Dragon Ball: Wuyao Universe

Dragon Ball Wu Yao Qiankun Chapter 148

When the Barrow response did not wait, he seems to have a feeling of looking toward the head of the sky.

Closed a big king, at this time, there seems to be blinded, looking to the vast universe star river.

In the universe, a colorful stream suddenly turned out, and immediately stopped behind the Barrow and the big king, just like it was just that.

Whether it is Barrow or the big king, it is clearly seen that the other party is with a very fast speed, across the stars.

In an instant, across thousands of stars! ! !

At this moment, even if you haven't seen it, you know what terrifications in the other party.

The Barros brow is picking up, and there is no longer a big trip to the big one, and the body is shaking from 100 meters. The double punch is a golden Huang color flame burning.

Although it has not been fully determined, Baros has guessing in the heart of Baros.

Because, the seven-color flow of light is transversely across thousands of stars, and it is very in line with the two in Barros Memory!


For short moments, the seven-color light curtain has not been dissipated. The breath of Barrow is more than three times more than the previous strength.

I am aware of the changes in Barros, and the big king is unwilling to use a pair of horrible blood eyes, knocking to Barrow.

Unexpectedly, even he didn't expect Barros, but did not have all efforts.

Although I don't know why Barros suddenly raise their own gas, the blood color in this moment of the world has also saved some.

He earlier, as long as he fights to show JINJI, he is afraid of Barrow, it is not a victory.

If you do this time, Baros, the big king knows that he will do everything, and it will be cheaper to have a little cheap in Barrow!

At this moment, a slightly laughed voice was passed into the ear of Barrow and the big king, and even the ear of all people who watched this scene: "Hey, look like, I am late!"

The colorful light curtain is exhausted, showing a hand-held stick, a high man of a silver, or says ... false mother.

The big king looked at the people, could not help but wrinkle.

But Barros see clear people, this has already mentioned the peak of the peak, and it will skyrocketing again.

"Ah? Why do you have so big?" The original pair of Visse, who felt behind the Big King, and immediately turned away: "Hey, it seems that you seem to know my existence, Sai Ja people!"

The sound has not fallen, and Versia has appeared in front of Barrow.

The void did not rise, there is no half of the residue.

Barros pupil, although he knew that Vissen is extremely horrible.

But I didn't expect him to be comparable to the strength of the Super Saiyan 2, and even when the other party appeared in front of himself, it was completely difficult to peak.

Transforming into a super-seizian, a indifferent Barrow is like the silver hair of the pseudo-mother, in addition to dignified, in the eyes, ready to leave the Dragon Ball Universe.

Viste is too strong, and it is unbearable and horrible.

In Barrow perceived, Visse is too ordinary, and ordinary seems to be a man who is a little longer.

After sinking for a moment, Parrow finally slowed down.

As soon as I was interested in this scene, Viston came to be interested, bending the waist to put the face on the door of Barrow: "The big king does not know how many years, know that my existence is not surprising. But you this Saia People can be more than twenty years old, I can know my existence, but I am very curious! "

"Tell, where did you know my existence?" Those Zui smiled in Zui, even a murderous and hostility, the alert in the heart of Cobs was more than the previous.

Although Vissen is not erased by him, Barrow has enough grasp of a life.

But Baros is equally clear that Versia absolutely has the ability to move him.

In the face of this is almost the first strong person in the universe, it is the only existence that can be eradicated in the moment, and Barrow is unprecedented.

However, in the issue of Vis, Barrow did not know how to answer.

In the memory, Dragon Ball Anime?

Silent, after a long time, there was a spiritual light flash in the Baros, a familiar memory.

The eyes have passed a light, Barrow slowly: "Mr. Vis, Mr. Vis and destruction god Biusi once went to Bergiita planet, the matter was shameful by Wangji Tita, this emperor I have seen the original image of the original! "

Decades, the destruction of God Bruce has come to Bergilta planet.

And step on the King of Begitta, enjoy a big dinner, this matter was shameful by Wangji Tita, knowing is very little, and it was all died in Flissa.

Can be interpreted by Barrow, but the most reasonable, Lianvis can't find a lot of vulnerabilities.

(Two more, ask for a collection, ask for a reward, seek flowers, finally get to the shelves, the second !! Bao Five more. Wait other three more, today guarantees no pit. Dragon Ball QUN has been built: **, I have an idea to add QUN.)

Chapter 64, Bark, Barrow [3/5]

[New book, begging for custom, begging for the whole order, begging to reward! The new book is put on the frame, and the third is more sent! I hope that the book friends have strong support.

Vissed looked at Barros, and the purple pupil was slightly flashing. No longer tangled and chase this matter.

Then, Vissen lightly covered ZUI, and it didn't matter, ", look like the Salas people left a deep impression on the Saaya!"

Barros flashed a weird color.

It was placed on the face, and the impression was not deep.

Vissed seems to have also seen Barros's mind, laughing, transferring the topic, said: "Just because the universe is interrupted, the blood is tumble to be a million, destroy thousands of stars, to the universe Revenge. Saiyan, you are not afraid to attract anger of the universe, is you annihilate directly? "

"Hey!" Barrow snorted, no opening, but his anger and not believe in his eyes, but it was revealed.

"Hey, it seems that you seem to know very well of the universe!" Vis Yin smiled, looking at the eyes of the universe, the opening: "This universe is dead, no interesting things have not appeared for a long time."

Barros is silent, I don't know what to say this.

Next moment, Vissen suddenly faced, a cold: "Saiyan, you should not kill the four big kings and the east king of Wang God! Although their life and death are not critical, but have no supervision, the universe must not It's just that it is now. "

"You can know that because of your move, you will make the whole universe happen, there is no supervision of the kings and the big king, once the universe is turbulent, will it be unhappy than Rusians?"

Destroy God, Bruce! !

Barros face, after the pupils have been drawn through a variety of light, forcibly set the heart, open the mouth: "So!"

The Vissen eyes flashed in the depth of the eyes and watched Barros for a long time. Viscoured: "I don't know why you have, but I am very curious!"

The sound of the sound landed, an unable to describe huge majesty in the disadvantage!

Visco does not care about the death of the four kings and the East Royal Wang God, and the thousands of stars are destroyed and hundreds of millions of life, and he is not careless.

Gao Gao's gods, will it be in the death of ants?

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