Dragon Ball: Wuyao Universe

Dragon Ball Wu Yao Qiankun Chapter 130

Emperor is slowly designed to Namek.

Standing in the spaceship, he watched this Planet Barrow, Bama and Snowce, Xueceli and others, and the heart could not help but show a seemingly weird, but the fact is sighing.

"Beautiful planet!"

Naumek stars strange stone forest, and there is no beautiful scenery like the Sanshan Five Mountains, West Lake Kunlun.

However, in this eyes, it is going to be a living, a peaceful and peaceful planet.

I am afraid that there is no peerless scenery that will be put down here, but it is also beautiful!

After the emperor entered the atmosphere, a Saiyan who was driving a spacecraft came to the Barrow, and asked respectfully: "The Emperor, the emperor, and the emperor seems to be the Nakike Star's indigenous, need to implement capture. Or kill? "

"No!" Barros indifferent sounds, let him last, the heart, the heart is so low, no longer dare to say more people!

The spacecraft landed, and the few people from Barrow: "Mother, Xiaoyan, Bama, Palanti, Badak .... with me!"

Just arrived in the open door, Barrow suddenly glad, indifferent: "The rest of the person is standing in the emperor, there is no order of the emperor, no one is allowed to attack this planet. Things, otherwise ... death! "

Namekkin, is the most important step in Barrow planning, who dares to touch this Ray half-step, even if it is Badak, Barrow will not hesitate to kill him.

So the last cold killing is Barrow to the biggest warning of these Saiyan people.

The first time I showed this kind of Barros so that the Saiyan should be in the unison, but if the heart is cold, there is no other thought in my heart.

Even if it is his mother, Snow Seas and Xueceli, Palanti, Bama, and Super Saiyan's Badak body have trembled!


Barrow and others just left the emperor.

Nesher Lu and the two Namek stars endured to a few people.

With the previous Barros, the other two female seasons of the Badak and Snow Seal did not have a thought.

At this time, Nairuqiang sucked his heart, and the Parrow said: "Dear guests, the elders have been waiting for a long time, please come!"

"Well!" Barrow is faintly.

Neuru and the other two Namek stars don't think about it, the zui corner has a smile, and the body flew into the elder residence.

Baros smiled, and the body was also following a few people.

The rest of the few people also quickly showed the dance of the dance and keep up with Barros and Neolu.

In the flying, Bama finally asked the doubts in his heart: "Barrow, how do they be so like the Bike Dawn?"

Although Badaki did not know who the Bache was, he saw him a few times, he also had this doubt.

(One more, ask for a collection, ask for reward, seek flowers, finally get to the shelves, first more!! Today, you should be able to keep the five chapters !! Dragon Ball QUN has built: **, there is idea Add QUN.)

The forty-fourth chapter is broken, and it is unleadage (second, plan)

[New book, begging for custom, begging for the whole order, begging to reward! The new book is put on the frame, the second is more sent! I hope that the book friends have strong support.

Barrose looked at the same face, the doubtful Badak, faintly smiled: "

"God?" Bamma didn't understand the eyebrows!

The Badak on the side, but exposed a look.

In his heart, he had already guess it. It was almost exactly the same as the three Namek stars in front of the earth, and it was like a Saiyan who was assigned to implement the task.

The three people flying in front of the front, listening to the dialogue of Barros and Bama, and the heart emerged.

However, the existence of Paros and others is that they are difficult to enter.

So they are afraid of being curious in your heart, and the three don't have anyone to look back, what is Bike and God, where is the earth!


A long hills, a weird castle tower.

Looking at the buildings who have seen my memory in my memory, the Barrow zui angle is slightly tight.

Namek star, old old.

There are still before and after a few streamless flows before and after.

Nesher Lu returned to the Barros, respectfully took the road, and walked towards the old man in the room.

Just entering the room, Ningru respects respect: "The old age, the guest is already brought!"

"Well!" The big elderly smashed the head, issued a vicissitudinal nasal nasal sound, but the eyes came in from Barrow, and they kept in his body.

Just when the old man was watching Barrow, Baros stared at him.

At this time, the big old old body is quietly lying on a huge lounger. Although the old face of the vicissitudes is full of wrinkles, it is full of peace, and it is also like the Barros memory. The long and old model of death is going.

Although there is no opening, Barrow is still seeing, this Namek's star is old, it seems that it has come to the ground of oil, and the long-lasting old and old, and there are few people!

Barroo and the old man did not open, the rest of the rest did not dare to open, and the whole house was silent for a while.

For a long time, Barros' eyes flashed, faint open mouth: "The big old man ... you have no life!"

I heard the life of the longevity, Ninawa and other two Namek stars suddenly changed.

It can not be smiled at the old man: "Oh, it is true! It is about three days, I will return to the arms of the dragon!"

The previous peek is coming, so that the remaining five-year life expensive is almost exhausted.

Even now, he is just strong, barely maintaining the fire of life is not directly extinguished.

Sure enough, Barroo wrote that he was toned to open.

Watching the old old, Barros looked at the wards of the past, a little smile: "I want to grow old, I can guess, the emperor is not far away from the Star River, the universe to Namek star, why is it coming!"

The old man said, and suddenly appeared in the murder of the muddy, the smart light that did not match today: "Well, Namik Star is now no longer recharge, the only royal man who can make this Saiyan Only the dragon god Bolun Gang! "

Barrow and the old dialogue, make the two Namek stars, and the face change.

Regardless of the inner Luo they surprised, Barrow is just a touch of words: "Well, the emperor has a few tricky things, need Namek's Shenlong spent to do!"

"Namik Star God Dragon Warace?" After the old age, he suddenly appeared in the eyes: "You, don't you have seen the wish god dragon like spellena in other places?"

"Well, in the edge of the North Yinhe, there is a planet named Earth, there is a Namek star existence, and there is also the magical dragon ball of Namik Starns!" Barrow suddenly said: " However, the Wishing Shenlong of the Earth, because the creator's reasons, the ability is far from Namek's star! "

"It turned out to be like this, it seems to be the child of the dragon family of the allegory!" The old man is open, and the Ninawa of the last side: "Nairu, you run a few other elders There, take Dragon Ball! "

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