Dragon Ball: Wuyao Universe

Dragon Ball Wu Yao Qiankun Chapter 134

Remove the palm of your hand, the elderly eyes are slightly inottage disappointment and sigh.

Nowadays, they are almost all of his future generations, and the potential is completely impossible to meet with Namek Star.

Therefore, it is comparable to Namikist who comparable to the race.

Nowadays, there seems to be less than the Saiyan!


I sighed in my heart, and the long-term old talents recovered their thoughts and looked at Barros.

The Emperor of this Saiyan family, he gave a look at the long-distance walking of the long river, and it appeared to be the Saiyji existed outside the fate.

The old people are very expensive.

He spoke in the future, the Saiyan family and Namox stars, and it was more brilliant to achieve more than the peak of the two families under his leadership.

The peak glory, you can look at it.

The old man looked at Barros, which left to his throne, flashing in the eyes, and the palms were gently hanging, covered in the top of the Barrow.

The point of magic is like a star, slowly penetrating into the Barrow in the body.

Feel the strength of the body, Barrow knows that the elders have begun to guide their own potential.

I have always gaze all the Snow Seas, Xueceli, Palanti and Badak, Barma et al., There is also a very unevenness and expectation on the face.

Compared to his (she), their hearts are more expected, Barrow will become a strong potential to the old potential.

Holding such an expectation, even if it is still maintaining a super-Saiyan state, Syress, Palanti, Badakak, is still not good, and still keeps the eyes stare at Barros and the old age. .

However, Badak and Snow Seal did not know.

At this moment, Namek Star is being developed, and how many people are being developed.

The four big kings, the big king.

As early as the first super Saaya power, it has been alarmed.

I looked at the long-term use of potential development, guiding Xueze Ya and Xueceli sister into a female super Saaya and Badak.

At the same time, the four major kings and big kings, sweating, even with direct downloads to kill the old ideas.

A super Saiyan is already enough to stir the universe, and there are four super-seizures, and the four major kings and the big king can't imagine.

If the Saiyan people do, who can do in the universe?

In addition to the big king, the strength of the four kings is not much more powerful.

It can also determine their eyes.

With their eyes, how to see these four super-seesys that turned into this today, a unioneer, casually, one can easily kill the Flissa called the universe emperor.

A super Saiyan can have such strength, and a four super-sees people! !


Even I am used to the big king of the four major kings of the wind, the heart is not awkward at this time, and I worry about the brow directly into a group.

Moreover, if you do plus, you will become a super-Saiyan, a super-Saiyan who wanted to go to a galaxy in Barrow and Brole's legendary one thousand years.

Although it is a thoughtful picture, it can be thought of the horror scene.

The four major kings and the big king are all instantly headaches.

How long has it, the millennium, thousands of years, they have never encountered such a tricky problem.

Although the strength of these super-sees people is not comparable to that of the cholera universe to cover the entire universe.

The four big kings and the big king are also very clear.

If these super Saayans really start the cholera universe, then messy will definitely be more even more than ten times, hundreds of times!

(San more sent, ask for a collection, ask for a reward, seek flowers, finally got to the shelves, the third !! Relief, so updated the guarantee, in fact, it is a pit. There should be two chapters behind. Dragon Ball QUN has been built: **, I can add QUN.)

The forty-ninth chapter is worried, shocking (fourth, plan)

[New book, begging for custom, begging for the whole order, begging to reward! New book, the fourth is more sent! I hope that the book friends have strong support.

Think about the future, the super race is raging the universe, unattended scenes.

The four major kings and the big king, the body is aware of the body.

If you really got the point, the King of the Four Big Dynasties, will face more difficult choices than death.

Maybe, don't need it! !

As early as before, the big elders can guide the potential of others, and create the moment of Palangi and Snowya, Snowy Lee, three major female Super Saiyans.

The king of the four major kings and the big king is full of enthusiasm, and finally Barrow will also take this.

Then, it is already the development of the Super Saiyan's Badak, and the strength is further, and the king of the four princes is more uneasy.

However, the real turn to Paltos, let the old age have developed potential.

Whether it is the four princes or the big king, their hearts are all thorough! !

The previous Barros slammed a whole, as a means of god, they were still in the eye, remembering.

They are really unimaginable. If this is the basis, it will become a few times, and the strength will reach how horror.

At that time, I am only afraid that a line is enough to spell the whole universe?

Thoughtful thinking of the four major kings and the big king

Since the east north of the south, Wang Xing and Dajie Wang Xing, watching the King of Barros and the Large Laoxiao Wang and Daddy, regardless of the lack of emptiness, no matter how surging and unwillingness at this moment.

It's now today, Barros is developed, and it is a thing that will be stronger, not what they can stop.

At this moment, they only hope in their hearts.

I hope that Barros is not as destroyed and shalu as Flissa, destroying the tyrant of all.

Otherwise, there is a five super scorpion of Barros, plus its own horrible strength, and willing to improve the strength, I am afraid that it is a four-story king and the big king of the king, and may not be able to Blocking him from stepp.

And if it is really unavoidable, it must be a war.

Welcome to the king of the four princes, and only the truly eternal death they have already seen.


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