Dragon Ball: Wuyao Universe

Dragon Ball Wu Yao Qiankun Chapter 145

"Hey!" Baros scorn the cold, right hand into a box, direct hit the big king of his own.

Bang! Bang!

One of the laws of jinji improve the strength, and the strength is relatively invincible.

Although it is just a straightforward punch, but in the big king at this moment, there has been the power of the stars.

At the moment, it is like a fist with a mountain, and arrived in front of Barros.

The Law of JINJI, the big king of the gods, and it was so far away. This fist has brought all the strength. The fist is full of destruction, and the power is not like a punch to completely kill the Barrow. .

And the other party, Barros is not flashing, it is not afraid.

In the face of this, the Barros is constant, the Barros is not changed, and the boxing of boxing is swaying, and there is no skill, it is a punch for Pu Putong, and a punch to the big king. Welcome to the past.


Two punches are hard, and they are vigorous.

The big king of JINJI, the big king, how horror, the strength soared, the previous Barrow has not had intuitive concept.

But at this moment, Barrow is clear.

Originally, according to the Baros' heart, he and the big king of the king of hardships, when there is no suspense, directly attacked the other party, and even the other party.

I haven't thought that my fists have not played without a slightest, and the two handshakes. It seems that the power is quite!

"Dry! Saiyan!" The big king's blood red is full of red light, smiled, the left hand is like a long snake, and slammed the right arm of Barrow.

(San more sent, ask for collection, seeking reward, seeking flowers, finally getting to the shelves, the third is more !! Bao Five, the other two chapters are more. Dragon Ball QUN has built: **, there is idea Add QUN.)

Chapter 60, Starry War, Who is a winning and negative (have been revised)

[New book, begging for custom, begging for the whole order, begging to reward! The new book is put on the frame, and the third is more sent! I hope that the book friends have strong support.

Next, a golden and blood red intertwined, which is engraved with an endless weird inscription, suddenly appearing in the sky, and the moment will be wrapped in a slightly wrong Barrow.

Just caught in the chain, a horrible Senhan's breath suddenly turned out, directly put the Barros originally in the super-seasians, and burned the h .

"Your power has been contained, affected by the dead." The big king of the killing, the words of the killing machine, "said that his left hand, a punch, Boxing, Biiong, bombarded it!

boom! !

A dull voice sounded, making the big princes extremely wrong.

His fist, unable to shake the Barrow's body, let alone, if he wants to be general, hurt Barros.

Looking at the wrong big king, Barrow smiled indifferently, Zui corner revealed a very sharp and disdainful smile: "Although I don't know, what do you do. But only this garbage wants to limit the emperor Strength, you have not too expedited yourself! Big King! "

The voice is falling, wrapped around the strange lock chain of the storm lock in the Right arm of Baros.

Baros is a shock, a horrible force instantly, and the strange chain of the stool is not completely disconnected, and it is directly broken into the sky.

In the next moment, the Paros' calm down the right fist, and directly bombarded the big king in the next day.

The big king is shocked, but it is shocked, and it's rapid to let go of a punch.

! !

The blow is unable to get the hand, Barrow and the big king are separated, the big king is in the starry sky, and it is unknown to stabilize the body, and Barrow is also unsatched by the anti-earthquake. Distance, the party is once again standing on the stars.

"It's over! It's it!"

"What will be like this! How can it be?"

"Why, why? The big king of the big king clearly has shown JINJI's law, why can't I uniform even kill the damages!"

"Is it, the damaging Saiyan, even the big king to Show Jinji's law, can you take it?"

Just hurried forward three strokes, the four kings of the government and the east of the east, the kings, etc., all revealed extreme shock and incredible color.

The strength of the big king is second only to Barrow, in the four kings, this moment, the big king after JINJI, even if it could not immediately kill the dead super-seizure, but it should be quickly Put the other party uniform.

did not expect.....

"How can this, I clearly have curb your strength, why ... Why is it more than 450,000 meters, the big king is staring at the Barros face is surprivable and unbelievable.

Barros heard the Zui angle hanged a smile and disdainful smile, and it sounded with a light voice: "To contain my strength? The chain is indeed changing, and the power of the emperor can temporarily contain. But. But. But. But. But. But. But. But. But. But. But. .. is also only a time. I want to curb the seal of this emperor, the previous QUN waste is unable to do it, and you can still do this! "

Call ~ call ~ call!

In the Temple of the Temple, the four kings and the east king of the east world heard this words, suddenly got asthoon, full of angry staring at the transmissions on the transition.

If it is not a dead person to interfere, this moment, the king of the east, and the four kings, absolutely do not mind, and the United States kills Barros.

Of course, the premise is that they have to play Barrow.

Otherwise, in the state of the soul, even if you wish the god, they are absolutely unable to resurrect.


In the universe, the face of the big king is also ugly.

He showed the law of JINJI to solve the god, and he did not hesitate to burn life as the cost of killing Barros.

It can be seen now that he has a combustion force that he burned his vitality, although it made him a strong, but it was still not enough to shake Barrow, and I wanted to kill him.

In the universe, there is a colorful shield.

Weis looked at this scene, can't help but shook it, Jinji's law is really powerful, with the combustion power exchanged for the cost of burning, so that the strength of the big king has increased much.

But the super-seizure, his greatest reliance seems to be not his super-seizure!

I can't see this, even if the combat power is even slightly surpassing the big king of Palos, it is hard to shake Barrow.

At this time, the old figure of the old figure that was thinking about Barros thought, at this time, he was staring at his life and death, and his eyes were dripping!

For Barrow, he has too much shock and doubt.

"Your power, I have already seen it! Now, you should know my strength!" For other things, Barros did not care. In his eyes, only the opponents currently have to make him a war.

The low angered, this time Barrow took the initiative to attack, the figure was moving, and the front of the frowning big king was in front of the king.

The golden huang color flames wrapped in a star, impacting towards the big king.

! !

The big king Wang Zhengsiso is other, and it is not as follows to the reaction.

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