Dragon Ball: Wuyao Universe

Dragon Ball Wu Yao Qiankun Chapter 147

At this moment, the big king of life, but also because of the ban, the life is exhausted, and it is a dying edge!

(Four more, ask for a collection, ask for reward, seeking flowers, finally getting to the shelves, fourth !! Bao Shu five more, This is also the bottom five chapters? Dragon Ball QUN has built: **, I have an idea Can add QUN.)

Chapter 62, Willing Dynasty, Kings [1/5]

[New book, begging for custom, begging for the whole order, begging to reward! New book, first more! I hope that the book friends have strong support.

Although the vitality is almost all over, it is about to step into the edge of death.

It can look at the laughing of Baros, the big king is still a face, and the big face is hard to see: "Saiyan, what do you laugh?"

The laughter of the laughter of the laughter, pointed to the big king disdain. "This emperor smiled, you don't know the so-called, laugh, your big king is straight!"

The big king of the face, Barros said with himself, and said proudly and contempt: "In today's universe, in addition to having a few people, the emperor is the powerful, which is the mismuth Pugu Broken seal, this emperor has to pay attention to it. "

"The Saiyan family, now there is a legendary super-seizure, four ordinary super-seesers sitting in the town, enough to listen to the most peak race in the universe." Barros looked down on the big king: "This emperor plus the Saiyan family, the whole universe is no one can stop, and you ... do you think that the emperor and the Saiyan family will not be good?"

The words of Barroo, although it is proud, but there is no exaggeration.

Nowadays, the Saiyan family can be said to be unprecedented and powerful, and the strength of the Saiyan family is now in the universe.

Brolega's five super Saayans, such as Badaka, and Syasse, sitting on the Ziyan family, and there is also the strength of the universe of Barros.

Want to make the Saiyan family and Barros did not end, unless the destruction of the destruction in the sleep, or the more mysterious Music personally shot.

Otherwise, even if the frozen family is made, the monsters are broken.

Also think about the Saaya family and the Palodes to die.

The most important thing is that the Dawu Emperor of the Saiyan family, the Barrow before the big king.

As long as Barros is not dead, even if it is destroyed, Bobus and Visses can't completely overturn the Saayan family.

And, want to kill Barros, but it is not easy.

Even if you really let Barroo ruin the gods, and even facing more mysterious deeper.

Barros dares to say that there is absolutely to grasp the self-protection, you can leave the Dragon Ball World with free access to the world.

Except for the sneak attack, or when the hostility is revealed, the Barroo is also in an instant, otherwise it is not easy to remove him.

What's more, although Barrow has never been known to see what Moxity and Weilong in the sea in the sea.

However, since you dare to pay yourself, even if you are bad, you can protect him.

Therefore, Barrow's words of the big king, except for contempt, there was only a strong disdain.


At this time, the four kings in the big king and the land house, the east of the king of the east, and the hearts were also sigh.

The previous Barros said, why do they not know.

Just, now the four kings are all, the fruitful Dongjie Wang gods, the big king is also dead, their heart is not willing to kill their Parrow and Saayan family in their hearts.

Moreover, there is a little big king and has not yet, and there is no mistake.

The Saiyan life is limited, and hundreds of years is just a song between them.

After waiting until the Saiyan is dead, the big king of the mortality is dominated, and it can be easily sent to the reincarnation or thoroughly seal.

It can be said that if the big king and the four kings really retaliate, they may not interfere with the yang, but as long as the Barros life is coming, they can easily except all the Saiyans, let the sharpeners The family is renamed in the universe.

And the race is refurbished, all the Saiyan people are all, do you not have the ultimate?

What's more, the four kings and the east king of the east are very clear, that is still sleeping, destroying God, although named destroying God, in fact, there have been many evil generations of the universe.

Although the other party is still sleeping, it will definitely wake up for 50 years.

By then, this Saiyan is also at all.

Nowadays, I am relieved my four kings and big kings, the east industry king, but it is worth thinking, or the root is not thinking. In this fifty years, the Barrow is still in the original place.

In the 50th year of the king and the long-lived race, the bomb is not worthy of hind.

It's too long for the past five years, too long!

It is enough for a long enough, a diligent General Assassury, reaches the level of Super Saaya and even the Super Saiyan 2.

Barrow, is currently a strong universe. After fifty years, Bruce can be strong than Barros, no one can be estimated!


Looking at the stains of the big king, it seems that it is no longer for you.

Barros is cold and smile, and there is not much enough lip tongue.

During the shadow, Barrow has reached the big king!


Double boxing, Barrow is not moving, the big king is directly flying.

At the foot, Baros is like a shadow, and when you catch up with the big king of flying, the right hand lightning seizes the big king's arm, violently, and the big king that fly out is directly nearby. The ridiculous planet.

"Bang" is turned into the big king of the planet, and the back of the back is directly pulled out a huge pothole, the smoke is four, the figures of the Barou are across thousands of days, and the big king will steehed the big king. Vomit a blood.

The big king zui corner river, the wolf is very, I want to struggle, but why he seems to have a five-way mountain suppression in Xiong, which is not allowed to shake.

Looking at the big king tried to struggle, Barros smiled, double fingering fingertips to the big king, start flashing, representing the death of death.

(One more, ask for a collection, ask for reward, seek flowers, finally got to the shelves, first !! Bao Five. Today is a bit of spirit, I have finished early. Dragon Ball QUN has been built: **, I have the idea Add QUN.)

Chapter 63, Visse, how to answer [2/5]

[New book, begging for custom, begging for the whole order, begging to reward! The new book is put on the frame, the second is more sent! I hope that the book friends have strong support.

The big king is desperate closes his eyes.

When the moment of death comes, the big king is still difficult to calm.

A little golden light flashes, the four kings in the government and the east of the king of the East Town are urgent, but they want to help but have no way, they can only look at it.

Looking at the golden light is like a bloom in eternal.

Looking at the king of the big world, even if it is a struggling under the golden light, it will be killed by the damages.

However, when the four kings and the east king of the earth are unbearable.

Then, the golden light of the big king, but it seems that the millennium has fallen, and it has fallen to disintegrate it before the king is still falling.

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