Dragon Ball: Wuyao Universe

Dragon Ball Wu Yao Qiankun Chapter 129

At this time, Namik stars, a Qunqun is in a simple Namik star, and it is hard to work in the field, even if they have their abilities.

These work-old Namek stars have a high body, and the green shape is like a lizard, and it is a fear of terrorism.

However, if someone faces them, they will find that they are around the peaceful breath, no murderous, no evil breath, almost the pure and kind race.

At this time, Namek stars, the people worked hard in the fields, Xiao Namek star people were also happy, the old man is also a smile looks at the current and peaceful picture.

However, they didn't know, a QUN has a rush to approximate Namek.

It is a blessing is a disaster, they are difficult to expect.


Namek star, long and old residence.

Among the green, there is a green Nami, a mountain, a hill, which seems to be made by the huge behemoth, a tall weird Castle.

And that weird city, three Namek stars, single knees are showing an old state, seems to have been to the end of life.

"Ninglu, there is a guest is coming, you can welcome them in person, remember their strength, strong enough to easily erase Namek stars, do not respect it." The old voice arrived by the old row Next, the inner robes of the squat on the ground, the rest of the two Namek stars also nodded.

Nesher Lu and the other two Namek stars have a grand old, and they got it respectfully to leave the elder residence.

And after they left, Namek stars on the old throne were old. The old voice suddenly became fluctuations: "Is Fu is a disaster? I actually expect not! Variety, the Saiyan family clear It has been dropped, and it is destined to bloom. After a glorious, I finally exited the stage of this universe. Why didn't the ancient countdown, there is such a big deviation, the Saiyan actually has the general universe, and the brilliant trend of the peak is beyond the peak. ! "

It used to be a time in the universe, Namik Star and Saiyan who have been competing for a long time, and how many indiscriminated temperaments are only clear, and they are clear.

At the time of his young, the universe was in the universe, there was no such thing as the first battle in the universe, the master and strong people were endless, even if the Super Saiyan is also visible.

At the same time, Namek Star at that time is also extremely brilliant. Super Namek is not in a few, but it is not in a small number, sometimes it is shorter than the Saiyan.

That is a golden period that belongs to Saiyan and Namik, and is the last glory of the two people.

So for the years, even the old age, which is already open to death, will return to the dragon, and still remember clear, unforgettable.

Just, even he has never been expected, Namek Star will once again have a robbery, which is likely to completely die in the universe.

This should be only continued for a moment, but it has exited the Saiyan in the cosmic era, and suddenly suddenly happened.

It is not difficult to see the ability to see a simple future.

It can be, and therefore, he is more stunned.

Because he saw his unforgettable scene in the depression, he also made him feeled under the way, and then a relatively life life, and further snorted.

Inside, the Saiyan Million Star Strong Strong Strong Strong, the Super Saiyan is endless, under the leadership of a Saiyan, to sweep the universe, and then the whole universe, it is still constantly improving other universe.

Finally, the big elders are more discovered. He is looking at the future, that is full of no majesty, as if the emperor of the Junan universe, seems to be in the long river of time and space, and smile towards him.

"No ... Future! I didn't expect it, huh, I didn't exhale my last life. Emperor!" In the castle, the old voice of the old vicissitudes, full of expectations and vitality, the whole, It is an old man who will die.

Leaning against the throne, this has gradually moved to the end of life, at this time, it is even more oil.

Although I know that I can't support it, I don't regret it, and I have not been worried about it.

Because, he did not die in the future of him, and he did not die to return to Namek's arms.

Even if he gave him a slice that the birth of the birthday was dead, he still still survived.

But the old man saw the rise of Namek's stars and the brilliant reproduction.

His heart has been unsatisfactory, no worries, no concerns have put all the doubts.

(San more sent, ask for collection, seeking reward, seeking flowers, finally got to the shelves, the third !! Today, if you don't need to be a bit, you will give you five more money, if you .. Dragon Ball QUN has been built: **, I can add QUN.)

Chapter 43, outside the fate, taboos (first, planned)

[New book, begging for custom, begging for the whole order, begging to reward! New book, first more! I hope that the book friends have strong support.

Emperor is slowly close to Namek.

Dedicated to Welcome to Welcome, the two Namox stars, he looked up at the direction of the star in the star emperor, deeply frowned!

At this time full of peaceful Namik, suddenly dozens of stomats in the sky, will be quiet.

Those powerful Namik stars have stopped working in their hands, and a loud look is looking to Namek.

In those breath, Ningru, the three people felt the power of such as Haohai Wang Yang.

Even if I have never been faced with the upcoming 'Guest', they can shake their hearts, they can't afford my heart, and the gaps are also enough to make them.

"The old saying is good, this QUN is outside the guest, we really don't want to be!"

"Good .... Strong breath, those who have seen more than those we see, but also more than ten times, twenty times more than!"

"No !!" At this time, the endowed Neolu, a serious and dignified interrupted his door.

"Those who are extremely strong is not the focus, I .... I ..." Ningru said that the sweat continued, but his eyes did not dare to leave the sky of the sky.

After a small party, I slowly slowed the slow Ren Lu, biting the dental road: "In those breath, you will have five horrible to surveress the universe. If I have not guess, it should be the old and old. We are talking about, the existence of a metrics of millions of war! "

At this time, the remaining two Namek stars, and the patriarchal.

"Naburo, what are you talking about?"

"Hundreds of .. Million star level, how can it be!"

Looking at the two compatriots who are angular and unbelievable, the inner rug double boxing, the face is full of weakness and unwilling! !

In the end, Nairu is very exciting: "It's true!"


And at this time, the old castle.

Relying on the throne of the throne and a large elders surrounded by the death atmosphere, the zui corner is filled with a smile.

"Come, Emperor. It seems that you are more difficult than I peak, I can't see you a half-point half." I sighed, but I didn't have a little decadent, but I was happy.

After the eyes, my face was full of smiles. At this moment, I didn't like it as calm as him: "It seems that I spend life, I am just about the future of Saiyan and Namek, about you. .... "

Outside of a fate, it is not in the long run!

This is the depths of the old and old, but they are very clear but do not dare to emerge.

Because, it is absolute JINJI! !


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