Dragon Ball: Wuyao Universe

Dragon Ball Wu Yao Qiankun Chapter 150

Kings, big king, king of Wang, a long time, have many people have completed the feat of the gods.

However, since the universe has been opened, it has been able to provocate the gods, but also can survive.

Through the endless void, looked at the goddess of the stars in the momentum, the old man is in the heart!

A Vis is unbearable, and the strength is inevitable.

Then, how is the horror of the destruction of God, and how it is?


Just when the old man is unordered, the heart is shocked.

"Ox!" A roar, Badak turned into a super Saaya's body, trembling the golden huang color flame of the meter of burning, and also started to sway, it seems to be extinguished at any time.

This is true of Badakak, and Xuece Ya and Xueceli naturally can't excera.

Just, furious, Xueze Ya and Xueceli, Badak, Palanti, look at the vast starry sky, the heart is not upset, it is upset.

Looking at the direction of the momentum, the embarrassment of Xuece Ya's face: "Barros !!"

In contrast, maybe a mother and child, the connection in the meditation.

At this time, Xuecean seems to have everything that happens in the aerial air.

Not very clear, but it is clear that it may be associated with Barrow!


Depth of the universe.

A strange continent, a giant tree.

Bruce that is sleeping is suddenly feeling, and he opened his eyes.

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Yes, weak!

For Barrow, it seems to be desperate abyss.

In the eyes of Brews, only weak.

Davided the realm of God, I have already washed the ultimate sublimation of lead China.

The momentum is not used by the momentum.

If it is not today, I suddenly detected that Vissen's momentum is temporarily awakened. Bruce even forgot what the momentum is.

Shake it down, Bruce opened ZUI, horted yawning, and the body slipped directly to his place to lying.

Although I don't know why I've ever sorted so much, Bruce can guess it. Maybe it is Vis to find food, I have encountered an unknone of an eye in a planet. If you don't want to shoot, you will release the momentum of the momentum.

The Bruce of this kind of thing has already known a few words, so it will not delay his sleep because of this boring thing! !


In the stars, in this, the desperate moment, there is no time to retreat at this point, inability to cooperate.

The body shakes like the Barrow, the sieveful belly, and suddenly row a bright light in the depths of the eyes.

~ ~ !

Dareful heartbeat, in this universe space of this sound, there is no half of the universe space.

A sound, like the heartbeat of the drums, from the Barros.

It is a loud life that has a light smile, and it is constantly oppressed the Visse of Barros.

I am a little strange, some is inexplicably, but it seems that Xiong is general, full of strategic smiles, and begins to appear on his face.

(Four more, ask for a collection, ask for a reward, seek flowers, finally get to the shelves, fourth !! Bao Five. Wait still one more, today guarantees no pit. Dragon Ball QUN has built: **, I have an idea to add QUN.)

Chapter 66, Battle, Battle, Which War

[New book, begging for custom, begging for the whole order, begging to reward! New book, first more! I hope that the book friends have strong support.

In the stars, the Paros Zui corner involved a hint.

He didn't expect that his own crazy returned, which would lead to Vissen to be horrible to the ultimate character.

In the face of the magnificent Saixing River, Barroo caught an unprecedented crisis, a two difficult choices were in front of him! !

What is the strength of Vis, only is difficult to sustain the super-Saaya shape by his momentum sweep, and it is enough to see it!

Barros did be very high as well, but also fear everything.

It can be facing Vis, Barros only left two options, or retreat, or war.

The strength of Wars, the strength of Vissen is unspeakable. Even the destruction of God can easily uniform, even if Barros is, it is definitely not an opponent.

Retreat, as the god of the gods, Barros can be refunded, but it will never be retired.

And the result of the war, in fact, it also means death.

However, it is the two choices that are unprecedented to choose to make Barrow difficult to decide.

Vis' s impaired, but it has been selected for Barrow.

This battle, perhaps with ovary stone, self-in power.

This battle, maybe life and death, life is not your own.

However, Barroo still chose a battle, dressed, and Wiis handed over!

This is a stupid idea, and it is also the least inexpensive choice.

But Barros understands that if the so-called reason is not war, then he would rather choose the road to death in the eyes of outsiders.

Because he is the Shenwu Dad, he is a unique Barrow, which is the universe of the Sky, and he is a Saiyan family, he overlooks the universe star river, proud of the sky.

Nice, stupid, what is it like?

He has a war, fight and retreat, in fact, he has a choice.

When the war is ignited, the blood is boiling, Barros deciduously chooses and Wesin!

Bell, crazy.

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