Dragon Ball: Wuyao Universe

Dragon Ball Wu Yao Qiankun Chapter 140

The golden huang color is retired, revealing the Barros's cold and indifferent to the west of the west, and the standing alone is difficult to have a honest life.

Looking up, Ruyan Green Pupil, deeply looking to the vast universe.

Then, Barrow suddenly did not have a missed the disappearance of the original place.

The vast universe, there is no margin.

One wrapped in the golden huang colorure, in the universe, the body of the dust appeared.


Ròu is able to force the void and some powerful races in the universe can be done, and it is not enough.

However, the universe is absolutely jinji, which is not a secret in the eyes of these hidden super strong in the universe.

So I saw that Barrow can be able to cross the universe, as they can't help but show their surprises.

I have been watching the existence of the four major kings and big kings of Baros, Visses and other universe. Looking at Barros, sudden Ròu, the embarrassment of the embarrassment of the embarrassment, and more confused.

They really guess, the Barroo who has just changed, suddenly joining the universe is what I want to do!

At this time, the Wanghe Big Datherian of the Tourism, looked at the indifferent Barrow in the pupil, suddenly a thought of extremely uneasy.

"It's hard, it is difficult ..!"

"That ... that Saaya, he ... he should not think!"

"The death, what happened, why is the Saiyan will be so angry, is he really crazy?"

"I hope it is not what we think."

A burst of speech is constantly resounding in the four world.

Looking at the medium-sized galaxy full of different winds, Ròu is a smile in the void universe.

This moment, a touch of crazy smile, and a frivolous indifferent icy smile, hanging on the ZUI corner of Barros.

Musical hand is light, a little golden light is gathered in the Palos finger, Barros Shen. Out of the arm, indifferent to the galaxy with the same wind, gently.

The four major kings and big kings, and even all the strong people who watched this scene, the hearts of the heart showed unbelievable look.

Next moment, the horrible power blooms, a little brunette passes the endless starry sky and falls to the medium-sized galaxy.

After the golden light is weakened by the layers, the power of shamling is still exploding.

Next moment, it fell to the medium-sized galaxy full of different winds.

In an instant, one star air is turbulent, the original medium-sized galaxy has been packed, all the planets disappeared without trace!

Countless dust meteorite four shots, starry sky, a horrible starry sky storm, instant crazy bombardment to the Barrow outside the galaxy.

The horrible starry sky hurricane is continuously blowing, and a small aster than behind Baros is changing under this storm.

It can still carry a single-handed Barrow, but there is no turmoil, standing in the corner, standing in the ground, and has not been affected by the slightest.

Big Dangyou.

Silenced for a long time, crazy roaring: "Damn, what is the dead Saiyan? Why do the endless destruction of the medium-sized galaxy?"

Unfortunately, regardless of the big king how to roar.

Just destroyed a galaxy, the fingertips re-gathered golden light, and went toward a small and medium-sized galaxy on the left side of him.

Depth of the universe.

Through the scepter, he looked at this everything, and there was a road to the eyes.

After a while, I watched and destroyed a galaxy Barros, Vissed: "Tu Billion of the spirit, destroying thousands of stars, retaliation to the universe! He wanted to be interrupted, he would be angry Sust! "

(One more, ask for a collection, ask for reward, seek flowers, finally get to the shelves, first !! Dragon Ball QUN has been built: **, I can add QUN.)

The fifty-fifth chapter of the king of the king, join hands to seal (second, plan)

[New book, begging for custom, begging for the whole order, begging to reward! The new book is put on the frame, the second is more sent! I hope that the book friends have strong support.

North Territory!

The North Royal King is on the ground, shouting with a face collapsed: "God, stop !!"

Looking at a galaxy in the North Yinhe area disappeared, the north of the north of the Northern Royal Double eyes, the heart is constantly dropping.

"Breast, the dead Saiyan is crazy!"

"Scorpio, is he destroyed the entire North Yinhe, or destroy the entire universe?"

"Well, the power of horror, I will erase a galaxy at the same point, and I can't get down on the original monster."

"Holocaust, did not expect the death of the Saiyan, it will be the city of the universe!"

Looking at another galaxy disappeared under the hand of Barrow.

The face of the King and the Four Big Kings has become fear from Tieqing.

They didn't know what happened at all, and they kept watching Barros constantly destroyed another galaxy.

As the galaxies continue to disappear, there is a small white starry sky outside Namek.

Don't say the four borders, even if the big king has never seen such a crazy destruction of the galaxy, it seems to destroy the entire universe.

However, no matter how the four big kings is in a hurry, even the big king and the four major kings are constantly sounding, from the request to the pleading, to the end, Barrow has not stopped.

Sincere, Visseari said that Barros, which was blocked, and the anger in his heart was almost all over the entire universe.

At this moment, he is more like a unrelated legendary super-seizure, don't care, don't care how many ginseng is killed in his hand, how many galasses have been destroyed.

Barroo only needs to know that the universe is from a purple thunder, and it has also broken his strongest way. He has a blood butcher billion million creatures, destroying thousands of stars to the universe, so enough.

Looking at the Barros for a moment, I ruined two galaxies, and the big king did not sit.

However, more can't sit still, but it is not a big king, but it has already been noticed to the East Royal King of Barros!

Just when the King of the Big World, a voice spread throughout the entire big royal star and the four world Wang Xings: "The big king, the north and south of the north and south, with me, the universe, will the dead game Asian seal! "

"This ..s?"

"It seems to be, the king of the world!"

"At the beginning, the monsters were not already put ..."

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