Dragon Ball: Wuyao Universe

Dragon Ball Wu Yao Qiankun Chapter 132

Chapter 46, three major super-seesys (first, planned)

[New book, begging for custom, begging for the whole order, begging to reward! New book, first more! I hope that the book friends have strong support.

As the big elder magic is hooked, began to develop Pagland's potential, and the gas on Palanti also began to soar.

"Hey !!" White air flames are not rising from the control of Parlandi, and she has surrounded by her.

The Barrow and Badaka face stood at the side changed.

Even if it is unase necessary to judge that the Pallani fighting power is increased in the development potential.

But Badak can feel clearly, in normal state, Parlanti has a big threat to him.

In the ordinary state, let Badak feel the threat, only one possibility, that is, the combat power of Palanti is no longer in the ordinary state, even ...

With the development of potential, the strength begins with the flooding madness to the body of Palanti, cells, blood, gas.

She is wrapped in a white airweight, at this moment, extreme transformation.

On the side of Barrow, the light is light, it seems to have been looking forward to the strength and blood of the Parlant's body.

~ ~ !

The sudden shock, making everyone in the field.

Listening to the violent heartbeat on Parlandi, the Barrow Zui rose, and the eyes are looking forward to it.

The shackles of the shackles, the super scorpion is looking forward.

Can Parlant dessert, it is here to become a super-seizure.

Almost the moment of falling in Barrow, Snow Seas and Sepilla, Badaki and others also thought here at the same time.

However, there is no more thinking, Palanti is a cold, white airweight, starting a little bit of golden huang color flame transition.

Next, Jin Huang colored airfun, crazy burning over Palands.

Baros' eyes is condensed, and the heart has expected.

"Yea ~ ah!" A crisp ignorant, it seems to contain endless indifference and violent, from the arrogance of the Palanti, she has a golden huang color, and the burning is getting crazy.

'boom! ! ! 'A fried surprises, rolling the smoke.

It is the power of Palanti, and the weird stone castle of the old elders is blown out.

The huge golden huang color flame rushing the sky, like a golden light column, shining the golden light rendering the sky.

At the same time, in the old old castle, Palanti's double dark eyes turned into green, a black long hair, and it turned into a golden huang color in this moment.

~ !

Jin Huang color is constantly burning air, and there seems to be blamed when firewood burns, but Cobs and others have no attention.

At this moment, only the light pinching of his powder in all people's eyes, the eyebrows were smashed, and the zui corner seems to be shocking her actually had such power. Parlandi.

"Super Saiyan!"

"Palandi, she turned into business!"

"This .. Is this a super-seizure?"

Badak and Snowcet, Schyei, and another few people, watching this eyebrows, the embarrassment of the indifferent Parlanti, the face can't be shocked.

On the side of the Baros' heart, it turned into a super-seizian, but the fighting power of Palanti was surprised.

At this time, the strength of Palanti actually stronger than the Baradak who turned into a stepmaking, the combat power was about $ 310 million.

At the time of Parrow, Parlati became strong, the long and old, finally comforted, said: "Call ~~! Little girl's potential is much more than I expected, although it has been developed, but still There are many potential hidden in the blood. However, the remaining potential can only be stronger through you, to cultivate and develop! "

Palanti wrinkled with a Qiong nasal, and his face was a smile that was completely opposite to the cold and indifferent.

Next, Xueze Ya and Xueceli have also accepted the old potential development before the previous one.

And Palani is different, the two have broken the trophy of the war, and successfully turned into a super-seizure.

As for the combat power, Palands and Snowce, Xueceli is different.

Three people are a super-seizure who breaks thousands of combat power, so the combat power is from about 500 million, and I can't talk about who is weak!

It can be followed, when the wheel to Badakak is to accept the potential development of the older old.

On the side, I gaked a long time, but I waved down.

The ignorant gaze of Badakah, Barrow Shen took out a fairy bean and a planetary nerve tree fruit, thrown into the elder's arms.

Looking at the fruits and beans thrown into your own arms, the old man was shocked to pick up the nervous tree fruit, asked "This ... this is, jinji God fruit?"

"Jinji God Fruit?" Pabi brow, laughing, laughing: "For the big old face, the big old face is overfilling, this nervous tree is full of vitality, although not necessarily helping the long life However, it can also be restored for a moment. The old long-lasting old rounds will develop potential for the people of the Emperor. It will consume not small. The other beans can recover all the injuries outside the disease, and the old man is also used. Some! "

Even if Barros don't know if the nervous tree is used to enhance life.

However, nerve tree fruits that absorb the vitality of the whole planet and the energy of life is not possible, and it is impossible to delay the functionality of the life.

As for the fairy beans, even the Baros itself can recover, the older old, even if the ability to develop others is again magical, Namek's magic is mysterious.

With the energy of the fairy bean, it must also make it completely recovered.

(One more, ask for a collection, ask for reward, seek flowers, finally get to the shelves, first more!! Today, you should be able to keep the five chapters !! Dragon Ball QUN has built: **, there is idea Add QUN.)

The forty-seventh chapter potential development, Dragon Ball gathers (second, plan)

[New book, begging for custom, begging for the whole order, begging to reward! The new book is put on the frame, the second is more sent! I hope that the book friends have strong support.

Pied in the fairy bean and the nervous tree, and the big old and old smiled and threw the two things into ZUI.

, !

Three two times the fairy bean and the old man and the old man.

This is a vicissitudes of life, full of wrinkled faces, and a green-green profit flashed.

It seems that it seems to be so strong that the old oil seems to go to the end of life.

I have perceived the situation in the xia body, and the old elders spit tones: "God fruit, magical beans, the universe must have endless creation!"

I am afraid that only the old age is clear, I have already fined lighting, barely sustaining him that he does not let the fire extinguished, the planetary nervous tree fruit and the fairy bean have more helpful to him.

Life energy and the filling of the planetary nervous tree, directly adding about ten years of life (Namek Star 130 days).

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