Dragon Ball: Wuyao Universe

Dragon Ball Wucai Qiankun Chapter 144

In an instant, everyone has exposed a horrified look.

Even if the four kings are in the gods, the long-lasting wind waves look at life and death, in the face of this death referring to the moment, also exposed a very desperate and fear.

Next moment, perhaps the threat between life and death, maybe it is the unwillingness in your heart.

The four kings shot at the same time, and they used the most powerful power they can show.

For a time, the huge guardian barrier of the four streamed color wings appeared, and it took a starry sky in an instant.

However, these are only futile.

They are the kings of the king, but they face it, but they can easily erase the Shenwu Emperor of the Super Saians.

After the change, Baros, even if it is just a hit, the power is also comparable to the full hit of the people from the No. 17 and No. 18, and it is the district of God, but there is no king of the neighborhood Wang Biby!

In an instant, the four huge guards were directly broken into virtual. Little Jin Mang always went to the Yanyu River, thoroughly put the four kings Wang Yun, even a trace has not left.

However, Barros's casual hit is bombarding the guardian barrier and the four kings, and after being weakened by the layers, it still broke out the power.

In the next moment, in the eyes of Jiebite, Jin Mang finally hit the Best's body.

! !

The huge gap of strength, even if the JiebiT is moving instantly, even the time does not even flee, and it is made into smashing, turning into a bloody moment and evaporated!

At this point, there is a king of the East Town of Barros and the Dangli King, and the four kings of the north and south of the East and West, the gods of Jiebit, except for the big king, the rest.

Just, even Barros didn't know.

The four kings were dead, and the four Galaxy suddenly came from a series of voices like glass or spatial fragmentation.

(I sent a collection, ask for a collection, ask for a reward, seek flowers, finally got to the shelves, the second is more sent !! Five chapters, normal eight chapters, wait next to the next chapter !! Dragon Ball QUN has built : **, I have an idea to add QUN.)

The fifty-ninth chapter is taboo law (has been modified)

[New book, begging for custom, begging for the whole order, begging to reward! The new book is put on the frame, and the third is more sent! I hope that the book friends have strong support.

The universe starry sky, the vastness.

The king of the big world floats in a long and unbelievable starry sky, it is like a dusty and small.

Looking at the place where you have already empty, the big king is empty in the universe, drinking: "Northern King, the southern king, Dongjie Wang, Western King."

The empty universe returns the king of the big king.

The four kings of the soul into the government, looked at this scene in front of the Temple of the Temple, can not help but have a tear.

The void is in the universe, the low-headed big king, it seems that it has experienced the change of the sanguin cosmos, which must be surprised, and it is more old.

The Temple of the Temple, the land hall, and even the four world Wang Xing and the big Wang Xing.

Countless people are staring at this scene.

Although I don't want to admit it, it is too strong that the Super Saiyan who is named Barrow is too strong.

Some of the more than a long time, almost all I remembered the incident of the monsters in the year!

Compared to the original, this event is like this year!

It is just compared to the year, the four major kings and the big king got died. This dead is just the four kings.


Low head for a long time, the big king raised his head.

Barros is slightly eyebrows, and there is a wiper and a strange look.

The big king is a god of justice, and the four kings and dominates the whole, it is originally a positive and peaceful god.

At this moment, the blood is spread all over the big king's eyes, and two scarlets tears are hanging by two eyes. It's like weeping blood, no more than half of the big king model.

"The dead Saiyan, damn!"

The big king died, and the voice of the old hate is suddenly sounded in the empty universe.

In the eyes of Barros, it will be shot.

At this time, the big king suddenly stood up, and a bloody eyes continued to red light.

Before the House, the Temple of the Temple.

The North Dynasty Wang looked at this completely unsatisfactory big king, wrinkled the eyebrows, trembled: "Big ... big king, difficult, is it ...!"

The southern king watched him, tough swallowed the water: "Hey, no ... no!"

The Western King looked at the trip of the big king, trembling the hoarse voice, said: "Okay, it seems, yes!"

Dongjie Wang did not open, it can be seen that he is sure at this time, and the forehead is sweating, and it is also very nervous when he is at this time.

On the side of the east of the east and Jiebit, and even the king of the king and other midazakies, I looked at the four kings, I can't understand what they mean.

Looking at the storm of the big king, the East Royal King wrinkled the eyebrow: "What do you mean by the North Royal King, what do you mean?"

What do you mean?

The northern king and the remaining three world king faces are ugly, bite the teeth and started to have a big king, why will it become likes? !

Through the land of the government, I look at the bulls of the big dance.

The East Dynasty Wangshen and Jiebit God, and even the land of Jurao revealed a touch of extremeness.

JINJI's law, let me know!

It is a method of burning vitality to enhance its own combat power.

If Baros listened to the King of the North Royal King, it was surprised to find that the spirit of the king of the big king is extremely similar to the Dafa Dafa of the Teminate in his knowledge.

And the east industry Wang Shen and others, only to know, why they looked at the big king through the landlord, they would feel that he was soothd, and he had a hidden hRAO.

It turns out that this is the law of God, and it is also an absolute JINJI.

Even if it is the big king, the trick is displayed, and the battle cannot be solved before the life is exhausted. The final result must also set foot on Huangquan Road and the soul of the government.


In the universe, the big king of JINJI Law's Law.

"Dinn!" Explosive, the big king stared at the blood red, the look, the shape of the shape, as if Dapeng Wings were general, and the lightning is generally in a boxing. The whole person is also instantly attacked!

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