Dragon Ball: Wuyao Universe

Dragon Ball Wu Yao Qiankun Chapter 135

And regardless of how the four princes and the big king are in the heart.

Namek star, the elder residence.

As the big elder magic is hooked, the power of the Barros is like a powerful pottery, like a gunpowder that is ignited, in an instant.

Ziqi ~ Zi!

Not changed, the body surface did not have a rich flame.

A quiet arc has begun to disperse in the body of Barrow.

The arc flashes in the mutant, Badaka and Snow Seas, the four super-seesys in Badaki, and Xueceli in the back of Baros, and the face is changing!

Compared to other people, at this moment, Snow Seas and Xueceli, Palanti, Badak, and suddenly have a fear of fear of them.

That seems to be the perpetration of the depth of the blood, seems to be from the deep sunshine in the depths of the soul.

Even the chances of opportunities and reactions did not give it, I have been maintained in Badak, Snowya, Xueceli and Palani, and directly studied the Super Saiyan state.

The four people who have returned to ordinary normal, and a deep sense of weakness swept, and the shock on the four faces is still unique.

And huge consumption is unlikely to maintain the super-Saiyan state! !

They are in a super-Saaya form, and there is a kind of weak feeling at this moment. It seems that even the head is already extremely difficult, it seems that the moment of being forced to the super Saaye people, their strength and physical strength are also The instant is exhausted.

Because unknown, because of the sudden uneasiness and fear, the feeling of surrender.

Due to the sudden end of the super-seizian form, it was suddenly affected.

At this moment, in the hearts of the four people, only two of the words of Barros, only two of them were uneasy, and they were also awkward.

deprivation! !

Yes, after a short shock.

They have the only state of the previous state, and only the words are deprived.

Strength, blood, super-seizure state.

Even the ability to resist a harmonious resistance is not, and it is all over.

In addition to deprive, they have noted any description.


Just as the Badak and others are shocking.

Barrow is being developed, and there is a thrilling change.

! ~!

The sudden loud noise, wake up the horror of Snow Seas and Badakak and others.

Haven't waited for them to reflect, what happened to it.

It is the old man who is developing for the development of Barrow, suddenly the face change, and I don't want to pull back the arm.

However, it is late.

In the eyes of everyone horrible, the old man is green, and it is in an instant to fly ash directly float in the air.

For the old man of Barrow development, the wrinkles on the face suddenly spread.

A shares of dead gray constantly invaded the old age, a breath of death, and enclose the old man in an instant.

Don't ask, everyone also looks at the old age at this moment, and when they first saw him, it was even worse.

The cold candle is over, the oil is exhausted.

The old age of a planetary nerve tree is used to have a large elder of life.

At this moment, the life is completely exhausted, and even the breath is constantly destroy. It is covered with wrinkles. The color of the dead gray is more condensed, and the breath of death is almost surrounded by the old age!

Everyone is very clear. After this moment, the elders have arrived at any time.

(Four more, ask for a collection, seek reward, seeking flowers, finally getting to the shelves, fourth !! It is sick, so updated, it is a pit. There should be a chapter behind it. Dragon Ball QUN has been built: **, I can add QUN.)

The chapter of the chapter of the horror of horror (fifth, custom)

[New book, begging for custom, begging for the whole order, begging to reward! New book, fifth more! I hope that the book friends have strong support.

Ziqi ~ Zi!

An arc is flashing, and the continuous frictional air has a sound sharpness.

This is already full of long and old, and the atmosphere at this moment is more intermittent, and it seems that it may blain at any time.

There is no too much hesitation, Xueze Ya looked at Barros, and took out a fairy bean directly to ZUI, and quickly borrowed into Barrow and the middle of the old man in an instant.

In an instant, Xuecean rudely seized the old-lived left arm, with him instantly violently retreat, withdrawing the stone fort!

Then, the madness of the tacit understanding of the plunge, away from the old old stone fort.

Almost in the moment they left, I was in the foreigner with a small electric arc, and the arc of the body surface suddenly spread.

Standing outside of a kilometer, Scholar and Dagong, Badak, Xueceli, Palanti, Bama, Red Travelers, Loriqing, Neuci, and the other two Namek, looking at The old castle, all of them suck the cheeper.

Then, they were also happy while glaring.

Looking at the arc coverage, it is full of death and destruction, and even a little powder is not allowed to leave.

Don't speculate, they can also imagine, if they continue to stay, at this moment are almost the same as the squirrel, and it is the same ending.


Suddenly fried, let the people who are immersed in the shock look back.

"Universal Capsules?" Bama was a bit surprised to see Schoyan.

Badaki and others don't understand the snow of the universal capsules, I don't know why she is.

In the case of Xueceli, as a kisites, I saw that I have to get into the old age of death, I hope to throw out the universal capsules, and I will show a thinking look.

And the side of Ninglu, etc., although I don't know how Xuece is throwing out of the universal capsules.

They have returned to God from the shock, but they reactively responded, and they ran to the long side of the elder.


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