes.


Shenwu War, the emperor.

Sun Wukong and Bama, Bruffs, his wife, just won the color.

Twenty times gravity gap, so that they almost sprayed on the spot.

Ok, four people are now not low, although Xiong is suffering, it seems that even action is struggling, but there is no injury.

After a while, Sun Wukong actively became a bones and gently played a punch, and it was shunted: "Wow, good, great oppression, seems to all people are difficult to let go!"

Barros and Badakark saw him, slight smiles and did not put it on the heart.

Here, they have lived for more than ten years, and this degree of gravity has already been a little bit.

Then, Barroo watched the eyebrows on the side of Bruffs, say: "Under the uncle, I will let people build the top science team and research room for you, if you have any needs, Can talk to them! "

(San more sent, seeking collection, seeking reward, seeking flowers, finally getting up, third !! Twelve o'clock, there is only three more, after the update continues, there are four to five chapters before dawn! ! Small high arrival, Dragon Ball QUN has been built: **, I have an idea to add QUN.)

Chapter 40, eats Bamma, Namik Star (first, ordered)

[New book, begging for custom, begging for the whole order, begging to reward! New book, first more! I hope that the book friends have strong support.

After a while, I was summoned Kaimo, and I also came to the emperor.

After the introduction Bruff is the same as the scientific madman, Barrow is open: "Upper, Ka Mo Shi is the madman of the Shenwu battle, about this," you can find him. "

Although I don't know why the emperor is looking heavy, this looks like this looks a weak poor old man.

After listening to the words of Barros, Kamo Shei is still busy talking with Bruffs.

On the side of Bamma, I saw my father who chatted with Kaimo, I couldn't help but asked: "What about? Barrow, what do I do?"

Barrow smiles, holding Bama's hand is shocked by her jade back, in the eyes of the scenery: "Wait until you go to Namek, I need you and the uncle, and Ka Mole think they help me Uncomfortable things! "

"Well!" Bamma heard, sweet should be.

As a smart girl, she won't ask Pabas to help study what.

She only needs her to help Barrow, it is enough!


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