However, the flat headed man didn't think so much at this time. Although he didn't want to kill an innocent person, he wouldn't offend Luo Tianpeng.

So he can only say sorry about it!


In the same way, the most vicious Feng Yan fist goes straight to the other party's throat. Since you have to do it, let the other party suffer less!

But the next moment, the flat headed man's face suddenly changed!

The opponent's seemingly ordinary punch, when swung halfway, suddenly accelerated!

And the speed is so fast that it can't be described. It's like an instant transfer!

When he wanted to retreat, it was too late.


He was punched in the chest, like being hit by a big truck, and his whole body was like a broken string kite, shooting towards the rear.

Bang hit the wall seven or eight meters away and didn't fall immediately. Instead, it stagnated on the wall for several seconds before it fell to the ground with a thud.

Everyone is stupid.

The air was as silent as death.

There are two reasons why they are so surprised. First, how did the seemingly understated punch blow the flat head master away?

What surprised them most was the second reason. After the flat headed man was hit and flew, it was reasonable to say that he should fall immediately when he hit the wall, but just now his body was pasted on the wall for several seconds, and then he fell slowly!

"Qin he, you fucking did it on purpose, didn't you?"

Luo Tianpeng shouted angrily. He is also a martial artist and knows the strength of the flat head man. Therefore, in his opinion, the flat head man must have deliberately lost.


The flat headed man suddenly ejected a lipstick of blood from his mouth.

This time he ignored Luo Tianpeng, an idiot, but struggled to get up and looked at Ye Wuji's eyes without any resentment or anger.

Instead, he was excited and said, "brother, can you leave a contact information?"

"Sorry, I don't like dealing with unfamiliar people."

Ye Wuji responded faintly. After that, he turned and left, and his body soon disappeared into the dark.

"Fuck, Qin he, you're fucking evil, aren't you? Hurry up. Today I have to let that boy......"

Luo Tianpeng was furious and continued to shout.

"Luo Shao, I didn't mean to lose to him just now. That's all for it. You should be glad that the man didn't kill just now!"

But this time, the flat headed man didn't be polite to him anymore. After saying something indifferently, he went straight to his car.

"Dad, I met a man just now. His kung fu may help us solve that matter."

The bald man dialed a number.

"What kind of person? What's the level of his kung fu?"

The other end of the phone replied.

The flat headed man gently breathed out a breath and slowly said five words, "beating people is like hanging a picture!"

Beating people is like hanging pictures.

Only those who practice Kung Fu to a certain level can know what these five words mean.

When he hit the fist just now, the force went straight through his back and continued. Therefore, when he hit the wall, he was still impacted by the force, so his body fell slowly after sticking to the wall for a few seconds.

Few people have reached this level!

However, this matter is not worth mentioning for ye Wuji. He did hit the punch at will just now, and only used 20% of his strength. Just because the man didn't look like a traitor, he didn't kill them all.

"I didn't expect you to know kung fu!"

At this time, Lin Jing looked at Ye Wuji's two eyes full of small stars.

At the beginning, she looked down on Ye Wuji and thought he was an irresponsible man.

But later, after some things, Lin Jing began to look at Ye Wuji slowly, but she didn't expect that this man was still a treasure boy and would always surprise her.

"Why don't I take you as my teacher and teach me Kung Fu so that I don't have to be afraid of hooligans in the future!"

Lin Jing is like a little fan at this time. Her eyes looking at Ye Wuji are full of worship.

"No, you look very safe. Hooligans have to give up when they see you."

Ye Wuji laughed and joked that although Lin Jing always had no good words when she saw him, ye Wuji never got angry and especially liked the girl's straightforward and free character.

"Fuck you, who are you scolding? Miss Ben is very beautiful. Do you understand and appreciate it?"

Lin Jing turns her eyes back.

At this time, ye Wuji suddenly found something wrong.

Zhao Dali has been following behind the two people without saying a word from beginning to end, which is not in line with his character.

He quickly turned his head and saw Zhao Dali's eyes dull and expressionless. His walking movements were very stiff, just like a robot.

"Dali, what's the matter with you?"

Lin Jing asked suspiciously.

But Zhao Dali, as if he hadn't heard it, still walked forward with dull eyes.

"What is he doing?"

Ye Wuji has never encountered this situation and is confused.

"I don't know. He..."

Just as they were talking, there was a dull noise in front of them.

Ye Wuji and Lin Jing suddenly stared with surprise.

Zhao Dali ran into an electric pole head-on!

What's more strange is that after Zhao Dali fell to the ground on his back, there was still no movement. His eyes stared round, and his legs and hands still maintained the posture when walking, just like a sculpture.

"Energetically, energetically?"

Lin Jing reached out to shake, but Zhao Dali was still motionless, but the other party's heartbeat and breathing were normal.

"What's the matter with him?"

Lin Jing began to worry. Ye Wuji next to her was also confused. She had never met such a situation before.


Just then, Lin Jing's phone suddenly rang.

"No, it's my father's phone!"

Lin Jing was so anxious that she stamped her feet, but she still connected the phone.

"Quiet, how are you getting along with Xiao Zhao?"

Lin Dalong asked with a smile on the other end of the phone. Zhao Dali is the son of his old comrade in arms, and he has always liked Zhao Dali, so Lin Dalong has been looking forward to his daughter being with Zhao Dali.

"I just got in touch. I still need to understand later... Dad, something seems to have happened to Dali."

Lin Jing knew that this matter weighed heavily and dared not hide it. She quickly told Zhao Dali about the situation at this time.

But unexpectedly, after listening to Lin Dalong, he not only didn't panic, but laughed on the other end of the phone, "it's okay, normal, he just crashed."


Lin Jing is confused.

Lin Dalong explained with a smile, "when Dali was young, his head was squeezed by the gate. Later, every time he encountered something exciting, his brain would crash intermittently. It's normal."

After hearing this, Lin Jing breathed a sigh of relief. "How long does he have to crash? You can't let him lie on the ground all the time."

"It's no spectrum. Sometimes it's a few minutes, sometimes it's several days. The longest crash lasted more than a week."

"In this way, you try to say something to him that can stimulate his nerves, so that he can restart."

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