Dragon Ball: Wuyao Universe

Dragon Ball Wu Yao Qiankun Chapter 131

"Yes, the old age!" Ningru went to the head, but did not leave immediately, but some worriedly looked at the old and Barrow!

In this room, in addition to the other two Namek stars and Bema, almost all did not put his poor combat power in the eyes.

Therefore, inner Run, the minds of concerns and the alert, but it is a lot of people, and they are so funny!

I saw that Ningru's mind, the big old and old said: "Go to Neu Lu, go early early!"

Nauten, glanced at Barrow and others, biting his dental road: "Yes!"

Looking at the departure, the old man is slightly sigh.

Although Ninawa is currently the strongest existence of Namek, Nakike Star is also the most talented ethnic group, but it is weak to be weak than the grand occasion of Namek.

In the heart, the old elders fell to the body of Badak, and there was a color to remember on the face: "I can't think of it. I have a life that I have to see the Saaya family, Super Saiyan!"

Super Saiyan!

Badak and Snow Seas, Xueceli, etc.

Even Thai's own Parrow can't help but wrinkle, surprised to the old age.

At this moment, Badak is just an ordinary Saiyan form, and has not changed into a super-semiper, but it can be able to break his potential identity.

It seems that this Namek star's big old, and it really can't measure, even he smashed him!

(Two more, ask for collection, ask for reward, seek flowers, finally get to the shelves, the second !! Next chapter, Namek star, speluna, Hongtu will be exhibited !! Dragon Ball QUN has been built: * *, I have an idea to add QUN.)

Chapter 45 Development Potential, step by step (third, plan)

[New book, begging for custom, begging for the whole order, begging to reward! The new book is put on the frame, and the third is more sent! I hope that the book friends have strong support.

Barrow is still shocked, and more people are more.

Among them, Badakak can't help but hold the previous step, asked curious: "How do you know, I am a super-semi?"

"Oh!" The big elders smiled, explained: "The super-seizure is horizontal. I have encountered the existence of the super-semi-Saiyan. The reason you can see you is super. People are not how much I have, but my power that I have ever seen, I haven't forgotten it. "

Speaking of finally, the old face appeared on the face of a smile, and it seems to be afraid of his old days.

Badakard heard a slight breath, it was an answer to the old age.

Otherwise, if someone can see his depth, dialysis everything, the super Saiyan power of his hidden, that is not too horrible!

On the side of the Barros heard that the old man is so explained, the brow has never stretched.

The power of the super-seizure has always been the ability to hide in the blood of the Saiyan. If you do not show it, the outsiders are not aware of a perception.

In front of this Namek star, it is actually able to break.

Among them, it is really as he said in his mouth, because I saw the power of the Super Saiyan, I will recognize it deeply.

Barros didn't know, but he clearly, the big elders must not tell the truth, or say, nothing.


Just when everyone is different and surprised to show their lives.

Silent Barrow, suddenly opened: "The old age, according to this emperor, you have the ability to help people develop potential potential for strength, can I help the Emperor to develop a few people's potential!"

"Well?" The old man was surprised, and it was shocked to Barrow.

His ability, since Namek's temporary catastrophe, then did it, where did this in front of it know?

Switch, the old man thought of the future of itself, and she understood that Barros was in Jinji existed, they let go of the doubts and slowly.

I saw the old man nodded, Baros smiled slightly, "Red Traine, Luo Li!"

"Emperor !!" Two female Saiyans of the Snow Seal's squad, respectfully stood in front of Barrow.

Barros is headed down, Directors, old road: "Trouble, long, the old age, will develop the potential!"

"Well, you come over!" The old elder zui angle hanged a smile, and he had some bloated right hand, and the thick arm Shen. Out, the whole palm is put on the head of Red tray.

Then, the old man is somewhat surprised: "Good strength, as long as the potential is enough, it is likely that it will become a presence of that." Said, the long-lasting old, the Badaki, I mean. .

I have been watching all of this Badak and Schocetia, and I will not be banned.

Not over Badakak, isn't that ....

It is apparent that the red trap is clearly understood by the palm of the palm of the hand, and the face has appeared in his face.

At this time, the old elders also launched their own magic and began to cause the potential in the red tract.

"Hey!" A white airweight suddenly rising from the foot of Red trainee. It was developed with a potential red traveler. I only felt that there was a huge hot flow in the body. The strong power quickly spread to her whole body. .

That seems that each cell is full of infinity and power, so that the red traveler feels refreshing.

On the side, I watched this Barros, my eyes were together, and some shockedly looked at the old age.

In the event, only the red trainee, angry and strength under the development of the old and old potential, soared in almost a big break, there is no more than a long time, it is broken. 300 Wan Daguan.

After a small meeting, the big elders recovered the right hand, slightly sorry: "Unfortunately, it is a little!"

That is, the Badak and Xuecychat elegant look at the red trainee of this moment, but the face became very exciting.

In just a while, the people in the scene are almost the weakest female Saiyan red travelers, which actually leaps to be only the esteil of Barros and Badak.

Although the Red Hutter did not change into a super-Saiyan, Cocoll is also seen, at this time, her combat power reached more than 5 million, one step.

Then, Luo Liqing, which has already been hot, will go to the big elder.

Like Red Hut, after the development of the old and old potential, Luo Liqing's combat power soared, directly reached the point of almost and red trainee, far better than Sister Xuece, Sister.

Then, a long time, a long time, also three steps three steps, grabbed before Bakakak, came to the throne of the elder!

The old old is shallow and smile, and the hand is covered in the head of Palands. Just develop potential for her, suddenly shocked: "The little girl is so amazingly potential, and it seems that the children will add a super Saiya. People! "

"Moreover, it is still the most rare female super-seizure in the Saiyan!" That is finally, the old man is covered with wrinkled face, and it is not for the appearance of a look.

The descendants of the strong people are generally related to the previous generation.

The bigger is honest. If the two super Saians have blended children, what is the surprise!

One birth is the super-semi-existed?

Holding a expectated mind, the magic of the long-lasting body begins to run, a little bit starts to hit the potential of the hidden hidden in Phangantati!

(San more sent, seeking collection, seeking reward, seeking flowers, finally giving up the shelves, the third !! Today, don't need to be bitted, just give you five more boots, if ... Dragon Ball QUN has been built: **, I have an idea to add QUN.)

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