Dragon Ball: Wuyao Universe

Dragon Ball Wu Yao Qiankun Chapter 143

That is an invobilated smile, it is also a murderous killing.

"Hey!" Jin Huang color flames rising from the foot of Barros, and a black hair was dyed in a dazzling gold, and the green pupil and blood red eyebrows appeared again.

The big king of the flying, looked at Barros again turned into a super-semi-Saiyan, suddenly lost his voice: "King, fast, stop him from turning into a super-Saiyan."

However, Barros turned into a super-priest just a short thing.

The big king dialect has not been finished, Baros has completed transformed, how does the four kings stop?

The eyebrows smiles, and the killing of ice is beaten.

Next moment, the Barrow is slightly shaped, and it disappears directly in the sight of everyone.

! !

A low sound, let the big king and the four kings, Jiebit, the face is completely palemiaful.

Countless God bloodshot is filled, and it has a strong red on this blank starry sky.

The beautiful blood flowers bloom, which belongs to the God of the East Royal King, starting to get out of the madness, sprinkling half a starry sky.

"East Director Wang God!"

"The king of the world?"

"Damn, the dead Saiyan, you, you actually ..."

"You are evil, the king of the king of the world. The dead Saiyan, I want to kill you!"

At the time of the four kings and the big king, Jiebit God, looked at the God of the Dongjie, the eyes of the east, and the eyes were reddritted.

(One more, ask for a collection, ask for reward, seek flowers, finally get to the shelves, the first !! Today, the five chapters, there are four chapters !! Dragon Ball QUN has built: **, there is idea Add QUN.)

The fifty-eighth chapter king is dead, the king is all (the second, to be administered)

[New book, begging for custom, begging for the whole order, begging to reward! The new book is put on the frame, the second is more sent! I hope that the book friends have strong support.

On the occasion of the sight of the East Royal King, the vague sight looked at the four kings and Jiebit God, the big king, showing a smile that is incomparably bitter.

The last god laughed, full of bitterness and despair.

But Barros slammed out the Tongjie Wang of Xiong, with his own punches, with a palm lightning, then a little golden light coacently agglomerated.

"Well, the east of the east!" The voice falls, the golden Qigong wave is big, the moment will have stepped into the death of the death of the East Tower! !

"No ~~!"

Six scientific screams, almost no score, in the space of this virtual universe.

No matter how they don't want to be with you, the golden Qigong waves will have no half of the east of the east of the east, completely gasification in this universe.

The Tongjie Wang Shenyu is dead, and the inexplicable fluctuations in the eyes of Baros.

In the next moment, Baros smiled coldly and turned to the four kings.

The four kings who have been chaotic in the east of the Tung Dynasty, and seeing Barros back. Suddenly, sweating and cold sweat began to interleaving crazy falling.

"Evil .. Devil!"

"You ... what do you want?"

"This .. damn, why can't your body move!"

"Hey, is it ..."

Barros is indifferent, almost no need to speculate that the four kings can see that he is looking at it, what is going to do?

Just, they are expensive as the king of the four border.

Even if you looked with life and death, you don't want to die in Barros.

Time, this is sometimes suspended.

The universe, this moment seems to stop running.

The four kings trembled in the stars in the same place, and a face was frightened.

Looking at the appearance of the four kings, Barrow laughed, smiled and ridicule: "Oh, haha, hahaha!"

What is God, what is the king?

When they face them, they face death.

The so-called God and the king, and ordinary people are not different.

The mortal, forever fight, but also caught the magic, not because the so-called gods are high.

Instead, those so-called gods have mastered the power of people who are difficult to match and look up.

If the mortal has a powerful boundless, but even the power of the gods, the mortal is no longer mortal, and the gods are no longer the high god.

Barrow in front of the four kings, there is a mortal who has enough to kill and trample in these so-called gods.

The four kings are slaughtering hell, how much is high in front of it.

But now, in front of Barrow, Wang Surse is shaking, but the poor waiting for the lambs trial of the Barros, even the qualifications who dominate their own destiny.


The midsence of midsence, slutty nine days of madness.

Barrow has become more and more determined by the heart of strength and strength.

However, Parrow finally didn't have a little thoughts, and then more about these so-called kings!

After a smile, Barrow finally had a move.

In the four kings' sighted eyes, the Barros arm is lifted, and the pointed golden light is aligned with them four .... No, five people!

That's right, I have been watching the god of Jiebit on the side, and it is also covered by Barros.

It is just that the other party is moving instantly, and Barrow did not instantly express his killing.

It's like a double finger of the sword. This moment, the horrible power and the golden light bloom, the invincible light crosses the endless starry sky, the cave wear the universe!

"Stop!" The scream of a scream of the distant, swaying this starry sky.

But Barros's movements are not stopped, and there is still a pointer to the four kings who are full of horror!

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