Dragon Ball: Wuyao Universe

Dragon Ball Wu Yao Qiankun Chapter 128

Namek stars, did not escape this luck.

When Namek star was changing, Namek stars almost reached the point of life and death, countless Namek stars were sent in batches to the universe, and they ruined alien.

Therefore, Nazick Star who stayed in Namik stars although Ting has passed the big change.

However, the strong horizontal planet of the stellar level is not there, and countless master is lost, and eventually, it will be an extremely ordinary planet.


Shenwu Di!

The spacecraft is driving in a long starry sky, the vast universe, than one of the rapidly rolled meteorite is more than ten times.

Just when Paros holds Bima to enjoy this universe scenery, the star river landscape.

Barros suddenly picked up, and his face revealed a look.

At this time, after a singer came to Barrow, he said respectfully: "The Emperor is the aircraft of Snow Seas and Syperceli, Parlantia."

In fact, it doesn't require this Saaya to remind, Barrow has also perceived the three extremely familiar atmospheres.

Gently, Barros waved: "Open the communication and top flow chamber, let my mother and Xueceli stop back, enter the emperor, take the emperor to Namek Star!"

"Yes, the great emperor!" The name of the victim heard the words, got down, quickly turned back and ran.

At this time, Xuece Ya and Xueceli, Palanti, who are sleeping in a circular aircraft, and awakened by the voice of the communication in the aircraft.

, Xueze Ya opens communication, asked indifferent: "What?"

The sound of Xueze Ya is falling, and a victorious voice came out of the communication device: "Snow Seal, the emperor of the Emperor is similar to your route, the emperor lets you stop the return, turn to the emperor Asterisk!"

"Great Emperor!" This is still a bit dissatisfied with Snow Seas, and it suddenly reveals the highlights: "Barros!"

Then, Xuece Ya said: "I understand, do you notify my sister Xueceli?"

"Go back to the adult, have notified the adults of Xueceli, they have changed the waterway!"

"Well, I know!" Xuecycorn Zui rose, it seems that it is happy to see the baby son who is not seen once again, and laughs and presses the hub of the change channel.

Five round aircraft, turned an arc in the universe, and flying quickly and entered the emperor.


The interior of the emperor.

Snow Seas and Xueceli, Palanti, opened the flight of the aircraft, and saw it looked at their Barrow and watching their Barrow.

The figure flashed, and the snow is alive, and I hug Barros, Xiao Xiao :: "giggling, I haven't seen Barros for a long time!"




When Xuecychat was held in Barrow, Xueceli and Palani, and the other two members of their female Sairai team flew, and they opened.

"Well!" The faintly smashed, Baros gently, broke the embrace of Snowya.

Seeing that Barros earned, Xue Pose is smile, and there is a little fun in my heart.

At this time, Xueceli looked at Bamma behind the eyellas, puzzled: "Barros, she is ...?"

Amount ~~!

Barros stunned, spinning to Bamma and Snowce, and Xueceli did a introduction.

I heard Bama is a woman in Barrow.

Not only Snow Seas and Xueceli, but they are stunned.

Even if the other Saiyan is the same, it is the wrong expression.


After listening to the snow in Barros, after the eyes, he suddenly took a wolf light.

Xueceli and the remaining two female Saiyan, and also curiously karma.

Just, let them see how they can find women in front of them, in addition to the appearance, what is worthy of praise and let Barros (Emperor) in the place! !

On the other side, when I heard Bama is a woman in Barrow, the depth of the eyes of Palands is full of strange light.


The speed of the emperor is very fast, and the time is also a little in the sailing.

With the joining of Snow Seal, the Snow Seal of God's War, the emperor seems to be lively.

Perhaps because Barrow has found Bama, I think that Barros has adults,

These days, Snow Sega actually pulled another two female Saiyan and Xueceli, and I discussed the things to give him a multi-color female Saiyan.

However, Barrow is a big tongue, Bunma and Palands are also interested in participating! !

(Two more, ask for collection, ask for reward, seek flowers, finally get to the shelves, the second !! Next chapter, Namek star, speluna, Hongtu will be exhibited !! Dragon Ball QUN has been built: * *, I have an idea to add QUN.)

Chapter 42, Namek, the future of peak (third, planned)

[New book, begging for custom, begging for the whole order, begging to reward! The new book is put on the frame, and the third is more sent! I hope that the book friends have strong support.

The emperor sailed in the long universe.

Half a month flying in Barros speechless and laughing in the girl.

The spacecraft is very fast, plus leisurely Rybros often pulls Badak into the gravity room to learn, or whichever is shouted with them by Xueze, and Xueceli, so I will not be so boring. .

However, there is something that is quite pair of Baros.

That is, this should be more interested in science and technology. It turned out to change the previous habits. It became cultivated madman, and it was necessary to enter the gravity room for a while.

For half a month, the long saying is not short.

Just in the gravites in the gravites and Mother Syress, Xiaoxiai and Parlanti, and the two female Sairanes tried.

The emperor also ended the destination of this trip, a plunger green planet, Namek Star.

Namekkin is looking forward to, the Saiyan who drives a spaceship, I don't dare to open the newsletter, inform the gravity of Barros.

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