Dragon Ball: Wuyao Universe

Dragon Ball Wucai Qiankun Chapter 139


Don't solve the lower bound, the super Saiyan in Namik is in what mad country king.

Just heard the news of the king of the king, I immediately fell to the world of Wang Xing.

The hell center, those souls of the ancients! !

The cold sweat is soaked in a moment of the North Royal King, but he also caught these at the moment.

This is no longer what he can handle.

At the same time, the other three major kings have also got almost the same notice.

Hell and the university is different, how can the Saiyan soul do not have no reason?

However, the big king and the four major kings have broken their heads, and they don't think about what exactly.

However, things have arrived, and they can't think more.

Finally, I watched the next kingdom Namek, the big royal king, informing the four kings, and began to join hands to display the seal.

On strength, they are indeed not the opponent of Saiyan soul in the center of Hell.

Can be used as the king and the big king, the god position is in the body. They can easily interfere with anything in seal in hell.


Universe, Namek Star.

A bright blond hair, blood red brow, green pupils of Barros, eyes, cold, sharp, ruthless, burning, golden huang color, but also to rise.

Perhaps you feel that shouts and identity from the depth of blood.

Barros, who were angry and hate, unwillingly ignited, and the extreme crazy breath suddenly became down.

"Plop, plop, plop!"

The calm heart beats, as if a drum that sounds the entire universe.

The Baroqi and other people and the Barole in the universe, all of the martial arts of the Shenwu battle seem to be jumped with the heart of the Barrow.

"Hey!" A slight radius, although there was a moment of flashing.

Whether it is a big long or far in the world Wang Xing and the big Wang Xing, the Saiyu of the Shenwu battle seems to feel that this fragmented radiopes is that they sound in their ears or hearts, so that they listen It is extremely true.

boom! !

Golden Huang color flames are crazy, gradually forming a giant airweight, and the Parrow is completely packaged.

Blood awakening failed again.

It can be awakened before, and the identity of the Saiyan people, that gathers the most determined beliefs of thousands of Sai people, directly in order to the most eternal beliefs, left a fine seam for the silent blood of Baros.

Although the fine seam is small, it is the most crazy and determined belief in the Saiyan family.

That is like a totem, even if the years are rid of, the universe will not move the beliefs, they are the absolute beliefs of their emperor Barros.

Shenwu Emperor, Barrow.

In the hearts of the Saiya, it is just their great emperor. It is the absolute belief that they have a brilliant emperor, and they are in their minds.

In countless beliefs, countless people are shouting, roaring.

They used their absolute beliefs to Barros, and they also left a line in the future of Barrow.

Yes, if you can, they are even willing to sacrifice all kinds of things, even if they ignite life and soul, as long as they can wake up for their emperor's blood.

They are absolutely at all!

(San more sent, ask for a collection, ask for a reward, seek flowers, finally got to the shelves, the third !! Relief, so updated the guarantee, in fact, it is a pit. There should be two chapters behind. Dragon Ball QUN has been built: **, I can add QUN.)

Chapter 54, Tu Billion, Destroy 10,000 Star Department (first, plan)

[New book, begging for custom, begging for the whole order, begging to reward! New book, first more! I hope that the book friends have strong support.

This kind of firmness of the long-term and long river, the years are moon, the universe is unscrupulous.

Even the old monsters in the universe in the depths of the universe, the old monsters in the universe are deeply trembled.

I am watching all this Vissen, Zhang Zui seems to say something, and finally the pupil flashed, and I chose silence.

Namek star.

Baros wrapped in gold huang color flames, the eyes are deeply looking to the sky the universe, which seems to be ignored the gods of the Cangsheng, and the emperor who can't say that the pair you can't say. Royal Barros.

After the four golden columns, after hey, it seems to be the Golden Dragon of the gods.

At this moment, it is also in the torrent of the unsteady belief that comes together.

Baros after the blood, started his change again with the power of the eternal belief.


Golden Huang's colored air flames, put Barros, so that everyone is ugly to see the figure of Barrow.

In the madness of the , Ròu is strong, it has been comparable to the ancient star of Barros, once again changed.

Dragon Elephant is hurt, the first time does not need any boost and operation, turn itself.


The endless life energy and the heavens and the sky are plundered by Barrow directly from unlimited universe.

The splitter of the split, the moment, the moment of the blood awakens, thousands of unchanged beliefs.

Let the dragon elephant to be repaired by the dragon elephant to the second floor, it is the third floor.

Compared with the first two-story dragon icon, the third layer of dragon icon is only two words.


All things in the world, with Ròu as a heaven and earth oven, and the plunder is incomingly, it is intersthered, integrated into the blood ròu body! !

The golden huang colored air flames straight ribs, and the Parrow, the strength and Ròu were also in the transformation of the universe.

This change is extremely short, and almost instantly is complete.

~ ~ !

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