Dragon Ball: Wuyao Universe

Dragon Ball Wu Yao Qiankun Chapter 149

However, in this universe, it is too rare that there is too little thing that he is interested.

Compared with the antique life, Vis is more want to see, how is Barrow that relies on him, but it is just a dignity and is not afraid and half a fear.

Similarly, he is more curious ...


After in an instant, the entire starry sky was wrapped in the inexplicable momentum of Vis, which seems to be covered by the majesty of Visse.

Under this inexplicable gentle, no one can move, whether it is the upcoming big king, or the strength is in the peak period, the completion of the color has become a bit passion.

Barros can feel that there is more small and small in Vis, and how horror is compressed.

Both Barros thought that he had been cultivated through these years, it is already enough to force the universe, no fear.

Although it is definitely not in Bursus and Vis, the gap will not be greatly desperate.

But now, Barros finds that he is wrong, he didn't think of the gap between Vis and his own, even more than the gap between day and land.

At this time, it is enough to compare the Super Saiyan, or you can even kill the Devil's Wang Dapula's Barrow.

In front of Visteas, there is no difficulty in action.

Fear, weak, spread at this moment, constantly impact the invincible belief in Barrow.

Crazy, angry, not sweet.

Barros heart crazy roaring.

I am Barrow, is the entire universe star, Wanjie, and hundreds of millions of races, unique Barros!

This emperor, the heart has a big wish, willing to cover the wind and rain for the Saiyan!

This emperor, the trend of the sky, is willing to support the Saaya!

This emperor, the belief in the family, is the Saaya family to high, how can it be afraid because of a little momentum!

This emperor, no fear! Fear! !

Even if it is dead, the emperor will still stand dead, because this emperor is Barrow,

Maybe anger and unwillingness affect, the silence of the silence of the Barros began a silk jump.

It is followed by the belief that the eternal Saiyan family aggregates, began to be ignited with his anger and unwillingness in the Barrow, and wake up.

" !!"

Under the suppression of Viso's famous gentleness, it is a bit not able to maintain the Barrow of the super Saaya form, and the body surface suddenly burns the golden air of the golden colors again.

Next, Jin Huang color gantry grew the storm, shining golden light, became a different landscape of this empty universe.

Hyun gold hair started, Barros Green eyes seem to have a golden flame to be crazy burned.

That is an unyielding idea, it is a crazy war.


Looking at the Barrow, Visse, who was surrounded by Jin Huang colorure, was a bit surprised: "Ah? It seems to be strong!"

Then, the Vis purple pupil exploded a light: "I want to see, can you continue to become strong, your blood is really silent!"

In the moment, the wind is light, ordinary is like the generic people's Vis, suddenly showing endless momentum.

The horrible momentum swept, countless strength crazy surge spread, the entire universe starry seems to be at this moment, and the trembling of protests!

In addition to the starry sky, there are a dozen galaxy around the flight, under this momentum, was instantly flying ash.

No hope, despair, trembling.

Even if Barrow is in the heart of the Super Saaya. In this horror, it is enough to make the universe to move the momentum, and only feel the unprecedented deep despair.

(San, ask for a collection, ask for reward, seek flowers, finally get to the shelves, the third !! Bao Five more. Wait for two more, today guaranteed the pit. Dragon Ball QUN has been built: ** I have an idea to add QUN.)

Chapter 65, alarmed the universe, waking a short wake [4/5]

[New book, begging for custom, begging for the whole order, begging to reward! New book, the fourth is more sent! I hope that the book friends have strong support.

The Paros pin straight ting, as if the universe will not be bent under the body, because the horrible momentum of Visa began to tremble, the golden Huang color flame flashes burned, and it is a moment of collapse.

On the other hand, it is already in the big king of death, it is completely unique in this endless desperate momentum.

The momentum of Vis is too turmoil, too horrible.

In an instant, a starry sky was swept, including countless galaxies.

The quiet universe is boiling!

In the dark, there is a power to be difficult to describe, nearly 10,000 stars. At this moment, all the souls felt the horrible to the extreme, which is a fascination of Tianwei.

The momentum swept, countless creatures are swaying.

In the universe, many strong people who are close to this starry sky are horrified, but the will of the contest cannot be filed.

At this moment, those strong people trembled, and the half of the past is not visible.

Namik Star, Snow Seas and Xueceli, Badak, Parlanti feel the moment of momentum, and the completion of the face is very ugly!

The old elders are far away, seem to be infinite time and space.

But his vicissitudes, this moment, can't help but tremble.

Ordinary strong people don't understand, but as a long time, there is a great elder of Namox's genus, but it is very clear!

Such an immersive fluctuations must never be an ordinary power.

Similarly, the eyes flashed in the elders of Yin Mang, and also got a sight of the stars of Barros and Vis.

Although in the moment of seeing Vissence, the long-elders have broken blood.

However, the film is in the moment, but it is enough to make the old man to see everything.

Vis, destroying God Bruce, with the god servant!

Although the older did not know the true identity of Vis, he still learned the existence of Vissen from his memory.

Similarly, because of the existence of Vis, the old body trembling is more intense.

Although because of the true identity of Dusi, the old man is still not destroyed by Vissen.

It can also be very clear in the heart, behind the servant, the destruction of the destruction of the gods, is far from the so-called kings, the big king, the king of the world, can be comparable.

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