Nerve stimulation?

Lin Jing and ye Wuji look at each other. They don't know what words can stimulate Zhao Dali.

"Pick up the money, pick up the money, the money fell from the sky!"

Lin Jing shouted at Zhao, the driver.

But Zhao Dali had no reaction at all.

"You won the lottery!"

"Your wife has a baby!"

"Here comes the beauty!"

"Dry dinner!"



Lin Jing tried dozens of methods, and her lips were dry, but Zhao Dali's eyes were still dull and motionless, and she continued to be a driver.

"What should I do? What words can stimulate him!"

Lin Jing was so anxious that she stamped her feet. Although her father said that it was normal for Zhao Dali to crash, she couldn't let him lie here all the time.

Ye Wuji was also a black line in his forehead. When he was at a loss, he suddenly thought of something and shouted at Zhao Dali, "you are a little earthworm!"


Hearing this, Zhao Dali suddenly a carp overturned, blushed and said, "nonsense, you are a small earthworm, mine is a python!"

As he spoke, he turned to look at Lin Jing and explained seriously, "quietly, my is really not small, but this boy's is too big."

Lin Jing's face turned red. "Well, if you're okay, that's great. It's getting late. Why don't you go back to Nanjiang first."

"Well, you can go back and have a rest early. Remember to come to Nanjiang to play with me. I'll take you to my mine to dig gold."

Zhao Dali drove his extended Hummer away. When he got on the highway, he suddenly thought of something and patted his head, "madder, why did I crash just now?"

Every time Zhao Dali crashes, there will be brief intermittent amnesia, that is to say, he won't remember why he crashed for a period of time.

"I think this big man is pretty good. Why don't you think about it?"

On the way to send Lin Jing back, ye Wuji smiled while driving.

Although I had my first contact with Zhao Dali today, ye Wuji had a good impression of this big man. He liked his simple and honest strength, and he was also a man with chivalrous spirit.

"Come on, this man can be a friend, but he's not my type."

Lin Jing replied with a smile that she was not disgusted with Zhao Dali.

"What do you like?"

Ye Wuji asked with a smile.

Lin Jing smiled, but did not speak. She just inadvertently turned her head and glanced at Ye Wuji's side eyes.

"Daughter in law, I'm back."

Ye Wuji came home. As soon as he opened the door, he saw Xia Wanxin sitting on the sofa unhappily, looking distressed.

"What's the matter? Have you met anything unhappy?"

Ye Wuji hurried over and said with concern.

Xia Wanxin sighed gently, "today is the first day of the industrial park. I didn't expect it to be so bad."

"What happened?"

Ye Wuji hurriedly asked.

Xia Wanxin looked depressed and told the story roughly.

Today is the first day of the industrial park project. Xia Wanxin personally directed the construction team and relevant mechanical materials to enter the construction site.

Because many machines belong to heavy vehicles, they can't pass through the urban roads. They have to detour and enter from a small road in the suburbs.

On that path, the construction team saw a travel bag on the road blocking the way, so they got off and moved the travel bag to the roadside.

Unexpectedly, a large group of people suddenly sprang out of the nearby forest. They said that the travel bags were filled with antique vases. Now they have been broken and need compensation.

The price was ridiculously high. Xia Wanxin certainly didn't agree. As a result, these people began to smash without saying a word.

Not only smashed many construction equipment, but also injured many workers. This happened on the first day of construction, so Xia Wanxin felt particularly depressed.

"It's obvious to touch the porcelain."

Ye Wuji frowned and said, "did you report to the official?"

Xia Wanxin said with a bitter smile, "I've reported it, but it's useless. At most, those little gangsters go in and squat for a few days, but if they make trouble like this every day, they can't do the job."

Ye Wuji pondered for a moment and said, "well, you send grass to school tomorrow morning. I'll take the engineering team in. I'll see who ate bear heart and leopard courage. Even my daughter-in-law dares to provoke."

"Is that all right?"

Xia Wanxin was worried and said, "those people are vicious. They are not good people at first sight. Why don't we think of other ways."

Ye Wuji said with a smile, "don't worry, I know. I'll help you get things done tomorrow."

The next day, ye Wuji got up early in the morning and headed for the construction site with the construction team and machinery.

"Brother ye, we had an accident at the front corner yesterday."

Said the project manager sitting on the co driver.

Ye Wuji often goes to the company, has a good relationship with the employees in the company, and everyone knows him.

Sure enough, when the vehicle drove to the front corner, several washbasin sized stones blocked the way.

On a roadside lawn sat seven or eight gangsters, drinking beer and playing poker.

"Yesterday was them!"

The project manager recognized the people at a glance.

Ye Wuji glanced at those people through the window and said faintly, "ask some workers to move the stone."

The project manager hesitated and did as ye Wuji said. He called several workers to move the stones in front.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

As soon as the hands of the workers touched the stone, the small gangsters suddenly Hula around.

"Grass Mud Horse force, who let you move my stone?"

First, a gangster with red hair shouted.

The project manager hurriedly said, "brother, these stones are blocking the road. We can't get through."

"Who the fuck is your brother? It's none of my business if you can't get through!"

The red haired gangster said impatiently, "anyway, I don't care. If anyone dares to touch my ancestral stone today, I'll cut off his hand!"

The project manager is at a loss. They know that these gangsters really dare to do it. The workmates who were injured by them yesterday are still lying in the hospital.

At this time, ye Wuji opened the door and walked over. He said faintly, "what do you want to do to move the stone?"

The red haired gangster glanced at Ye Wuji obliquely, spread out his palm and said, "well, take five million and sell these stones to you."

Several project managers nearby suddenly changed their faces when they heard this number.

A few broken stones are priced at $5 million. What's the difference between this and robbery?

But they also dare to be angry. Yesterday, because they said a few more words, these little gangsters rushed up.

"I think five million is too little. I don't want to add more to you?"

Ye Wuji suddenly opened his mouth lightly.

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